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Posts posted by saifors

  1. Hoshido sounds like Awakening, Nohr sound like the rest of the games more compelling plot and higher challenge.

    So Nohr for sure, there's also the fact that Nohr is more like your family for raising you while Hoshido are a bunch of strangers which you happen to be related by blood to.

  2. Yeah if I understand right the character designer is the same one from Devil survivor, while I haven't played a single SMT I know the devil survivor guy also did Digimon Cyber Sleuth which also has female characters with skimpy clothes (how to make an E rated franchis go straight tom M rated).

    If that interview is right then the FE aspect isn't too apparent, we'll just have to wait and see.

  3. An obscure character from a somewhat obscure Namco Bandai franchise: Coronamon like I said in the Direct thread.

    Yes we're more likely to get Obama than him, but I want it and the votes are meant to be for what the voter wants, I could have picked Roy, but I don't like him at all.

    There's a bunch of FE characters I could have chosen: Sigurd, Hector, Ephraim.

    But whatever, it'll bother me if I don't put my favourite character from my favourite franchise.

    Better than voting for Shrek.

  4. So... the sensible thing would be voting for a character that has a chance to get in, wouldn't it? Like Wolf, Inkling, Shovel knight...

    *looks over to table on which a lone shitty xbox360 game's case lies*

    There is a wound torn through my heart that needs healing.

    *Goes to vote*

    Well, Bandai Namco helped develop the game, let's hope they finally bring this franchise back to llife

    *types in: Coronamon*

    The chances are so incredibly low, I'm probably the only one who votes for him, but if there's one franchise I want to see back in action, it's definitely this one.

  5. Ok, I'm hyped now, it looks like they just might do the avatar right this time, the 2 routes sound interesting, so Hoshido is Lyn mode and Nohr is Hector mode? Cool.

    Slightly less cool is the 2 versions, hoping it's just one game with both routes (maybe 3rd route as dlc) in localization for US/EU, maybe that's the reason for 2016 release? If it ends up being 2 versions I'll get Nohr, I prefer darker story and more challenging gameplay.

    Also archer thieves? So hunters and thieves merged? Now I wonder if some classes might be different depending on the enemy faction.

  6. Guys it's totally FE there's a girl who slightly resembles Tiki for a split second.

    So we just not going to talk about the fact that at 0:38 there's a girl in nothing but her underwear? No?

    I love how Bill Trinen said it's SMT with Fire Emblem characters, that Marth and Sigurd Fusion cosplay? Yup, totally Fire Emblem.

    No, seriously can someone explain to me where the Fire Emblem here is, or the SMT? this looks more like a new IP than a crossover of these 2 franchises.

  7. So here's some more sprites:


    Cain archetype red cavalier guy, no name for yhim yet.


    I also remade the dog, don't ask me what dog race it is, I just decided to make a dog.


    Some guy you might have seen before.

    If it matters, your old sprite topic is here:

    Oh... Oh god... it hurts looking at this now...

    Saifors enters with his SmokeWeed Every Day stoner sprites hahaha

    What happened to playdough hair?

  8. I thought I had made a topic before, huh, maybe another forum.

    Anyway, you're not here for my rambling, but for sprites.

    So here's some sprites I've made:


    First up we have, well, me. I decided to restart my mug from scratch as the one in my Avatar is like 2 years old by now. Posting it to get some constructive criticisim before making it my new avatar.


    Then there's this guy, he's called Daniel and he's an OC lord guy I made, well the updated version of him there was an old version of him I made a few years ago and looking at it made my eyes hurt.


    Enter the Vaike.

    I also made Vaike from Awakening in FE8 style, he's my favourite character in Awakening, just for his amazing quotes. I tried doing something cool with his pose although the result is a pose, that doesn't really fit his personality that much... Oh well.


    I also made a sprite of this girl, imagine a cookie in your hand if you recognise her.


    And the there's these two battle sprites I made for the biweekly BS competition.

    That's all I'm posting for now. Still have some left over, I'll probably post those later after some fine-tuning.

  9. Saw a video on this, fake definitely, I doubt they'd even consider putting a new game situated in Magvel a decade after release.

    There's also the fact they specifically mentioned it will have a new story not related to previous titles.

    Although if it ends up being real it would be cool, but would it be a prequel or a sequel in which magvel gets colonized by another continent?

  10. Don't worry about the Keldeo, it's more in FE-style then my robocop-zombie-dino. the only thing that feels kind of "not-FE" is maybe the hair shading, aside from that it fits in fine with other fe battlesprites

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