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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Bows have 1~3 range. Steel, silver and holy bows have 1~5 range. Bow knights always have 1~5 range.
  2. #What? Sedgar is the best unit in Shadow Dragon and everyone knows that. Wendy isn't a good character. Generals are for tanking. Look at your Wendy's tiny defense. And people keep saying it too, which is hype.
  3. Early in the game, there's this cave that's the rebel base. You talk to the gaurd, and he tells you to go meet the leader in the back. He then says something to the effect of "but watch out for the monsters". After you walk up to the next screen, you're thrown into battle with a bunch of monsters. Later in the game, something is said about a dam breaking. I don't remember what it was, but it was funny.
  4. For a more interesting poll, adjust the stats of either Arum or Ike so that they will have the stats they would have in FE2/FE9/FE10. This isn't even getting into adjusting the stats of their personal weapons in the transition to the other environment and other stuff. EDIT: I think this was done before, but it degenerated into a popularity contest.
  5. The 2D games are better.
  6. http://ngeorgia.com/history/raiders.html Damnit, why wasn't I taught about this when we learned about the American Civil War?
  7. FE2 doesn't really need a translation patch. You don't miss much without one. Well, expect for some wonderful moments with the previous translation patch
  8. So it's ok for smaller publishers to release something offensive, but if someone popular releases something controversal it's the worst thing ever? That seems like a pretty stupid point of view in my opinion. Games made by smaller publishers will reach a smaller audience than games made by larger publishers. Is there anything else you'd like spelled out? So what? Just because their not as popular wouldn't make it any less right or wrong than if they were popular. That's like saying if Mark Skinner murders 15 people it's perfectly ok since hardly anyone knows who that is, but if Will Smith would kill 15 people it's the worst thing ever because people know who he is. Your logic is flawed. Popularity of the company making the game doesn't make what they do any more right or wrong. You know what? I agree with your logic here. You know what else? Your point is fucking irrelevant. I was talking about the consumers it would reach, not if it was "more right or wrong."
  9. I know. Selecting targets is much, much quicker and easier.
  10. I love this game. I got it yesterday, and I finished the story mode today. I really enjoyed the English countryside in Finest Hour. I love the multiplayer part. Three modes, and they're all good. I just played skirmish two times with someone on Melee, and we were pretty damn evenly matched. In the first game, we tied, and then he barely got to 100 first. In the second game we were neck and neck again, but I managed to pull ahead in about the last ten seconds and win. I haven't gotten around to getting my friend code yet. Still need to S rank all the missions :)
  11. The last time I tried to post using my DSi, I couldn't. I doubt its been fixed since then, even though I brought it up quite a while ago.
  12. Your internal battery is dead.
  13. Gomez is that ass of a boss in 8x, correct? EDIT: Yes, he is.
  14. So it's ok for smaller publishers to release something offensive, but if someone popular releases something controversal it's the worst thing ever? That seems like a pretty stupid point of view in my opinion. Games made by smaller publishers will reach a smaller audience than games made by larger publishers. Is there anything else you'd like spelled out?
  15. That's definitely Hyde. Here's hoping that this is legit. EDIT: Gamefaqs created a board for it. Pretty recently, by the look of it, since its completely empty. http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/home/979371.html EDIT: Google translate on the first link: DS "promises midnight last window" Nintendo has sold a total of 21 million × Cing the DS "Memories of Angels Uisshurumu" legitimate sequel. "Uisshurumu" Hotel Dusk just in from the events portrayed in each individual stage in Los Angeles after the year 1980. According to the progress of the game and the game incorporates a detailed psychological descriptions and sub-stories can not draw, novel version of "last window" is an interesting gimmick that will gradually be completed. CING buy without hesitation if you like.
  16. 1. Supposedly the player's character in the game was a US soldier stationed in Afghanistan before the events of the game... so I doubt 9/11 was forgotten or never happened. Besides, Russian international airports have had tight security since the '70s since they faced a greater volume of terrorist threats up until this decade. Islamist terrorism wasn't exactly invented in 2001. 2. A hundred soldiers trained for the job could probably take on five guys, body armor or no, civilian shields or no. Airport security isn't the kind of thing trusted to draftees, and the Russian army is famous for its success in hostage situations if nothing else. Would some people die if some well-armed terrorists opened fire on a crowd without warning? Yes. But the terrorists wouldn't be able to walk through killing people unopposed, and would never leave the airport on their own feet. 2. They came out of nowhere, guns firing off in every which way, and took the enforcements by surprise. By the looks of it too, they were spread out in a wide area as well. Even worse, they were up against trained militants anyway; with superior weaponry as well. Although there IS no answer for why they were talking their sweet time; presumably, it was because they were cocky little bastards. I didn't see any security forces present in this mission. What I saw looked like five civilians that had drawn their concealed handguns.
  17. Whoops, that's a tilde, not an exclamation point.

  18. Well, I just saw a video of "No Russian." I'm going to ignore how brutal it was for my purposes (just pretend the civilians are target dummies). It was about four minutes long, and I saw about five enemies in that time. This averages out to be 1.25 enemies a minute. While this may be entertaining to a twelve-year-old (who, btw, would need an adult to purchase the game), I sincerely hope that most people have higher standards.
  19. Not really. If you've been around gaming long enough, you'd know there have been more recent incidents then this that deserve recognition. Irrelevant. You presented this sort of thing as being around for a while without people bitching about it as if it was some kind of argument, which is complete and utter bullshit and has no bearing on the truth of the matter. I'm going to watch the video now and then deliver my opinion.
  20. Grow up already. That isn't an argument, and you fucking know.
  21. The deceased is a pixel on the lower-left corner of my PSP screen
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