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Posts posted by DrewHak

  1. Gotta fix the coloring on a bunch of them as you're combining FE8 and FE7 coloring. Generally doesn't work. They look nice, just need some touching up.

    As an example, if i'm seeing things correctly:


  2. So, a month later, made a few splices, tried to fix the things Agro pointed out in one of my splices, thanks for that.

    [spoiler=Out of titles]


    Flattened out hair, added a little robe thing. Fixed the shading under headband.


    Quick splice of old hector and Perceval.


    Best way to describe this one is Robed Karel.

    EDIT: I have no idea why the images are so huge now, sorry about that.

  3. While the older prince's coloring is quite nice, despite just being a color edit of Klein's armor, it works really well. Only thing is that he goes from mage type robes to typical archer armor, and the eye colors in the portraits are different, minor details, but eh.

  4. Anulit is awesome. I really love those colours on a Murdock. And yeah, I'm in the same boat. I don't know if what the stats I'm making are balanced.


    I've created 2 kinds of characters for the "High Res/Def" character. Dunno which one I like more.



    A warrior who would focuses more on the defensive than offense. Likes all kinds of armor, dislikes fighting.


    Skill:(?) Good Shield (from the doc), Riposte, Defender [+1 to all stats for all lower levelled adjacent allies, and to Shiru as well]

    Affinity: Ice

    Stats (Growths in parentheses)

    Level 9

    HP: 37 (30%)

    Str: 13 (30%)

    Skill: 19 (30%)

    Spd: 10 (30%)

    Lck: 3 (30%)

    Def: 18 (90%)

    Res: 18 (85%)

    Con: 7


    Silver Axe

    Silver Sword



    A knight who bears heavy armor, but not very much battle experience. Likes being there for others, hates falling behind.


    Skill:(?) Good Shield (from the doc), Riposte, Defender [+1 to all stats for all lower levelled adjacent allies, and to Magnus as well]

    Affinity: Ice

    Stats (Growths in parentheses)

    Level 6

    HP: 35 (25%)

    Str: 6 (30%)

    Skill: 6 (60%)

    Spd: 7 (35%)

    Lck: 7 (30%)

    Def: 17 (90%)

    Res: 17 (85%)

    Con: 12


    Slim Sword

    Silver Lance


    lol i dunno. Thoughts?

    Could they be viable? Which one is better?

    It's actually Murdock with Oswin's armor. I updated him in my avatar. But eh. And thank a lot. Both are interesting concepts, would be good shields perhaps. Plus with being a pally, it's viable as a rescue unit. Magnus is definitely more viable, 30s across the board percentage wise would be unusable.

  5. Name: Anulit

    Bio: A stalwart traveling knight, not much is known about him besides the fact that he has an extreme hatred for bandits.

    Class/Level: Level 5 General

    Weapons/Rank: A in Lances, that's it.

    Skills: Great Shield (From FE8)

    Affinity: Dark

    Stats (The growths are in parenthesis):


    HP: 41(90%)

    Str: 20(60%)

    Skl: 19(50%)

    Spd: 12(30%)

    Lck: 14(40%)

    Def: 20(80%)

    Res: 6(10%)

    Con: 13

    (Don't know if these stats/growths are unbalanced, I'm new to this, hehe.)


    Inventory: Silver Lances, Javelin, Vulnerary

    Portrait: FrcC477.png

  6. I'm pretty sure FE8 already has that kind of RNG implemented, where 9% is pretty much less than 9% when calculated and 95% would be more than 95% percent when calculated. You could honestly just be having bad luck in your runs, or I could be wrong. Hehe.

  7. Well, decided to update this post with two splices, i'm not very prolific, but I try to make stuff when I can.

    [spoiler=More stuff]


    I need help


    I actually somewhat like this one, if you can't tell, it's supposed to be a morph.

  8. I had a thought, if you didn't want to make an Avatar part of the child making process, why not just tweak FE6's plotline so that Marcus is delegated to Eliwood's guard status, older Mark is now Jeigan? Not really that important, but just a thought I had while reading this post.

  9. For the Hoodless Robin, the hair shouldn't have those really dark lines all over it, looks kinda weird in my opinion. Also, the mugs looks nice, but there's not much distinction around the eyes, not to say it's bad, but it just looks different. Nice job.

  10. So er, nothing really special, i've just spent some time updating sprites and made a few other new ones.




    Some of the edits are kinda....subtle in some ways, sorta like this one coming up.


    Oh and uh, I made elderly versions for two of my favorite ones in their non-edited colors.






    • For Annette, the middle bang covered the middle of the head should've be squared off like it is. Kinda make it look more natural I suppose.
    • In Egil's case, the bangs are too messy, you kinda have to make it just cleaner, too many differing shades nearby, looks really odd.
    • For Jeremiah, the head is too far down on the neck considering it's size. And it's kinda too far to the left as well a bit, might have to move it right a bit and up. That's the main issue I see.

    That's about it for me, good luck with fixing them, and good luck with the hack.

  11. So erm, this is just stuff I do in my free time I guess.

    [spoiler=All Sprites]

    For now, these are all splices of portraits, I hope to add more soon, and these are in the order i've done them.










    [spoiler=Update: May 12, 2016]



    Some of the edits are kinda....subtle in some ways, sorta like this one coming up.


    Oh and uh, I made elderly versions for two of my favorite ones in their non-edited colors.






    [spoiler=Update: May 19, 2016]


    I need help


    I actually somewhat like this one, if you can't tell, it's supposed to be a morph.

    [spoiler=Update: June 6, 2016]


    Flattened out hair, added a little robe thing. Fixed the shading under headband.


    Quick splice of old hector and Perceval.


    Best way to describe this one is Robed Karel.

    [spoiler=Update: June 20, 2016]

    Mas. Still not of high quality, but I guess it's something.


    Now this is one I kinda sorta really like. Just a mage girl I guess.


    A contest entry I made, kinda sorta a bandit type of guy I guess. Added face tats as a special feature.


    This one is just me kinda sorta screwing around. Hehe.

  12. Some of these were very nice, like the Hooded Robin, and some of the official class ones. The Warlock little flashes you added were were neat. Others, like the Ephraim with one strand of long hair on the side looks kinda odd. The Chrom and Robin ones didn't seem to work out so well. Also, the Chrom animation, I think you might've made the Falchion a bit too big. That's just me. Good job though!

  13. I really liked the support convo between Sirius and MU. It shows MU being sirius (see what I did there) about there job as Marth's royal guard. Showing suspicion towards someone who would keep themselves masked among their allies and allows be in a battle prepared stance. Then MU gets beat up. They slowly become friendly in second convo, apologizing. Then finally, in third convo, they learn more about Sirius and when he is gonna reveal his identity,they show respect for Sirius' original decision and decline it. Seems like decent development to me.

  14. If you're doing some kind of big boss fight, don't make it where you're 1v1ing the boss with your protagonist like in FE9 or 10, while your allies are fighting some shmucks until you do the deed. Design 1v1 fights in such a way where outside influence truly has a huge influence on the fight, make enough room for supports possibly, boltings and ballistas and whatever from enemies, same for your guys. Allow healing to be a factor, if you want a really epic 1v1 boss, it should be a highly adaptable, not one where you can ever get an advantage, give the boss elixirs or a life stealing weapon or a twist like that, that really makes you plan ahead instead of "planning ahead" by giving Ike a hammer. Also, talking about what the guy above me said, idk, maybe make it so that you can't access the convoy mid boss fight, it kinda just ruins the preparation in factor in my opinion, but that's just me. Anyways, I don't truly find an appeal in a 1v1, unless it's really a plot-heavy one that involves like Lord and archenemy or whatever. That's only where I see it fit.

  15. I believe there is a theory that states that Morgan's twin brother is Mark. Don't know the full details, but in the Future past DLC or something like that, there is information that alludes to or directly states that Morgan had a twin that we don't see, and that Lyn claims at the end of a DLC map that Mark looks incredibly similar to Robin. And that Morgan's name in Awakening in Japan translates to Mark. There's a full theory that I can't find, but that's the jist of it I believe.

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