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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Topic. In easy to understand terms would be good. This is a chemistry question.
  2. I really hope they put in a lot of people from God/Top of High tiers. That is, assuming one is made.
  3. What does the shadow will? Back on topic in this topic that has been necroed twice, I don't think they were close.
  4. I just edited the newest version of our tier list I've seen into the first post. If we can agree to a better version, please post the better changes for me to make. Also, unless Laylea actually brings up a good point, please try and ignore her. We don't really need another 5 pages of bad points being brought up and refuted repeatedly. Also, what's the story with calling Kashim "Castor Oil?"
  5. If you kept reading, you'd have noticed that I said he goes across the river with only a sniper to keep him company. Perfect target to kill right before you seize the castle, wouldn't you say? And by river, I mean he walks through the river. Not over the damn bridge like the rest of his guys, over the river. At least, he did for me.
  6. OMG. I was right. You are adopted.
  7. Come on guys, its even got balls on the side of it!
  8. Eirka also uses an alias. IIRC, its Erina or something.
  9. The penis pokemon, now with a transparent background!
  10. Well, I suppose he didn't really man up enough to shoot people. So, yeah.
  11. Astoria's not surrounded by a bunch of Heroes in the desert, which is what, the third chapter in a row where he appears? And in the one before that, you're rushing pelmel to get end the chapter before Hardin gets to you. And in the one before that, you've got other things to do, kinda. Yes, I know Astoria spawns with a bunch of heros by him in the desert chapter. However, the idiot crossed the river along with one of his snipers. Everyone else took the bridge, pretty much isolating him.
  12. Want hard? Play the original Pikmin trying to get all the ship parts and no deaths. If your the wollywogs don't get you, your yellows will blow your pikmin up.
  13. This was tried already. It resulted in the annoyance that is "Hey! Listen!"
  14. What, does he look scary like this guy?
  15. I noticed this too. Also, in FE 3, Book 2, Chapter 15, when Est recruits Abel, the conversation isn't translated. Anybody have a script of what should be said?
  16. Believe it or not, they are dogs. Without going into genetics, you can still tell that they're dogs. They look like dogs, and act like dogs. They bark at anything they see moving outside the window (little dogs do this more often), come when you call their name, and hump random objects until you have them spayed/neutered.
  17. Ivan Howard...I don't see any problem with it...
  18. If you want to be sure your hair makes you look like a queer, dye it pink.
  19. Holy shit your name fails. Just thought I'd point that out.
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