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Posts posted by GodSejeong97

  1. saveall30.thumb.png.33e5ec1ef54f707370fbb2320292a7f5.png

    A preview of one of the maps that will be included in the next update, which is just around the corner. It’s an elaborate and complex defense map that will push one’s wit and ability to adept as the map will also adept to how you play.

    “This is the Magical Kingdom of Evora, the land of tundra and mages. Despite being one of the more formidable kingdoms on Divinus, they’ll soon meet a similar fate to Aston. It is up to the combined forces of the new King of Aston Lionel, the Princess of Martin Johanna and the Princess of Evora Prisca to defend the kingdom’s capital from a demonic onslaught.”

  2. 3 hours ago, Mikethemaster2018 said:

    i dont think kaga even this damn man. cant even get passed the 2nd chapter story seem cool though just the game is killing me i though of all the ideas I can. cant get pass the damn soilders. I think i will sit this one down. if you make another fan game man please not as hard as this one damn kicked my ass lol

    Welp, sorry if it's not to your liking, but the game is intentionally made to be difficult as opposed to normal FE fangame. 😅

    Pro-tip: Never shy away from using the Jagen in the 2nd chapter should things go wrong.

  3. Hardest: Awakening Lunatic+, obviously.

    Hard: Conquest Lunatic, Shadow Dragon H5, New Mystery Reverse Lunatic, Berwick Saga

    Normal: Elibean Hard Modes, Thracia 776, Genealogy of the Holy War, Radiant Dawn Hard Mode, Echoes Hard Mode, Vestaria Saga, Tear Ring Saga

    Easy: Birthright Lunatic, Sacred Stones Hard

    Easiest: Three Houses Maddening, I mean come on, frequent 0 enemy hit rates...

  4. Really want a Judgral themed Valentine with Leif-Nanna duo hero while the rest are Finn, Edain (Demote), Lex and Azelle (TT+).

    Finn is already the father figure of Leif and Nanna as he's the one raising both and it'll be a pretty neat story with them giving Finn a valentine present.

    Meanwhile...Lex is teasing Azelle about giving a present to Edain.

  5. I'd vote Berwick as well similar to the guys up there. But when it boils down to FE-only options, gotta hand it to Thracia for being the second phase of Kaga's design madness after Genealogy. I went in blind first on Thracia and I wish I can erase my memory every time I start a Thracia playthrough because all the brilliance hit hard on the first time and second times onward are not as good (still being the 2nd top FE game for me gameplay wise, after Radiant Dawn).

  6. 8 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    I found Revelations’ gameplay boring because the enemies lacked personality and at least for me there was no major story beats that help make me want to play through the maps to see what will happen next.

    Each to their own I guess, hence the unpopular opinion. Also, lacking personality isn't gameplay, but writing.

  7. A small update; currently event building and playtesting chapter 16. 
    Progress has been slow recently thanks to certain open-world gacha game that features Shy Freyja, Wind Xane and Yellow Byleth, but hey, here's something to compensate for that. 
    Also, I decided to put a difficulty warning on this page since Dracoseal is purposefully not made for those who has yet to taste Thracia, Radiant Dawn or Conquest.

  8. 8 hours ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

    May I ask, why?

    I just have finished this game recently, and I found it pretty rough on easy already. And I'm sorta experienced in Shin Megami Tensei. If the reason is the same as in Persona 5 Royal, then I'd would understand.

    Probably just me, but I find even Hard Mode to be barely just right in general. There are quite a few BS boss moment like Excellus, but the most of the time, it only requires one restart at most to figure out the enemy's pattern and defeating them.

  9. FE4 ---> 8.5/10, from music, writing and gameplay, everything is almost perfect. Literally taking half a score off because you can't save/recruit Eldigan and Arion.

    FE5 ---> 9/10, same as FE4, but the gameplay is on another whole level. It's one of the few FE games that force players to think outside of the box.

    FE6 ---> 7/10, one of the two best FE for ironmanning. Too bad it's not that innovative or have anything special about it.

    FE7 ---> 6/10, same as Binding Blade, but worse due to being less challenging in general. The only challenge in this game is HHM.

    FE8 ---> 6/10, having one of the most badass lord is the strong point of Sacred Stones. While it does introduce new classes and branching promotion, I don't really like branching promotions. It's also too easy.

    FE9 ---> 7.5/10, the best starting point in FE franchise. Shove is a good mechanic and so is biorhythm.

    FE10 ---> 9.5/10, this is probably the best FE in term of gameplay. Ledge is good, Dawn Brigade is challenging, Elincia's Gambit is the best defense map in FE history. Endgame is spectacular.

    FE11 ---> 8/10, H5 gang rise up! Everything good about this game is brought down by the stupid looking animations that looked like classic MK sprites from the 90s. This is the other best FE for ironmanning.

    FE12 ---> 8.5/10, Kris is not a bad character or unit, change my mind. Also, this is the game that introduced bullcrap difficulties some of us loved to death. Same as Shadow Dragon, everything good about this game (gameplay, map design, music, character) is brought down by the stupid looking animations.

    FE13 ---> 8/10, Pair Up is broken as heck. The game throws back a lot to older FE characters and lores, basically is kinda FEH-ish before FEH was a thing.

    FE14 ---> 9/10, that score is for Conquest for being the hall of famers in term of gameplay and map design. Characters are likeable, they're simply stuck in a bad plot. As for Birthright, it gets 5.5/10 for being one of the most braindead game aka too easy. Revelation? 3/10 for being too gimmicky and bad in every single aspect.

    FE15 ---> 7.5/10, the presentation is the best in the franchise (voice actings, musics, arts) and gameplay so-so. If it weren't for those, Echoes would be around 4.5/10 due to its nonexistent map design.

    FE16 ---> 2.5/10, the game gives too much advantage for the player, resulting in almost no challenge at all (farming speed carrots, battalion, Alert Stance, unique support, etc) even in Maddening Mode, which is the weakest high difficulty mode in the franchise currently. Plot is so-so, characters are mostly bland and music is the only shining thing about 3H.

    FEH ---> 8/10, say whatever you want, it's one of the most F2P-friendly gachas out there. Tactics drill is fun, attempting weird builds is fun as well. Too bad Judgral representation is lacking in FEH.

    Berwick Saga ---> 10/10, now this, is the perfect Fire Emblem game (yes, it's actually Kaga Saga). Sure, it has FoW + ballista combo, but hey, you have Dean. Music is also pretty good despite not having the same amount of budget as mainline FE games. I'd take half a score off for the invention of CAVALRY CHARGE, but hey, it's a good threat in game.

    Vestaria Saga ---> 9.5/10, the game that made me want to develop my own "FE" game using SRPGS. There are so many things you'll miss on your first playthrough if you go blind and that's what makes it perfect for multiple runs. Units are all useful and contributing even if you benched them as soon as early game.

    TMS♯FE ---> 8.5/10, it's fun, campy and colorful. Musics are fantastic as well. Too bad it's too short and will probably not getting any mention or sequel in the future. PS don't play this on other difficulty setting other than the highest available one, you'll thank me later.

    Warriors ---> 8/10, it's fun, but once you're out of side story quest to play, it's just there to gather dust in your collections till you miss it and play it again.

  10. Maybe for a bit change of pace, I'd say this year has been pretty good.

    >Persona 4 ported to PC, Persona 5 Warriors announced for Steam release in 2021

    >TWEWY anime announced for next year, and the game itself has a SEQUEL announced.

    >Ryza 2 coming soon.

    >Devil May Cry V: Special Edition released on console and Vergil came to PC version.

    >FEH did tons of generous thing this year. Book IV is finally over and we're moving onwards to the mecha-dwarf world with its amazing free unit.

    >Cindered Shadows came out earlier this year. It was the best part of 3H gameplay-wise and I personally like the Ashen Wolves.

    >Byleth, Steve and Sephiroth in Smash. Too bad no DMC characters yet.

    >Final Fantasy VII Remake came out and XVI was announced.

    And oh, you made it to the end of the year. You survived a pandemic and that's something we should be grateful for.

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