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Grimleal Uncle

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    Three Houses

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  1. Those are actually really well thought out points! I agree 100%. Damn. It's weird to see rational comments like this in the fandom. But I'm glad its here! I've typically been enjoying the convos here at a much greater level than say, reddit
  2. I feel like Claudes route REALLY needed some more of that sort of content to differentiate itself more. Dont get me wrong the route is plenty strong as is, but it's also beat for beat the same as SS so it's own identity feels somewhat compromised. Like AM and CF feel like their own separate stories and have their own vibe. Whereas SS feels bland and VW feels like a copy paste of it with actual character interactions and development between the lines
  3. Strikes me as a statement that's looking to shut down a convo rather than try to have one. Plus it's possible to like both. Life isnt binary
  4. Ya tbh I think the peculiar combo here is she isnt over it in 1000 years, but then 5 years in prison and losing everything she built up IS enough time to reflect and be at least more over it. I think its partially owed to the mindset that maybe she didnt want to move on on a subconscious level? Like that might come off a awkward and I'll try to reword if so. Like we see she has tried quite a few times in different ways to bring her mom back. And is trying to leave fodlan in a state that will be welcoming to her return first and foremost. So, maybe it's less she couldn't heal, and moreso she didnt want to? Why accept what happened when you can undo what happened instead? Poor Rhea though. She only really is able to have her moment of reflection and acceptance once her castle of secrets falls on top of her. And even then she only learns to forgive and live for herself in a single ending
  5. Oh boy what a topic to stumble into! I'm not a member here really, but I've been browsing some other FE communities since Reddit is a tad....oppressive I feel. Anyways, um kinda agree and disagree. Like it's unfair to tell someone to get over their grief. People who experience trauma cope with it in different ways. And as we see with Rhea, she handles it in a pretty unhealthy way. Does that make her unsympathetic? Im not sure. Shes had a thousand+ years I suppose to heal, or at least channel her grief towards a more productive catalyst. Her want to hit the rewind button to the good ol days being her driving force behind all actions is selfish and is most of the reason Fodlan is in the troublesome situation that it is. But at the exact same time, can you fairly blame her for not moving on? While fixating on what happened and never truly letting go isnt necessarily healthy or ideal, we see very real people wrestle with this every day. And Rhea is TRYING at least to push her idea of what peace is. While we can discuss the ramifications of her actions, or whether or not they're actually good, the good intent was there. Despite her being one really bad day away from what we see her become in CF. So i dont necessarily think the argument is, can we forgive Rhea or not. But rather I'd say, is someone this compromised and unstable someone who should have been in a position of power for as long as they did? She admits herself she was never qualified to. Rheas really tragic to me. I like her alot, yet dont really excuse her actions or say I could abide by them.
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