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Dr. C

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Everything posted by Dr. C

  1. I think more than how "good" and how "bad" a drawing is very moot where tech is concerned. I mean with hand drawn, there's a lot more layers of technique, medium, etc. Computer drawing is extremely mouse precise. There is a program on www.hamsterrepublic.com (yes that's an actual site) iIt is predominant game sprite creation but the ability to use a keyboard in tandem with a mouse where spacebar is your keyboard "click" and easy palette swapping can lend itself to some really lend itself to some very detailed digital art if you can screenshot it. Map mode is where things get really interesting because they abandon palette in favor of tile slowing for very colorful and beautiful mosaics where you can put intimate details into individual titles to make some really lush grass, waters, etc. I think the most important thing is consistency which is the big positive I see here. There's a distinct style and flair that stays across each image overall and my only "negative" critique would be that shading would be a game changer in terms of upping your game but that's a matter of your stylistic goals vs. realism. Also... Soren fanboy here when you get around to it!
  2. I'm happy for you. High Functioning is a fickle beast where technology is concerned. Also, my brain moves faster than my mouth and hands causing causing it to sound like I have stutter and look like I can't type to save my life. That also makes things very bad with tech.
  3. Ugh... Well gg. Good suggestion but unfortunately it is a conversation with a certain relative to get my damn passwords to get a reddit app. im just going to sign up a free phone i did find away around it from just focusing in the juju aspect of it. The spiritual side of jujus is two people touching the same thing are spiritually tied to the item. Funnily enough it reads like quantum entanglement. So a juju soaked in the blood of an entire tribe killed by genocide and one man killing them is going to put one heck of a hex on someone. I can't believe I have a story where the main characters are children and one of their adult antagonists is choking on the blood of a Nigerian tribe... then again I've already got a kid whose father would take him with him to concerts at gay clubs who is straight and traumatized but hates Christiantiy because his father found Jesus and decided that taking his son to bars and getting too drunk to parent him properly and stuffing his face with ice cream to keep him happy is bad parenting and essentially banishes his son to suburb so he can grow up a normal kid whiteout his father in his life except one day a year and concerts he generally chooses not to attend. I've got a kid who is 14 and was molested and abuse day a deranged priest in an orphanage. (Darker still was that this sicko was actually a member of the antagonists and was doing specifically to psychologically break him and steal his hopes and dreams) ive ve got a girl who was kidnapped by human traffckers when she was 8. and we have a guy who was traumatized when his parents got divorced over his father sending his olde rbrother to a gay conversion therapy camp where his son got turned into a monster and tried to kill him only to get killed by someone else. Ive got a cancer rsurvivor and a girl with a dead mother... Yeah you know what... The guy choking on blood is pretty tame.
  4. I feel like I didn’t make it clear I meant Path of Radiance. Radiant Dawn has character development problems and mainly due to having two whole maps dedicated to developing her character, she is actually pretty well developed compared to other new characters in that game.
  5. I was trying to play the law of averages of one Nigerian being in Serenesforest... guess the averages aren’t on my side
  6. So I am working on a story and one of the characters is a Nigerian who has been granted eternal youth by a magic bell called the Eternal Bell. His father was a powerful practitioner of the dark arts in the pagan religion of the area that tried to fight back against big oil barons by casting hexes and curses on them which the character resents him for and thinks his father is a warlock. i want this to be as culturally authentic and accurate as possible and not take the easy way out with fictional spirituality because Ken Siro-Wiwa is close to my heart and I want to honor the Nigerian people with an accurate portrayal and representation of their future. i am half white half Korean domain outnof my cultural breadth and while google gives me general understanding of wars fought and juju in general. Specifics on Agbassa juju spirituality are impossible to find.
  7. Let me clarify. There are three kinds of slaves. There is a slave who is bound for a lifetime. There is a slave that is bound until a debt is paid but since the people under this kind of arrangement are usually poor the amount of time is quite prolonged m. Devdan would be this category because his guard duty is in payment of a debt but he is not getting substantial wages for his service.. This is so contentious that there are abolitionists debate prison indentured labor as legalized slavery but the suspension of civil rights in prison is what most use to justify it. The third kind is in Jewish Law, the bondservant which is a slave who, after working off the debt, pledges himself to his master BY CHOICE to his master because he lives his master and his household. People with bondservants were highly respected because it was a testament to being humane to your servants. While not relevant here, I feel it is necessary to fully understand the nature of slavery as a whole.
  8. What I mean is they don't have much of a motivation from a plot stamdpoint. Doing it for money is all well and good but it does not differentiate themselves from say Beowolf and Farina as examples. It could fit into any Fire Emblem myths but when I say ensemble I mean plot relevant reasons for joining that fit with the mythos of the story.
  9. In the real world you have the Irish slavery awareness movement which is this group of people that are essentially of Irish descent and want to talk about the segregation they dealt with in Europe as well as their exile to North America alongside African slaves. Now you take a black man and throw him in the world where he is now the token beorc slave in a world of laguz slavery and suddenly... the role of the token Irish slave will he played by a dark skinned man! I will always maintain that Path of Radiance has one of the best ensemble casts where almost every character feels like they have a reason for joining and has real motivations except for Calill, Largo and to a lesser extent, Illyana. With all factions represented Devdan plays a interesting role not only as dark skinned character in a light skinned human cast but also the sole representation of human slavery in the game. I think it’s kind of beautiful when a dark skin character can fill out the role of Martin Luther King’s Speech about being all about the content of his character.
  10. So I’m writing up this blog series called a “Dub off” which is essentially watching Cloverway fun of Sailor Moon and the Viz version and making notes of which dub is better. I love reading the comments online about how awful the cousin censorship was and like to overlook one thing about Viz... THE VOICE ACTING OF THE VIZ SAILOR SENSHI ARE TERRIBLE Just making a concise list here Moon-Hate her Mars and Mercury-so generic I can’t even identify the two EDIT forgot Jupiter Viz Actor is okay and non offensive but Susan Roman stays queen. Venus-Better than Cloverway worse than DiC... does that make it a... half win? Uranus and Saturn- Uranus is overall pretty similar and Hotaru I need to listen to more but overall I have no complaints so those are ties... Neptune-A matter of personal taste. The voice actor in the Cloverway dub had a particularly serene and motherly vocal inflection that made her sound really mature and elegant. The Viz and Japanese present her as elegant but subtly snobby and arrogant. Preferred personality is kind of the game here. Chibiusa/Rini-Viz wins... how hard was it to cast the voice actor of a little girl that didn’t sound annoying in the 99s? Lots of shows had that problem back then though so I can’t blame Cloverway but as a Canadian, having to endure Sugar everyday after school on The Zone and watch this dub makes it SO MUCH WORSE because you KNOW she put ZERO EFFORT into her voice acting. Secondly, product of its time might seem “weak” but it’s true. No way children’s television networks are going to piss off parents and thus advertisers with an overtly lesbian couple when DIC has marketed it as the little girl equivalent of Power Rangers. Cloverway got handed a really awkward bag in the first place. Thirdly, English fans need to stop holding Japanese parents on a pedestal and thinking they were so much more accepting. Sailor Moon SS and its gross departure from the Manga by all but excluding Uranus and Neptune was because of parental backlash. If you want to rag on an English dub company for censoring an entire season then fair is fair. It’s time to pull those little halos off of Japanese heads. You can say what about Zoisite but he was a VILLAIN and an ADULT. Being evil and gay scares little girls from the perils of homosexuality is not a hard extrapolation to make. So yeah... stop doing that. Fourthly, Sailor Moon S is a dark season and the much needed levity from the unintentional comedy of trying so hard to dub away the lesbian that they accidentally created cousin on cousin incest is in my opinion, actually a breath of fresh air for the show. Now by no means am I saying I’m okay with the censorship. But things get really bleak here so when I can sit there and go... “Cloverway made them say what now? BWAHAHA”, I mean given the choice between my sexual orientation being represented and the gift of meta humor that keeps on giving, I will take exclusion and a belly full of laughs but that is just me. I appreciate the humor however accidental the Cloverway dub brings. Finally the minor alterations made outside of the cousins thing do make sense from a consumer. In one episode British people were redubned as French because English speaking people just aren’t going to appear exotic to Americans and no way are American parents going to find drunk Serena funny when their kids are watching that stuff. The end result is you have a dub with a generally superior voice acting cast that can get a bit kooky at times and you have a dub that as an inferior voice acting cast that stays faithful to the dub. If we are going to keep an open mind here then let me give you a sneak preview of my blog... Which dub do you watch? The answer is you should watch certain episodes in Viz and certain episodes in Cloverway to have the best viewer experience possible. When Viz is better it is usually MUCH BETtER and when Cloverway isn’t worse it’s BETTER. The issue is how adversely the censorship affects the dub. In other words, the two are like Sin and Cosine on a graph in quality of entertainment to me which I find hilarious. If you are LGBTQ like myself I understand the beef with censorship truly I do. If it upsets you that much then by all means, go full Viz. My heart goes out to you but my ears (OMG that voice actor for Sialor Moon is TERRIBLE! MAKE IT STOP!) just happen to hurt a little more.
  11. I will say that I don’t begrudge LGBTQ people for ill will towards the church. I wish them nothing but the best in life and I wish nothing but healing for their broken hearts. I encourage forgiveness and understanding but I have my fair share of trust issues with the church. The issue is not whether or not the pain is justified but what you do with it. Feeding the beast does not make you a healthier and happier person. I went to very dark places that I really only left when I chose forgiveness. Many ex Christians think that forgiveness is an excuse to let injustice slide but it’s not about letting people do bad things. It’s about not letting them do worse to you. The person forgiven never get a more out of it than the person who forgives not even close. My point is simply don’t play the game of pin the tail on the bigoted Christian. Don’t ask loaded and rhetorical questions and don’t misrepresent people for more than what they are. I had to make a hard decision about associating with a. Friend people called sexist and racist. He was a young White man rejected by white girls and accused of homosexuality because of his nasally voice. He despised white women. But he was also very generous and treated me to dinners, was one of the only people to make me feel fully comfortable about my ethnic heritage. He honored my right to be white around white people and only mentioned my Korean heritage when praising it. To be clear he didn’t “buy” my friendship or flatter me. He was very sincere in his appreciation of me so much so that I stood between him and a bunch of white gangbangers when he said something stupid and I talked them down from beating the shot out of him. i told them that he was young and stupid and that if they wanted to beat him for what he said to beat me up instead and they walked away. At a certain point, the good has to weigh out the bad.
  12. Then why do people insist on asking the obvious? The clear objective of the game is pin the bigotry on the Christian and I have no intention of playing. If you are an atheist asking this question when the answer is UH DUH! What nuances am I overlooking here? What possible positive intent is derived from asking Christians that question? There is no way that I have thought of to take the passive aggressive BS out of this kind of behavior.
  13. I don’t. But the brush strokes pretty broad when someone insists on asking “Why do you oppose gay marriage?” As I’ve said before, hiding malicious intent behind a rhetorical question is a game of plausible deniability that I will not play and I will not have the issue of my sexual orientation being turned into an exercise in mental masturbation. It’s not even the doing it’s the denial that gets to me. i will not be represented by liars. That aside, I’m not out to vilify secular people. It’s a very simple tactical decision to provoke snakes to bite. If those specific people want to speak to me they have to abandon the words they abuse or they are no ally of mine. If you're mildly bothered by this then the tactic succeeds in separating you from the chaff.
  14. Yoda once said fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering so I do agree that in a very roundabout way homophobia can mean what you say. But semantically it is extremely counterintuitive. It’s kind of like feminists claiming they are egalitarian even though fem is in the root. I prefer anti-gay. It’s much more accurate but in conversations where my preferred term is not common I abstain from using it in consideration of not nitpicking other people. The term fundamentalist is semantically problematic. For years I self identified as one because I believed in the FUNDAMENTALS of the Christian Faith which are essentially the basics. Feel free to quote the pm I sent you but believing that Jesus literally died to end your poverty and sickness a la word of faith is indeed more literal but some of these same preachers also had rebellious children and did not literally stolen them to death as Old Testament law would demand. Now the ethical issues of their doctrines is an entirely different subject matter but where literalism is concerned, you can’t claim everyone who gets that label is 100% I will reiterate that the pm and all it’s particularities I sent you are fair game here to quote as you see fit. On the same page there.
  15. Agreed but as I said in the previous thread I do differentiate between allies and activists. You can say “but hey! I self identify as an activist and don’t say those things!” I could say I self identify as a Christian and don’t do these things either but semantics are a very fickle beast. For me I simply define an ally as someone who is there for you and an activist as someone who is there for themselves. That doesn’t mean I think you’re a selfish person because of your diction. It means I think patriarchy, privilege and interseciobality have been weaponized enough and abused by people who have never read an actual academic article of the subject that the bests tactic I can utilize is total disarmament. I weaponize the one word they all profess and that is that they are activists to make a point of disowning them. Okay... seriously this thread is approaching two pages. Multi quoting has officially jumped the shark. I did not think a sleeping pill would cause me this much trouble online so I’m just going to have to wait.
  16. Old Catholic superstition that sexual sin is the devil’s favorite because it’s two souls for the price of one sin taints the perspective ironically of Protestants who don’t understand that part of Christian heritage for obvious reasons. I firmly believe in working with someone where they’re at instead of attacking them because right or wrong, they sure aren’t going to accept homosexuals if they’re unemployed and I personally would rather not see them get fired. Now if someone just goes out of his way to rag on someone sure but if someone is talking about their political views with another person candidly, I mean do you expect them to lie? Now if they passed the threshold of saying and wind up doing as in say discriminating in hiring practices , then it’s more clear. I’m sorry but it’s one of those thing,s, it’s not a simple issue. There are man made doctrines and traditions that keep homophobia very much alive and debunking them is more realistic than debunking God.
  17. Open to interpretation is such a loaded statement. The Strong Concordance gives an objective baseline for biblical scholars both Christian and Secular.. As for the age of the earth... I’m giving it the Grinch treatment- not touchingnit with a 39.5 foot pole.
  18. So my last thread touched on way too many topics at once and that was my mistake. Lets focus on the crux of the issue. if you frame questions in ways that Christians will respond negatively, dox/threaten people, go after their livelihood or call them out for straight privilege then my faith is incompatible with your activism. A closeted homosexual trying to protect themselves from a toxic family environment should hotness be vilified nor is it your place to force someone out of the closet. Privilege has its context but the implications of calling someone who is a homosexual homophobic and bullying them for their “straightness” is incompatible with loving your neighbor as yourself. Putting yourself in other people’s positions matters. Asking the question how you can oppose gay marriage rhetorically is a sneaky way of saying “Why can’t you just accept your invisible friend doesn’t exist?” It’s a dirty tactic and I despise it. My sexual orientation is not an atheism lobby so how dare you do it. And finally, validating anger is one thing. Encouraging it to grow to make your own personal army of political attack dogs out of a minority is disgusting. Finally as someone who took Psych Major courses, misrepresenting social, cognitive and developmental psychology is misinformation and perpetuating it Is lying. As a gay Christsian, the ways in which I consider activism to be genuine Ian very cut and dry. If you are willing to glamorize anger and unforgiveness and ignore academics you are no more an ally to the LGBTQ community than a meth dealer is to a depression patient. If you insist on engaging in practices in my name that go against my beliefs and tell me to shut up and like it, you are not my ally. I don’t like to say you are my enemy because one of Satan’s names is “the enemy”. I cannot in good consciousness support speaking to people’s inner darkness in an end justifies the means game. As for those who are conservative in leaning let me say, Faith based homophobia is a misnomer. Having a problem with homosexuality means you don’t believe in a God that sent his Son to die for everyone s sins. You think the cross has limits. Limiting God Is doubt and doubt based homophobia by any other name is challenging God’s divine authority or in a word: Blasphemy. its harsh but I didn’t see the fine print under the great commandment “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you study the second part of this passage Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul, careful analysis will find one very important and indisputable fact. Love your neighbor as yourself=Loving God. You want to oppose gay people? Go on right ahead but I will warn you it comes with the territory of opposing God. Now when it comes to something like gay marriage specifically I do cut some slack because it is a gross misapplication of honoring God. but more so it is a gross application of marriage. The legal side of it means nothing from a Biblical standpoint. . A Christian marriage is two things: Vow of lifelong commitment before God and fucking your partner whenever he or she wants it unless you both decide to abstain for reasons of religious devotion for a season or you just choose not to together.. Nothing more and nothing less. If you’re a Christian who thinks that’s sexist and ass backwards then fine, don’t get married by a pastor. That’s why judges do ceremonies but since you pressed the issue on gay people, I’ll be blunt. Now understandably you might as a straight person find gay sex repulsive but you know What’s i find repulsive? Thinking about my parents sex life. It’s not hateful to find sexual practices you don’t understand or want to visualize repulsive . It’s where you go from there. Im very much a no man left behind person when it comes to activism. If you are hurting someone it needs to be changed and if you refuse to change then ally you are no more. That is my opinion but ask yourself if you are doing this for the community you care about or your own moral self gratification? If the latter I have nothing more to say but if you are sincere then stop calling Mexicans homophobes for not understanding your Swahili metaphorically speaking. If you want o represent gay Christians you represent them in word and in deed. I’m not asking you to be a Christian I’m asking you to think like one and try a different approach. That means no threats and no life ruining. Sound fair?
  19. Okay admittedly yes that opener was a rant. Truth is I don’t feel represented by ANYONE most of the time. The issue here is gay Christian representation sucks because you either find yourself aligning with people who don’t respect your sexual protestation or people who don’t respect your faith OR your education I say to these activists that they are going against the fundamentals of the psychology of communication and they tell me I’m being bigoted. i tell them that hate begets hate and get told that pushing for love and compassion is oppressive and HATEFUL! No I’m not joking. I literally got told forgiveness is apart of the patriarchy by SjWs at one point. Respexfully I will say that 1 Corinthians 13 AKA the love chapter sets a certain standard that has to be met for me to think your representation is legitimate. Now I don’t typically hold people to the standard of my faith but is it really that hard to not dox, threaten, and get people fired? Is it really that hard to rephrase questions in a less condescending way? its like you WANT Christians to reject homosexuals so you have someone you can attack. If you do hateful things in the name of my sexual orientation then you are not an ally PERIOD. Do it in the name of the person you’re actually trying to represent (Thief, accuser, the prince of darkness , you may have heard of him) and I will not acknowledge an ally of someone who serves someone by the name “ the enemy”. Christian or atheist if you do something hurtful you are serving Satan. It’s not a hard standard to follow. As for the toys not sex line that’s not a statement of historical fact it’s a metaphor for children should be allowed to play and imagine not be told what to think and who to be. It’s enough to tell kids that heterosexual romance exists and homosexual romance exists but telling them to explore their sexual orientation is very detrimental to their psychological development because that’s not the stage of development they are in. Now are there early and late bloomers? Absolutely but the literature does not match what these protestors claim. It’s like giving marijuana to teenagers to smoke recreationally. Their brain goes through a developmental process called pruning which is the final push into having an adult brain where the intellectual potential of the brain can potentially peak at its optimum level. When teens are looking for a good time with pit they are interfering with hormones and lowering their peak IQ. Marijuana for all of its health benefits for an adult is clearly harmful to adolescents for this reason which is why children being administered medicinal marijuana is heavily controlled as an example. Also, complacency breeds contempt. Don’t pat yourself on the back until you get it 100% right. Consistent does not mean making the same mistakes over and over and refusing to acknowledge them. I believe 100% inclusion is possible and worth aspiring for. No man or woman left behind. You can claim to be an ally but if you’re pushing male abuser narratives and there is a relationship that exists where 100% of the abusers are women (lesbians) by making their abusers angels how exactly are you an ally? No one left behind. The expectation for people to improve is not an impossible standard. It’s just one people are too lazy to want to pursue. Are you doing this for personal validation or to help people? Your choice to own mistakes and reform is an indicator of your intentions. Don’t be that way. Yeah I got a LOT of issues with the church but I also am still a Christian. Extreme good and extreme bad come with the territory of devotion to any cause. I see the good worth aspiring for but... complacently breeds the bad. Stay sharp. You want to oppose gay marriage? Fine but that means you have to put in the work spiritually speaking to have that position and still represent God’s love. Before I had come to realize my sexual orientation I actually did oppose gay marriage but moreso because I opposed gay divorce. I hated the idea of people thinking marriage was going to get them a happily ever after and didn’t like the heartache when they wake up and find their heart broken. Im a kid of 5 divorces between two parents. Presumptuous? Yes. Hateful? No.
  20. Thank you for your thoughts. Mad respect. i mean obviously not going to see eye to eye on you on your more secular take but it takes a lot of integrity to vouch for someone you disagree with. Working on it but American health care is gutter trash and I’m in California.
  21. Don’t be. I am not that person anymore. But I was and I never want to go back there.
  22. Okay... basic bit of etiquette here. I referenced Matthew 19 and 1 Corinthians 13 without scripture because it is more concise that way. It’s my courtesy to people who don’t want to be preached at. if you had quoted ONE verse I would engage this but a passage that long is not only excessive purely from a walking in love with non-believers standpoint but you are literally picking apart the most complex element of pro-gay apologetics of which the details are a thesis that even someone with autism who is notorious for info dumping can see is inappropriate. However, if you feel so inclined to press the issue I am more than happy to either address your issues in private or if you are willing to risk a bit of pushback from people most ideally in a different thread because I think it is a subject worth talking about. Sodom and Gomorrah simply is too much of a tangent from the topic of gay Christian representation for it to be explored in depth here. What I am trying to do by presenting a cliff notes version is simply to say to secular people... Come on guys! You don’t have to tear down church walls to reach ignorant people. I don’t want to be represented that way. I will try to be respectful here but Christians drove me to a point of nihilism in my life where my beliefs were literally. 1. The cross was a wasted effort. 2. If God had intended for Satan to lose he should never have handed a loaded gun to him like the church. 3. The only way for a loving God to damn non-believers to hell given the sorry state of affairs I witness is if Christians are going to hell with them. 4. I’d rather spend an eternity in Hell with my atheist friends and enjoy my life here on Earth than have to spend time with people like that in heaven. Oh I can handle criticism from atheists just fine. I don’t feel the need to justify myself and my character to them because I know that God knows that I have nothing but love and respect for them and their convictions. The nasty comes out when I have to deal with believers so I’m going to say in the nicest way possible. if you want to defend Christian youth snorting cocaine in the back of the bus after feeling rejected by their church being witnessed by someone who worked his ass off to make sure that that never happened to the youth under his watch, I would cautiously advise you to choose your words very carefully because I guarantee you, there’s a reason why I let atheists criticize the church for so long. Now I’m at a point I feel taken advantage of and it feels like betrayal do the worst kind but that doesn’t change the dark place I went to because of your average Christian.
  23. First of all, heard that before. Sounds reasonable on paper but not In practice. in practice it’s a basis to tell Whitt’s people to StFU. I am extremely frustrated with white People I grew up with who as kids could not tell the difference between Korea and China/Japan who commented on how I looked white but something was off, who made it abundantly clear I WAS NOT WHITE TO THEN telling me I. have white privilege based on the color of my skin after years of scrutinizing the shape of my eyes because now theyre. “Educated”. CONVENIENTLY forget that black slaves would inflict violence on the half black children of slave owners and gang violence between black and Hispanic people was so bad for my coworker faith a black husband literally had to fight black girls assaulting her in school for stealing one of their “few good men” just to even date her high school sweetheart. So tell me again that black People cant be racist and explain to me again why you’re not being racist towards ghe experience of mixed rice minorities by saying that. No I’m sorry, mono racial privilege is more like it if anything. Shared experiences however bad still create solidarity which I am denied and half black people are also denied. As far as I’m concerned as someone who is a mixed minority privilege is my n word plain and simple. Now I’m not calling you a racist because that is neither the content or your intent but I’ve heard “You will be white after years of us making fun of your eyes and your penis and you will LIKE IT!” And as a mixed kid, yeah slavery was a thing and I will not belittle the plight of a black person but I also got to know black people fairly well back home who were African because when you’re trying to avoid being asked about your eyes and being told how not white you are and Hispanics weren’t a presence in your community , who else is there? It should be obvious why I would rather hang around people who tell me I’m “not black” than people who tell me I’m not white or not a minority when it suits their fancy. Straight privilege is even worse because, A. If you’re straight calling out a closeted homosexual then who is exhibiting the privilege and who is just trying to surviv? Academic feminists might, LGBTQ activists don’t. And gay people who criticize survivor.s of such situations in an era where victim blaming is supposedly a thing... not even going to touch that. So yeah in theory privilege is not a moral judgement in theory but it is in practice, it’s a can of worms I don’t care to open except when talking with other half white kids how we all find it so bizarre that our “white savior” is a neo-Nazi who consider us contaminating the white race. I wasn’t exactly given the choice in whether I wanted to be dirt or bleach. I was told by racist white people I am dirt and now by “educated” white people that I am bleach. I would rather be a person thank you.
  24. Of course not. Of course I disagree What bothers me is people who go How can they possibly Oppose gay marriage? Why are they saying it’s a sin. It’s almost so incredibly disingenuous and I feel like... now hang on, O don’t agree with these people but I also don’t agree with twisting their position. The average churchgoer values honoring God more than any other human being. This reallocation of value is obvious on a fundamental level. Now does that mean I condone their actions? No I do not but now your form of representation by asking such a question hasn’t mutated from let gay pier live there lives to why can’t you just accept your imaginary friend doesn’t exist in tone. There are ways to reach people by appealing to their values and for me I don’t appreciate my gay civil rights being a militant atheist lobby. Instead of asking why can’t you accept gay marriage, I simply pose the question hey, did Jesus day for homosexuals or not? You can’t claim that such an event as that is powerful if you limit it where a specific demographic. A believer who doesn’t believe that the cross is enough is committing blasphemy. The law of love your neighbor as yourself is clear. If you do not love your neighbor you do not love God. I mean in Matthew 19 literally days people are born gay! The word eunuch in ancient Greek translates to not heterosexual for any reason including castrations, vow of chastity, homosexuality and asexuality. Most incriminating of all however is the theological precursor of the Pharisees pre New Testament were the ones who pushed for Sodom and Gomorrah being all gay cities.... you know the guys that Jesus called snakes, false prophets, hypocrites and said would better contribute to society by tying boulders around people’s ankles and throwing them to the bottom of the sea than teach them about the Bible? The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah when mentioned never mentions homosexuality and the most damning piece of evidence is actually in the same passage and in Ezekiel which reference an oppressed minority within Sodom. In other words, God nuked two cities for persecuting minorities!!! People also fail to understand that desert tribes NOT JUST ISRAELITES did have a level of fear of homosexuality being too widespread? Why? The desert is dangerous and men not impregnating women means fewer numbers when fending off wild animals and enemy tribes. A simple google search nets you a wealth of resources that your average Christian isn’t going to look o. Why? Because they trust their pastor! You can claim that that’s crazy but the scholarship and devotion to studying the Bible is a massive undertaking. I’m a Pastor’s son so I have direct access most people don’t have. In a secular context do you trust your doctor to tell you how to improve your health or do you lose sleep at night wondering if your antibiotics will cure your flu? You are not addressing gay marriage when you address a Christian, you are addressing a very special relationship that exists between their Pastor and their deity. If you refuse to address this thing that they value the layman Christian won’t listen. Would you call a bunch of people from Mexico homophobic if you tried to enlighten them in Swahili? But blaming Pastors while a bit more justified isn’t fair to their occupation. If a Doctor tends to multiple patients at ice it can take hours. Ever been to an ER? Now imagine a doctor treating 1000 patients. Not that easy now is it? This idea that burden do research is on the offender is really ass backwards because we all fall into that pitfall of trusting our experts without considering their dishonesty or their shortcomings. These activists also claim to be experts yet none of them say anything that resembles any literature I’ve read on the topic in very alarming ways. So why the double standard? If you want to reach church members you have to help progressive pastors look and sons more credible and by engaging in practices that either A. Flagrantly disregard their faith or B. Make progressive pastors ahve to work a million times harder what other result do you expect? Now does that mean I think they’re entitled to their prejudices? No. but I think that they are entitled to not having a pro LGBT platform as an atheist lobby and if you’re not willing to consider someone else they won’t consider you no matter pe right or wrong they are.
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