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Posts posted by geradgerard

  1. oh cool.. seems like your a Class B kinda guy too... i finished my other team a while ago. and its 3 snips, draco, and sage. ima kinda more of a sniper or Class A kinda guy. now that i finished my latest H5 run i can concentrate on making my horsemen variant team. the only Class B character i have is one Beserker on my first team.. >_>

  2. you know, meteor. i've never actually seen your other teams. i've only fought your All the Kings team and i saw a vid where you changed two units to sniper and bishop. what are your other teams? or is it a secret!? O_O and you won't give out intel on the rest of your arsenal??

  3. great job, Sylvan. i got like 1700 battles on me. ima catch up to you someday! >_<

    by any chance have you fought some guy called RoyM with all his teams named "----------"? i was having a heck of a hard time at first. at first he was using gravity? O_o? sickest way to use it though. had Jake, Beck, and Merric. and then draco with boots and regular paladin. stats were good except for the Hp of the ballisticians. man, forged pachedyrm does enough to half a sniper's hp! my sniper team kept getting killed as i couldnt reach him at all. crits saved my butt on those matches. also kinda annoying that all his teams were the same name so i couldnt tell what i was facing and how to deal maneuver. i went like 10 matches with the guy! >_<

  4. yeah man those are nice. most of the old times have high skl so the others are really helpful. that 1% crit btw is great. helped me out on a few chapter of my speed PT. something you also might want to put for that is the hit rate. it seems fairly really low as i think i've gotten it at like 66 before.

    are any of you guys doing anything with the new times? any new teams? things have really died down...

  5. i wanna have equal standings with you guys! >_<

    i haven't used the online stuff for my first two chapters. and i RNG abused just for a crit on the Ch2 boss. i'll probably do it for the Ch3 boss too. and whenever i warp ima probably warp merric and crit the boss for the kill. you know if you think about it. you could 1 turn warp more than half the game cause theres like 28 warp uses and then lena can hammerne the uses. 1 turn warping Medeues might be a pain though from being underleveled.

  6. k thanks. i didnt want to cause braves are really cheap. and with Clock abuse i can literally make everyone of my attacks a crit. >_>

    the only reason ima actually doing a low turn count is cause its on my DS. if it was on my computer or some console game like the wii then i don't think i'd have the drive to them that long. with a handheld i can play whenever. =]

  7. thanks for the team idea. it seems pretty similar to what i had in mind.

    i don't want to look at Int's log too much! i read his Ch1 log and i used his idea of using jagen on a fort... i had no idea jagen could even reach the fort in the middle... i don't wanna copy Int so i probably won't look at it much. maybe to compare turns but thats it.

    and how about online stuff? can i buy braves? or at least master seals? ima guessing i can't. and can i RNG abuse or clock abuse? whether i can or cannot will really affect the count.

  8. so i've been having a real fun time playing H5. i've beaten it like 3 times already and on my latest run i kept everyone alive, got falchion, didn't use Sedgar/Wolf, didn't class change, didn't use any online features, and didn't AA/BA/RNG abuse. so i think i know H5 pretty well now... but on that run i got like a 624 turn count! i already beat the first two chapters and i think got a pretty good count. but before i get too into it i wanna know if theres anything i should or shouldn't be doing. like is Sedgar/Wolf ok? can i RNG abuse/Clock abuse? should i be keeping a log too?

    if anyone's curious i beat Ch1 in 16 turns and Ch2 in 11.. i was kinda just using everybody except maybe draug cause he couldn't keep up. so i want to plan my team early before i start doing some major drops. i just remembered now... should i be going to the gaiden chapters too?

  9. I finally got a hang for this stuff! =]

    also for that 00:05 time. My Pala!Minerva gets spd at 20 spd. it might be due to dynamic growths but she's been getting spd for the past couple of levels. just thought i should say point that out.

    and for the 22:37 time. uhh Maria gets luck every other level.. so i'd assume the luck would be somewhere over 75, if it helps.

  10. wats 5:30 eastern for people in pacific? is that like 8:30 or 3:30 for us?

    well i dont think ima doing anything anyways but i don't wanna be late.

    today's Friday the 18th. so tourney is tomorrow right? how about the brawl thing? maybe you could update the first page with a few stuff?

  11. darn.. well i know i cant make it to the tournament with the braves but i can still make it to this week's. i can still make it to the first one though! ^_^ and the brawlll.

    seems that no matter what, everyone will at least be able to play two matches since its a double elimination. i just hope i can make it past that then...

  12. i would like to join too. =]

    but i dont have a team without forges. can i just drop them on my first turn? i have the legendary weapons + swarm as back-up weapons for my team. besides that i just hope my team isn't too RNG abused for some of the other people here. like i got 30 def pala and max mag SM? i only have 25 stats capped though. so ok? :3?

  13. i just played chapter 25 and was having some trouble remembering the path of the falling rocks. Maybe a little section showing the path would help. and also chapter 23. maybe something that shows where the pit falls are.

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