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Everything posted by Kinsei

  1. I figured it had to be something like that, I just couldn't quite wrap my head around how a character would snowball like that. Perhaps I just don't yet have the right mindset for how skills and such fit together, as the only thing coming readily to mind is stat growths, which clearly isn't the only consideration.
  2. Reading this topic has been extremely interesting (and enlightening to some of the crunchier bits of the game), but I had a couple of questions. First, I keep seeing the term "snowballing", but I'm not quite sure what it means in this particular context. I'm sure it's something simple that I should've been able to just infer, but I'm drawing a blank tonight. And also, is there a listing somewhere of class progressions and skills/instruction one should be focusing on a character-by-character basis for those being used in a LTC run? There seems to be a lot of consensus on this tier list and the discussions seem to imply that those doing these sorts of runs (and discussing said list) are doing very similar builds, so I'm really curious to see something at least somewhat more comprehensive about that.
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