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Everything posted by TheChoZenOne

  1. Thank you for the support (support rank goes up)!! It means a lot 😁
  2. Hello!! Ooooo PoR is my favorite!! Hope you enjoy it!! Its great!! And ooooo a cosplayer, thats very cool. Hope we can be friends, im always looking to make friends on here!! Hope to talk to you again!! I followed you, you should follow me back!! 😁 Enjoy your time here!! Ahem in the words of Owain Dark.... Welcome my new fellow comrade. Let us embark on an adventure of legendary proportions!!
  3. We are back for Part 20!! Live Now!! Gronder field is next. Ugh I heard some things about this chapter....
  4. I didnt finish FE11 in the first place cuz like I said, I thought it was meh. Which is why im asking if I can just play FE3 in the first place. And yes I know all of that already. Hope that clears that up lol
  5. Oh no but I really want to play the first game, so if mystery has a part of it to play. I defintely want to, to get the full story
  6. Cool, thank you!! 😁 I probably will stream it blind as soon as I finish my Pulseless Maddening run of Three Houses 👍
  7. So here's the thing. I heard Mystery of the Emblem is good. But I played Shadow Dragon on DS since its the prequel, and its a bit.... eh. I heard FE3 is a remake/sequel to FE1, so is it okay if just play FE3 to get connected and understand the full story with the Archanea saga?
  8. My Most Wanted: Chrono Shantae Bomberman Geno Phoenix Wright Quote/Curly (Cave Story) Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa) Alucard
  9. Oh hehe. You found mine. Yay. Lol And hm I should check them out!!
  10. Same 😔 He was the only one that entertained me tbh
  11. There is not too many FE youtubers out there. What are some of your favorite people you like to watch?
  12. I loved it when I first played it. Verdant Wind was my first playthrough and I played Azure Moon right after. Both were fantastic to me (Verdant Wind mostly cuz it was my first exposure to the story, I think Azure Moon is a better route overall) Great story Fantastic Cast Fantastic Music Well writren dialogue and incredible voice acting production Some of the most immersive and customizable gameplay I ever had the pleasure of experiencing. How I think of it now? About the same but its flaws are things I would like to see improved upon in the next game. The two major problems are its map and graphics. Please dont rush the game next time. The graphics and animations could have been SO much better. I wish there was more exclusive animations for individual characters and that the supports werent just characters pasted over 2 mannequins talking to eachother who do the exact same animations for practically everyone. The battle animations were yucky. Something about the 3ds games (tho low res) had some kind of pizzazz amd style to them. The attacks felt more expressive and you actually felt the impact of the crits. Something about it was just satisfying. Here, not so much.... Also give me a game like Three Houses but with maps like Conquest and it will be incredible. The gameplay was amazing but imagine its potential if the maps were actually great. Gambits were really thought out and made for a really fun mechanic, epsecially for demomic beasts. Micro managing every combat arts, abilities, class skills, gambits made for an amazing experience, but imagine the potenial it would have been if the maps were as fun and well thought out as its other gameplay mechanics. Also wish Claude was more fleshed out. He was such an interesting character but it really felt like he was an afterthought for the main two lord rivalry. They hyped up his schemes and mischevious behavior so much that I was left a little unsatisfied when he didnt really leave any major impact on the storyline. He was kind of just a typical FE lord, masked behind a charismatic and smooth personality. But he basically had your typical generic FE lord lines just with a little more flair added to them.... I still love him to death tho, just wanted more from him!! Other than that probably my fave in the series alongside Path of Radiance and Blazing Blade
  13. Thats very interesting. I noticed frozen lance being an a amazing combat art as well when my Marianne learned it in my current Maddening run. I didn't recall using it before on my previous playthroughs and she did some decent work with it so far!! A great combat art to have!!
  14. I been streaming a Three Houses Maddening Mode playthrough (no new game+) but with a twist. I restricted myself from using any divine pulses and it has made the game incredibly harder on top of Maddening being already super difficult. Its my first time playing Maddening too. (Yes im crazy, I know) Everything is going surprisingly well so far and I am currently a few chapters in at the timeskip so far!! Here is how my team is lookimg so far. Byleth (Enlightened One) Claude (Wyvern Lord) Hilda (Preist [about to promote to War Cleric soon]) Lorenz (Warlock [about to promote to Dark Knight]) Lysithea (Dark Flier) Ignatz (Sniper [about to promote to Bow Knight]) Raphael (War Master) Leonie (Bow Knight) Marianne (Holy Knight) Anna (Theif [about to promote to Trickster) Yuri (Trickster) Hapi (Dancer) I gave all of the girls (save Marianne because she is super slow) Darting blow so they can double more reliably by making them all Peg Knights. I also made every physical unit a Brigand for Death Blow. And then all my magic units get Fiendish Blow. So I have a Death Blow, Fiendish Blow, Darting Blow combo on everyone respectively and its awesome!! I made Hapi a dancer because she is the waifu heh heh. And she came out incredibly powerful!! Amazing gambit, amazing damage output, amazing avoid and a solid resistance tank!! And she doubles and crits often!! If you want to check out my run. I been streaming it on Youtube. There is 17 episodes episodes out currently at the time of posting this!! Come check it out if you are interested!! It was quite amazing so far!!
  15. Hapi because then she can do the Hapi dance 👀
  16. I been streaming a Divine Pulseless run. Its actually do-able if played effectively. Its an amazing challenge so far!!
  17. Odin Dark because he has the best crit quotes ever for me to bench him. Plus hes my favorite FE character!! I always make him a grandmaster so he can be like his dad (Robin).
  18. I think Edelgard is a fantastic character. A lot of people dislike her but I feel she is incredibly well written and a great I remember I lost my mind when I found out the twist of when I first played the game on Golden Deer. It was so unexpected. And her war speech following right after gave me goosebumps and I still remember just being in awe and at shock through out the entirety of it while watching that scene. It was such a well done twist and she lived up to being such a well done antagonist. My favorite in the series by far. Let me know what you guys think about Edelgard!!
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