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Status Updates posted by Kramy

  1. Kramy

    santa hat Stahl kinda looks like he's working for the Salvation Army xD

    1. Lenh


      lol yeah, how can you say no to that face ^^;;;

  2. Kramy

    happy burthday >_<

  3. One-punchman is one awesome dude

    1. The Joker

      The Joker

      He is beyond epic

  4. Awakening is my crack cocaine...

  5. Where did you find that collage of Lucina from? Do really want XD

  6. Kramy

    Thanks! XD

  7. Kramy

    I think I know who you are :P

  8. Of course I care about gameplay! Some games have some interesting stories but I'm mostly doing it for the lore, to see how it begins (like FE, story may not be good, but heck it's somewhat interesting)

    LOL For me it's either Maria or Shanoa

  9. LOL I kinda do... but yeah, none of the Castlevania really have any go stories. Though They do have some cool and memorable characters

  10. True... ^__^

    PoR was pretty cool, though the storyline was pretty bad, but heck who plays Castlevania for the story.

  11. I guess I'm a bit on the more extreme side ^^; been trying to get all the upgrades for the weapons. The rapier class are kinda trippy

    Probably going to run through the game on hard mode to get the boss souls I used and the special Hell Fire soul that you get for beating the game on hard.

  12. Reall? Longer than 2 hours? Daaang... I guess I was kinda lucky ^^;

    Yeah I know but being a completionist, I want to get all the souls, even if it's registered. Dude, I'm like even trying to fully upgrade all the souls. It's an addiction I tell you O___O

  13. Grinding for that Claimh Solais amiright?

    LOL I remember spending almost 2 hours just to get the Arch Demon soul. Just to say It was very tedious...

    Recently I had to use the Iron Golem soul to make a weapon, so back to soul grinding that thing again >__<

  14. Lol you bet! Got my sexy Chaos ring. but god daaaaamn It took so long. I still remember that I had to grind for a long time for the Final Guard, Iron Golem and Arch Demon souls. Those guys' souls are rare...

  15. You mean Iron Golem. Nope, just use a fast hitting weapon and hope to god that the game will be nice to you

  16. Oh man the Seals, I hate it how when you screw up, they have to redo the boss fight again... I guess that was one bad thing about DoS. Oh the soul grinding can be a real pain >__<

  17. OoE is pretty hard, some of the bosses are really insane >__< (especially Blackmore) Have you played Dawn of Sorrow?

  18. You bet PoR :D Though, I prefer Order of Ecceslia.

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