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Everything posted by MahoganyRaichu

  1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel more relieved 😃 and I'll try to have fun and no to beat myself over it^___^
  2. Hi there, guys! I came here seeking to get an answer to the questions I am so worried about. They are ridiculously stupid, but they ruin my enjoyment of the games. Long story short - I got interested in the series when FE Heroes came out. I always stayed away from tactical games in general - not my genre at all. However, my brother was a huge fan of the series and he encouraged me to try - maybe I'll get interested. I got hooked, so my brother suggested me to play Blazing Sword together. It was a blast he is good at it. I've decided to try Sacred Stones myself and it all became a nightmare - I am terrible at these games. Simply terrible. I am getting so inattentive, that a can lose half of my team in a single map. So I started resetting. And now I am feeling guilty - it was my fault they die (sometimes RNG is also to blame, I know, I know). So, the first question - how do you feel about resetting? I know, later games have it covered, but I think it can also ruin my experience - if my units will revive in the next chapter it can also make me play carelessly. I don't want it. The second question is about the order of the games. After playing FE Heroes for a bit I have a gang of my favourite characters from various games and I am so curious to play them - but when I looked up the order of the games I understood that I've got more or less perfect entry point. Now I have Awakening, Fates and Echoes sitting on my shelf, waiting for me to play them. To make things worse - I've just received Three Houses for the Switch and I am dying to try them. But I have such a huge backlog of the unplayed games. I am also feeling guilty. My bro says just to chill out and do whatever pleases me, since only a few games are more or less story related, and resetting is totally fine, even top players do that (he is a fan of some well-known YouTubers and he also suggests me to watch a couple of lets plays together) but...Am I just overthinking? blaming myself? I know, these are just games, but I want to enjoy them.I wouldn't ask if I've decided not to play these games. What do you think, guys? I am sorry it sounds stupid I am just very nervous girl^^* P.S: I am not feeling the same way about heroes though. I know even if my characters die on a map - they are still here.
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