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Everything posted by TheChoZenOne

  1. Hello everyone!! The PMU (Pick My Units) will begin soon!! The units have been officially picked by you guys and their respective classes!! Check out the Announcement video to see who has been CHOSEN (heh) and all the details on the run!! (I hope you enjoy the bits of satire in it xD I worked hard on it and had a lot of fun making this video 😄) I will update this thread constantly with the rules and my team again, and also when I start to stream it!! So make sure to follow this thread if you don't want to miss any updates to the run!! If you'd like, you can start picking more units for me just in case for my backup units, that way if anyone dies, we can quickly replace them if something goes wrong. Thank you and hope to see you all there!! We are starting today, stay tuned for the livestream!!
  2. Thank you so much for this. I been wanting to stream these games forever but I CANNOT for the life of me find a way to reduce lag on the emulator. I'm hoping this may help? We'll see, gonna test it today!! 👍
  3. So update to our PMU. I unfortunately failed my iron man (We were SO close too, I did really well and it was definitely possible, just made a tactical error) So I am even MORE excited for this PMU, cuz this will be the iron man we will try to WIN!! With even more stakes now!! So I decided I will be picking one specific unit to use. No worries. Its not a big change. I decided I will use Dancer Edelgard again as I think thats a handicap u guys would appreciate anyway. Plus imo, hot take, It think its an amazing class for her. I want to complete an iron man with this, so we gotta do it again!! I compensated by bringing back some of YOUR picks tho 👀 So here is my team: Mortal Savant Hapi Warmaster Hanneman Dancer Edelgard Swordmaster Raphael Holy Knight Ingrid Trickster Jeritza Wyvern Lord Annette is back!! Warrior Constance is back!! Valkyrie Lysithea Sniper Mercedes Dismounted Falcon Knight Byleth 🤣 Paladin Hubert This is the team I am comfortable with based on thinking on it more and all the choices you guys picked. Current backup units: Warrior Ignatz Fortress Knight Manuela
  4. LIVE NOW with the Finale 👀 Let's do this!! My first Maddening Iron Man. Can we complete it?
  5. Cute art haha and its alright. I will add Armored Maunela to the backup units so if someone dies she will definitely be one of the picks!!
  6. Yes I adore fates as well in the same way very similar. Its like even tho the writing is a bit meh, its such a fun game to just keep coming back to, the gameplay is top tier so it keeps me coming back. PoR is my favorite cuz im a very story driven gamer. And PoR has some of the best writing I ever seen in the series. Ike, Elinica, Sanaki, Jill, Lethe, Mist and many more are some of the most well written characters in the series imo, the supports had me feeling things I never felt when reading supports. Like by the end of each one I was SUPER invested in their stories. The story overall is just solid and very political, and deals with themes like prejudice and how Ike helps everyone on both sides overcome that in a way. Its really cool. Music is amazing, gameplay and maps are pretty solid. Its just a solid experience!! Never played Radiant Dawn. Cant wait to do so tho!! 🙂 And nice to meet you Lorneus. To keep the thread on topic, if you have any recommendations for the PMU (for my backup units) Let me know and I will use the unit and class you pick!! 🙂
  7. Oh yeah, just to clarify. Let me rephrase that, I definitely still enjoy gameplay as well, trust me. I adored fates (it is what got me into FE after all haha). Conquest is so amazing to play and is a strategic masterpiece imo. And I enjoy it more than FE3H gameplay wise in most aspects. Very high replayability and overall more solid experience. Also I can see what you mean. Fates is such a fun game to meme on and the story has a silly charm to it despite its ridiculousness. Its hard, because for most of the games, I have things I love and dislike about all of them. But thats what makes them all unique to me haha. Fun discussion. I honestly can't wait to play New Mystery Blind and many others I never got to play yet on the channel. Just need to get them to work on my PC lol
  8. Hahaha. Hm that is very fair tbh and you make excellent points.
  9. AYE a fellow man of culture!! CHADnatz is my BOY!! 😆 Also on a serious note, just curious, without going too much on a tangent, what don't you like about FE3H? Is it gameplay wise, story wise? Just want to know.
  10. I decided to shift Wyvern Lord Annette as a backup if someone dies because I already used Wyvern Lord Hapi which is a similar build. And instead of Warrior Constance, we are going with Dancer Constance but as a replacement, my close friend wanted to choose who it will be and they said Warrior Ignatz!! So this will be our final team!! Okay so update to the team: Swordmaster/Mortal Savant Hapi Warmaster Hanneman War Cleric Edelgard Swordmaster Raphael Holy Knight Ingrid Trickster Jeritza Valkyrie Lysithea Sniper Mercedes Falcon Knight Byleth Paladin Hubert Dancer Constance Warrior CHADnatz
  11. So I just realized we picked all of our units and their classes. But who's gonna be a dancer? Should I just use the dancer skill or would anyone want to choose one unit to change and make them a dancer instead?
  12. Yes and that's exactly why I think it's doable. I mean, you obviously have to have played the game and studied it first before trying this haha. But, I feel with the right preparations, it's definitely doable. I understand the difficulty tho, its not that I am not aware. I just find it doable with all the tools FETH give you is all. Haha
  13. Lol I still think its fine with this chapter. But hey, that's just my opinion.
  14. Fair enough and yeah I will go into it in that post. No worries!! Keep a lookout for it!! And okay awesome!! I usually stream all day so you ought to see me LIVE sometime during the day haha And yeah gotcha!! I will give Hanneman special care!! He's one of my faves too!! 😁
  15. Haha Hmmmm. I disagree, I actually want to make a post about it soon but I feel it's a hige misconception that Three Houses is "bad" to iron man or "too difficult". It is definitely difficult, however, I find after playing the game on maddening a couple times (especially on New Game+) the game is quite doable if you take advantage of the stuff you can obtain and the WIDE amount of room to recruit and grinding that the game allows you to do. I will save this for the post so I can go more into detail but I can't wait to have a fun discussion on why I think FE3H is actually an AMAZING game to iron man. It's crazy how many ways you can compensate for things even as far as the timeskip if things start going wrong. But, anyways, I hope to see you when I start streaming the PMU my guy. We need more FE fans to join the family. 😁
  16. Okay so I think we might have our team: Dismounted Falcon Knight Byleth 🤣 War Cleric Edelgard Mortal Savant Hapi Warmaster Hanneman Swordmaster Raphael Holy Knight Ingrid Trickster Jeritza Wyvern Lord Annette Warrior Constance Valkyrie Lysithea Sniper Mercedes Paladin Hubert I need your guys' opinion. Due to high request from multiple people on here, they think I shouldn't do an Iron Man? Is it because you don't want these potential hilarious meme builds to possibly go to waste if I lose them throughout? Will a Maddening run still be fun to watch even being a non iron man? Let me know your thoughts. I personally love the thrill of the iron man, it has made me think Maddening with Divine Pluse is a bit too easy (as crazy as that may sound, but I'm just being honest. After all the brutal challenge and all the things I learned throughout these runs , Maddening with DP just seems too generous is all haha). Personally I think it will be fun cuz then it keeps the pressure on me to potentially losing out on such a fun build and will discipline me to play as careful as possible. It will also be even more tragic losing a unit making the run even more brutal. Idk I just think it will make the run even more fun and intense!! I like having runs that can have us at the edge of our seat!! It makes it more entertaining. But let me know your thoughts, I am on the fence right now currently haha 🤣
  17. I completely forgot about Frozen Lance. Okay so I I'm liking this idea. I will go for Paladin then 😁 Dismounted peg sounds hilarious, Sure, let's do it since male byleth cam go a whole run without flying anyways so its like the same thing haha 😁 That sounds like a funny concept, let's do it!! 🤣
  18. Yeah but then all that brawling goes to waste when she becomes a holy knight 🤣 And you know I like my punching gals, haha. So I might want to just settle for War cleric haha. Okay then lets go with sniper Mercedes 👀 Okay so update to the team: Mortal Savant Hapi Warmaster Hanneman War Cleric Edelgard Swordmaster Raphael Holy Knight Ingrid Trickster Jeritza Wyvern Lord Annette Warrior Constance Valkyrie Lysithea Sniper Mercedes Falcon Knight Byleth Great Knight Hubert We have our full team!! However, if you want to change one of the classes for the ones listed above, (Please change Hubert to something less terrible xD) go ahead and give more recommendations. You still have plenty of time before my PMU starts. (Still have to finish my Maddening Iron Man first xD)!! I will shoutout everyone who got their recommendation in the team so look forward to the PMU for when I give out your flowers. (Your Crimson Flowers that is 😏)
  19. LOL War Cleric or Holy Knight? Decisions, decisions..... 👀
  20. LOL I might want to stick with the Gremory Mercedes cuz we need a healer on the team atleast 🤣 I should try that!! Also woah!! That sounds cool!! Lysithea does have hidden talent with a sword after all 😱 Hm this one sound pretty cool actually, I think I might for this one depending. But I REALLY need a healer 🤣
  21. Ah I see a man of culture as well. Fear the Deer 😎 (Also welcome you fellow Tellius lover 😁)
  22. So far we got: Mortal Savant Hapi Warmaster Hanneman War Cleric Edelgard Swordmaster Raphael Holy Knight Ingrid Trickster Jeritza Wyvern Lord Annette Warrior Constance Valkyrie Lysithea Gremory Mercedes Falcon Knight Byleth Need more class recommendations for Mercedes, and Byleth. (If I get unorthodox ones I like I might choose them haha) Also feel free to give more character options. Even tho we have almost 12. I will maybe do a poll to decide which ones get in if it surpasses 12!! I want to hear more ideas haha (Ps: Please pick Hubert, I still have never used him to this day xD)
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