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Everything posted by Quickpawmaud

  1. I gave my mages rings to boost their magic or steel shields to boost their defense they have high resistance already. Also the archers in this game I either got really unlucky with or suck the only good one I have is Tobin both Python and Leon can't do much. Python never hits and Leon never doubles and almost never hits. I gave them good bows too they just do not perform.
  2. I made valbar a dreadfighter just to do a loop and get some speed and instead I am keeping him there he take NO DAMAGE from anything. Barons are terrible. Although I did find a shield that halves all magic damage in the dlc so I may decide to use that on a baron instead but then he would do less damage where as a dread fighter he could have a brave sword and do the same thing. I also found an emperors shield which is absolutely worthless. I think it is supposed to increase your resistance (says it does on the wiki) but it doesn't and weighs more than a steel shield and is worse.
  3. The first two suggestions would be fine but the problem is dread fighters get that stupid skill to halve all magic damage so in order to make armored guys good you have to nerf dread fighter too. I do not understand why dread fighters get 7 movement, resistance boost, and half all magic damage. Cavaliers just get movement I think and barons get nothing.
  4. The movement overall seems much shorter than fire emblem. Are the maps a lot smaller?
  5. Are they better than in Valentia? I think Valentia knights are probably the worst class but there is not much competition and certain things can make them good enough. Although I did not think they were the worst until this discussion. What is the percentage on movement growth anyway how would that even work?
  6. Well I am new to the forums not sure how strict the rules are. It is on topic for Armored Knights but offtopic for Valentia. I added Armored Knight tag I think that fixes it.
  7. Yes but am really scared of eclipse getting mad at me for going off topic too much.
  8. I assume it is a much more hardcore game than the newer fire emblems? I have been hesitant to try the older fire emblems as they seem brutally difficult and without any grinding spots to level up. I am fairly bad at video games.
  9. It says 2019 do you know the release date? Or has it just not been announced yet?
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/app/694770/Vestaria_Saga/ Is this it? I have never heard of it sounds interesting though.
  11. Oh ok I guess I took the opposite to what he meant on accident. That makes more sense.
  12. I never really used Virion much what is even good about him? I know he has archer and like wyvern rider or something.
  13. It just seems like generals will always be a niche class that is only good in certain areas. They better give generals something in 3 houses.
  14. I could see them being much better with the 5 movement. Have yet to get the rare weapons so not sure about those. Meant awakening sorry.
  15. Sorcerer was the best class because of nosferatu. Which neither Virion nor Donnel have access to.
  16. Everyone was op in Awakening because of the second seals and skills letting you get insanely high stats and making growth rates not as important. Donnel had a poor class selection because they overlapped giving him fewer possible skills but his growths were amazing because of aptitude which is not that great when you can level infinitely.
  17. Whatever man pavise aegis generals were the best defensive units I know of. With rightful king and luna it is even better. In fates they had the skill to not get doubled which was great as well.
  18. I mean they were terrible in comparison to the overpowered galeforce shit but they were still the most powerful generals in fire emblem history as everyone was op in awakening. One of my favorite units ever was Kjelle I also liked the knights in fates too. I paired them with flyers to fly into the choke points right away and put mages behind them.
  19. I mainly give them shields anyway. I save the lances for cavaliers and pegasus knights.
  20. I just had an idea is it worth making Kliff a dread fighter? Most people say to make him a mage, cavalier, or archer. He has high resistance though and if mages are super problematic he would be the ultimate mage killer right?
  21. If I could figure out how to like a post I would like your post. That is a very well constructed argument. I would never use knights on Celica's route though just because of the terrain.
  22. I found them really useful in this game because the effective damage is nerfed heavily compared to awakening and fates. It takes sometimes 3 turns to die to an archer.
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