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Everything posted by Bastionus

  1. So I have always seen my battalions in the next playthrough on newgame plus. My last one I actually got all paralogues so I was able to get the characters battalions that are related to them i.e. Mercedes and Ferdinand etc. But in my newest game I noticed that some of these unique battalions are not there. Anyone else notice this too or is it a bug?
  2. Kinda lame there is no unique animation for this when Astra got a pretty good one...same goes for the Divine weapon uniques for the nobles kinda lame but ok but SRSLY? Lethality has just a basic art animation?
  3. I want battalions for each character that you get from their Paralogues. However I can't seem to find one for Dorothea. I looked on Serenes Forest battalion list and apparently there is one called Opera Co. Volunteers. Anyone know where you get this battalion?
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