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Everything posted by CompleteNoob

  1. It seems that if one presses the INFO key while in the unit menu, it causes the came to freeze and crash, and gives out this error : File “REDACTED” line 71, in take_input StateMachine.CustomObjects.handle_info_key(gameStateObj, metaDataObj, self.units[self.unit_index-1]) AttributeError: module 'Code.StateMachine' has no attribute 'CustomObjects After importing CustomObjects, and changing line 71 from StateMachine.CustomObjects.handle_info_key(gameStateObj, metaDataObj, self.units[self.unit_index-1]) to CustomObjects.handle_info_key(gameStateObj, metaDataObj, self.units[self.unit_index-1]) seems to have fixed it. This was done in the UnitMenu.py file. This seems to be the sort of thing to post here. If not, could someone direct me to a better location?
  2. I was wondering. What needs to be done to allow for this to run on a Mac? I've gotten to the point where, upon running "python3 main.py", ╰─➤ python3 main.py pygame 1.9.6 Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html Debug: 1 Version: v0.9.3.19 libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile libpng warning: sBIT: invalid Setting Seed 0 cannot import name 'manhattan_sphere' from 'Code' Fast manhattan sphere generation not available. Falling back on default Python implementation. cannot import name 'LOS' from 'Code' Fast line of sight calculation not available. Falling back on default Python implementation. cannot import name 'fast_pathfinding' from 'Code' Fast pathfinding not available. Falling back on default Python implementation. Controller: None appears. Now, all that happens is that a pretty cheerful sound plays, which doesn't if I don't add the Audio folder into the file like the project mentions. What happens when I control-C is : ╰─➤ python3 main.py 1 ↵ pygame 1.9.6 Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html Debug: 1 Version: v0.9.3.19 libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile libpng warning: sBIT: invalid Setting Seed 0 cannot import name 'manhattan_sphere' from 'Code' Fast manhattan sphere generation not available. Falling back on default Python implementation. cannot import name 'LOS' from 'Code' Fast line of sight calculation not available. Falling back on default Python implementation. cannot import name 'fast_pathfinding' from 'Code' Fast pathfinding not available. Falling back on default Python implementation. Controller: None ^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 122, in <module> main() File "main.py", line 44, in main run(gameStateObj, metaDataObj) File "main.py", line 82, in run gameStateObj.playtime += GC.FPSCLOCK.tick(GC.FPS) KeyboardInterrupt Is there some way to allow this to work on mac? Oh, and my python version is 3.8.2. EDIT: It seems that I may have not properly downloaded pygame. Installing miniconda before using pip instead of trying out different editions pip to install it seems to have fixed it. Haha.
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