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    Sacred Stones

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  1. Question: Is it possible to confer a skill to a unit via an usable item?
  2. Alrighty. I'll update and see what happens. Thanks!
  3. Hello. I'm here to ask about an error I'm getting. Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 116, in <module> File "main.py", line 43, in main File "main.py", line 61, in run File "Code\StateMachine.py", line 198, in update update_output = self.state[-1].update(gameStateObj, metaDataObj) File "Code\GeneralStates.py", line 2095, in update self.message.update(gameStateObj, metaDataObj) File "Code\Dialogue.py", line 199, in update self.read_script(gameStateObj, metaDataObj) File "Code\Dialogue.py", line 135, in read_script self.parse_line(line, gameStateObj, metaDataObj) File "Code\Dialogue.py", line 839, in parse_line for tile_property in gameStateObj.map.tile_info_dict[coord].items(): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration 52666 DEBUG: Engine: Created save point from ./Saves\LDEBUGT2.p This one happened as I tested the villageScript.txt code. I see you use these lines: # Close the village change_tile_sprite;7,7;closed set_tile_info;7,7 replace_tile;7,7;1 t;1 remove_background t;2 give_item;{unit};Potion To close the village. I made a closed loose tile with the Thracia Tileset I got online, the same way you have set it up in Level2, since my village tile is located at {7,2}, my code looks like this: change_tile_sprite;7,2;closed set_tile_info;7,2 replace_tile;7,2;1 t;1 remove_background t;2 give_item;{unit};Thunderclap <- Sword I coded in that resembles Gaiden's Thunder Sword From testing, I've singled out that set_tile_info causes the game to crash if it replaces the data of a village tile, if it replaces any other tile, the game proceeds normally. So... what am I doing wrong?
  4. Thank you! I went ahead and made a quick test. It's based on one of your maps. Also, thanks for the SS Summon code. I'll be sure to pop around if I have more questions, which, knowing myself, will be a recurrent thing.
  5. I have actually experienced this, too. When I was testing a map edit. It stopped after a while, but I have no clue what a good fix would be.
  6. Oooooohhh! That's interesting. Aww, shucks... Say, what program did you use to make your maps? I was using FEMapCreator, but the Level Editor doesn't seem to recognize the pictures I get out of it (via the Snipping Tool in Windows. I even make sure those cuts are pixel perfect) Regarding the summon skill, is it possible to make it so you can only summon once? Like the way it behaves in Sacred Stones. (You Summon once, and then again after your summoned phantom dies) Or make it work like it does in Gaiden/Echoes? (Summoning multiple entities for a maximum of Eight, for the Other army)
  7. Apologies. I meant "Change". Guess that one escaped my eyes. What I'd like to do is to change the way critical hits behave through a skill. Such as making critical hits deal 5x damage or only 0.5x damage. So the engine looks at the Feat pool and then checks if the unit has a Feat, then grants a Feat if the unit doesn't already have it, right?
  8. I got that when I took a look at the code, yes. What I mean is if they're learned randomly when their level is met You know, because classes just list "5,Feat;12,Feat", for example.
  9. Nice! I have more questions for you, mister Rainlash. But first, a thing I've noticed. When choosing the 3x Crits, the ones you label as normal, my units do only double damage. (Choosing 2x - 1x, results on my units dealing ludicrous amounts of damage. I had a Myrm that only dealt 1 dmg but after landing a crit, she dealt 10. My educated guess is that this isn't normal) Regarding that, is there a way through skills/statuses to chance the critical hit multipliers? Secondly, how do skills in the units file work? Can one assign more than one personal skill and make them learnable via levelling up from there or is that reserved for the class_info file? My understanding is that the syntaxis is (level),(skill_id);(level),(skill_id) and so on, but when I try that in the units file, only one skill shows up. If I don't use numbers, all skills show up. On that note, how do feats work? Are they learned at random?
  10. Interesting. Thanks for your help. However, I have more questions, if you don't mind helping me out. One would be: I have a skill that gives its unit Hit+10 and Dmg+3 when below Half HP. I would also like to use the unit_tint component in this manner to let the player know the skill is active visually, but I can't figure out how to do it. My best guess is that I have to do it via the automatic_combat_art component, and then create a status that causes these effects to occur. My question would be: How do you make it so the unit_tint component triggers once the unit gets below half HP? Oh, mildly unrelated: the A6. Status Components page in your Wiki is active, but it leads to a blank page.
  11. I've been working with this engine and I'm very pleased with what it can do. It's all so very simple once you get the hang of things. I have a question, though. Y'see, I've been trying to make a skill that allows a unit to perform a brave attack if its speed is lower than its target's. I understand you use the item_mod component for this, but, how do you make the comparison between the two Speed Stats? I've been trying to make it work based on what's written in already existing skills, such as the "Utility.lt(self.stats['stat'], target.stats['stat'])" that can be found in the conditional_(something) tags but I haven't had much luck. Something about the syntax being wrong. Or is this just not possible?
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