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Posts posted by torifae

  1. Bleach is so overrated. I lost interest like 2 years ago along with Naruto. Its really annoying with all those side stories. I bet the writers can't think of any other ideas right now XD

  2. I'm going to use Oliver. I just haven't gotten him yet.

    Current Main Party:

    Meg: Just as underrated as everyone says she is. She may be a ugly cow, but she can tear through most anything.

    Brom: At first I thought Brom was the shit. He was an impenetrable force that beats the shit out of everything. Now he's a bit speed screwed at 23 speed at Level 20/20/9. I might have to give him some speedwings to get him to cap it. He does have def and luck capped now though.

    Makalov: He's kicking a lot of ass himself. I have him right now at level 20/20/3 and while he only has luck capped, his other stats are pretty well-rounded.

    Astrid: She's not really ugly IMO, but I was threatened in the chatroom to use her, and I never really have, so I'm giving her a shot. And as of right now she's not proving to be very promising I'm sorry to say. She's very speed and def screwed right now, but she's only 20/18 so she still has a chance to make up for it. I think the combination of paragon and Blossom will help her out immensly as well. I haven't given up on her yet.

    Boyd: Yowza! He has an immense STR! He's killing people left and right. I was told he was a beast, but I didn't think he was a slaughter fest! I'm considering from now on benching Gatrie and Shinon in favor of him and Mist.

    Mist: See first post.

    Devdan/Danved/Gonad/Gonzo: He's doing really well in some stats, but bad in others. Right now he's screwed in Res, Str, and Def. Not good stats to be screwed in for a Sentinel. But his other stats are mad good and he's only 20/20/3 so he still has room to make up for Def and STr. I'm not very worried about Res for him.

    There are others, but I don't feel like typing anymore. TBC.

    I know someone who done the exact same playthough as you O:

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