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Posts posted by Yayatou

  1. 17 hours ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    It's a bit strange how this sort of implies that Leicester was where Fodlan's magic originated yet Adrestia is the one that's pupils are associated with using magic? I'm predicting that magic in general in Fódlan originated from Leicester Lords experimenting with the divine power of the crests they were given, I highly doubt any of this will be touched upon in the game mind you but it's cool to speculate

    8 hours ago, Armchair General said:

    I'm guessing that Alliance seceded from Adrestia. After all, they appear to have an thing against royalty if you go by how the Alliance works.

    I think this is the most likely conclusion as the Alliance is noted to be the newest among the three nations, which means they had to have come from somewhere. Not only that but Claude and Edelgard's surnames are typologically the same, and that might have to do with a shared linguistic, cultural and/or historical background.


  2. Hello! This is my first time on this forum so I'm sorry about any formatting.

    I was skimming over all the information we got since the Famitsu reveal and I noticed that some crests seem to take more precedence over others in an unknown capacity (unlike the Hresvelg crest, which is just all over the church). Namely two of the Leicester crests, and the orb crest.

    (Some of these we have briefly seen in @VincentASM's articles)


    We see the top right crest when we use magic circles:


    And we see the bottom left crest on warp tiles! (The inner red circle)


    Now you may have noticed the blue circle, which shows our mysterious non-Leicester crest, surrounding the smaller one. We have seen this one before too, with the orb in the sword hilt.



    What does it all mean? I don't know! I just think it's interesting seeing the crests dotted in these places, and I'm also frustrated that absolutely no information on their relation to the plot has been expounded upon since E3.

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