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Everything posted by traineroflegend

  1. I’ve played Tellius and the games after it. Engage had some really fun character designs and the best combat of the series, allowing me to customize my team a lot more than previous games. Unfortunately the poor narrative knocked it all the way to the bottom of my list.
  2. Best: Diamant + Ike is so freaking good. Worst: Characters fall off SO HARD. I strung Alfred along for so many chapters only to unceremoniously drop him. Most Disappointing: Alear has to be the weakest main character I’ve ever used in a FE game.
  3. I would say it’s a popular opinion. 3H’s supports made the characters feel like real people and they usually had something of substance to offer. Most of Sylvain’s supports, for example, rebuff his womanizing attitude and serve as a way for the player to understand why he is how he is and how he’s trying to change. For Engage, it’s basically about taking the character’s two quirks and repeating them ad nauseum. Take Ivy, my favorite character: I do think some characters in Engage are interesting but I highly doubt they’ll be mainstays of conventions like Three Houses was.
  4. Hello! Thank you for doing this mod! Awakening is a game I've replayed many times so I'm greatly looking forward to playing this. Is this mod compatible with the Gay Awakening mod? From a YouTube comment you responded to five months ago it seemed like it wasn't compatible back then (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3kN20Nras0) Has that changed? Thanks!
  5. I loaded up my Maddening Casual NG+ Azure Moon save on Chapter 13. I was able to Auto Battle and win. Some comments: - Auto Battle cannot get through barriers. The little corner where Sylvain/Felix/Ingrid spawn has two barriers. Sylvain and Felix could not break the barrier, so I manually had Sylvain break the barrier. It was my only action, but I suppose it wasn’t necessary. For those curious, the only surviving units were Dimitri, Gilbert (despite missing most of his axe swings haha) and Sylvain. - Focus is probably what I would use for 90% if the turns. The only exception was the first turn where I wanted to use Unite to bring Dimitri and Byleth closer. - This was a NG+ run, and I did use it to level up my Professor Level way back on month 1, which allowed me to teach the students more stuff. Other than that, though, I didn’t use the more obvious NG+ buffs like skill level ups or crests. - I’ve definitely given up on doing Classic. I still think Maddening/Casual could work but It’s possible that I spend a few hours only to reach a hard stop somewhere in the first seven chapters.
  6. Thank you for your insight! I hadn’t really given any thought to build optimized for Auto Battle, but I agree that putting more emphasis on bulk would be ideal. Hard/Casual would certainly be doable but I want to go a little farther. Would Maddening/Casual be more doable than Hard/Classic? I think Maddening/Casual would be more interesting from a reproducibility perspective whereas a Hard/Classic Auto Battle run might end up being impossible. What forum are you referring to?
  7. Hello, I love FE: Three Houses and have always been intrigued by the Auto Battle option. Testing it leads to poor results, even poorer I feel than Auto Battle in the 3DS games. That said, I still want to give it a shot. Do you think an Auto Battle only run is possible in Hard or Classic? The goal would be a Maddening/No NG+/Classic playthrough, but I assume that would lead me to having no units very quickly, so I am open to concessions, like bumping it down to Hard. If anyone has tried something similar, do they have any tips? Specifically about any research done on the Auto Battle mechanic? This is meant to be for fun and not a speed run, but I also want it to be doable.
  8. Do we have any confirmation of what New Game+ will entail? As in, do we know for sure that stats will carry over?
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