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Everything posted by EntireInternet

  1. I wonder if there are any philosophers among us, or those who are at least well read in the matters who can make the arguments in the different schools of philosophical thought for whether what Edelgard did was right or wrong in morally in each. I'd been reading a bit on Utilitarianism/John Stuart Mill because that seems like the natural 'go to' because the biggest question for Edelgard was if the "ends justified the means" but John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle seems to directly contradict that her actions could be right even under this assumption if one were to apply a Utilitarian lens to what she did. But I'm also no expert on the matter which is why I hope someone who knows more may elaborate further.
  2. From what I understand the Black Eagles Empire route and the Blue Lions route are both focused highly on the war, while the Church route and the Golden Deer route are both based on the underside of things.
  3. I liked Byleth, though it never takes center stage he does grow as a character which I appreciate, becoming less stoic and stone faced as the game progresses. In that way he fills the quiet protagonist archetype really well, but not so much so where he has no personality or is just a self insert.
  4. I dunno, I pretty much only go for Sothis because voice in my head > real girls any day. xd Anyway, it's a shame for those who got their hopes up that Gilbert and Alois weren't what they expected. I'm not a fan of diversity for diversity's sake I'd rather have characters be organic in whatever relationship preferences they prefer. It doesn't make sense to me for the A relationships between two same gender characters to be extremely platonic but when between two different genders their feelings are considerably less platonic. If they make the character consistent where it's less straight forward platonic with their other A ranks too or at least some semblance that they're actually gay/bisexual rather than just Byleth sexual then that would be great. Unfortunately I know they'd never do that in this title at least because it would require considerable effort to rework support convos to do so. But that's just my two cents.
  5. I think the reason no one really brings it up because shortened is so vague, and I don't really know how shortened you can consider it since she runs a war for five years and clearly wasn't rushing to take over the other two kingdoms since her primary offensives don't actually start until after Byleth comes back. Her war does ultimately make the continent become better, at a pretty high cost that may or may not have been necessary and I'd lean towards arguing it was not. My main problem is really just how much of a hypocrite she is at the end of the day though, she's pretty much the same person as Rhea when it comes to their methods. Crush your enemies, love those who do everything you tell them, obsess over Byleth (I guess Sothis in Rhea's case), condone inhumane experiments for the sake of getting what they want. But it's part of what I like about her as a character, people tend to be hypocritical and I think it's fun to have her holier than thou attitude be unjustified because it's better than having her be like "har har har I'm evil" instead. As for why I argue her war wasn't the best course of action, it's because the game has a really strong theme about the characters making mistakes, bad decisions, or succumbing to their fatal flaws. The corrector of their fatal flaws that stops them from losing their life because of it ends up being Byleth though, who helps set them on a better path in their respective stories. I don't know Claude's yet, but I understand Rhea repents somewhat on her path and realizes she was wrong, Dimitri recovers from his insanity on his, and Edelgard does not become completely corrupted by power by the end of her route. So it only goes to fit that her decision to declare the war was an incorrect choice because it was made by her fatal flaw, that being a hubris that she has to do everything herself by any means necessary.
  6. In my Blue Lions run I made Mercedes my dancer because of the main blue lions she just seemed the most fitting for it. I didn't want to make anyone else it because I liked their classes a lot better. In my Black Eagles run I made a huge mistake! I made Flayn my dancer and she left! XD I did it because I didn't feel anyone from the Black Eagles fit as a dancer xD.
  7. I think she is interesting, however having played her route second with siding with the Empire I find her glaring hypocrisies and holier than thou attitude towards her enemies, to be extremely extremely annoying. I wish Byleth would set her straight because her ego is wicked inflated. Also the whole hypocrisy of not taking responsibility for those she works with. Like nah, you choose to enable them to do their wicked deeds you're no better than Rhea, well, except that Rhea hopefully learns and changes from being an ego maniac slaughtering all her enemies where as Edelgard just has this behavior enabled. Overall I like her, I guess I'm more frustrated with how the cast treats her rather than I am with her, herself.
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