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Posts posted by marcus90

  1. Shitty growhts and shitty starting stats, as a sniper is fast and powah with a forged bow, so he can even dare to risk as a filler SNIPAH, so he can provide supports to My unit with some nice 15+ to avoid and hit.

    If he gets lucky in speed and skill, at least, he can be a very good chipper with forged bows. Just let him growth buy chipping asses.


    Eartly game: 9 (minceseverything but it's just a support unit)

    Middle game (as a sniper kept behind main 1-range weapon users): 7.5

    Late game: 4 (as a sniper, otherwhise 0 for everything else, minus Staffer, which raises his rank at 6/10)

  2. Good weapon ranks. Very durabe. He is this games' Duessel. The problem is that enemies are much more powerful than their future incarnations. Still, just use him as a TANK, and he is the best tank in the game - give him a couple of dracoshield and he is unbeatable, minus by armoslayers and magic.

    Slow and unprecise, but a good filler to me, and he has a fast support with Percival, a top tier unit. This guy is low-middle to me. Usable, but with caution.


  3. I concur. I find DoF's bosses plenty hard enough. :3

    I don't abuse Furetechen, I just did that video for fun. I try playing a mixture of ranked and efficiency usually, and furetchen is good, but not divine. Bossess... umh... chapter 8B boss, the sword master, he really suck (the hell, he doubles nobody).

  4. Yeah, the newer bearded version is the newer one, completely revamped.

    I'm going to try to aim for the next patch to be released by July. If I can't make that, it'll be released by the end of August. (Because summer+working on rom hacks=a lot of progress)

    Oh I understand. I'm sorry that the bearded version of Furetchen is the newer one. He was much more of a badass with the wise-angled portrait - he looks like a pimp with the fur over his shoulder, and that's fine, after all, he is a crazed one, right? I just don't like the new angle of his portrait, it's like... do you mind George from FE11 and FE12?

    THe FE11 was shitty and he was weak; the FE12 portrait was better and he was statistically better!

    Still, can you tell us Furetchen's growths? Cause this happened to me while I was doing some random stuff on map 7B.

    (I added the music)


    I have something to write about character balancing, too. Some of the characters were underwelmingly worthless (the female swordmaster for example), and some bosses should be stronger. Enemies are fine and it feel a little like Thracia 776 the fact that there are many reinforcements!

  5. Oh hello astralunasol. I'm playing your Dream of five - latest version - and I've seen on youtube some playthrough with Furetchen having a very bad face portrait - it looks fatty. Is that the most recent one or the cooler one - the one where he has no beard and looks like a boss - the defenitive one? I ask cause it's my favorite character in this hack of yours and I wanted to know how he is going to be done

    PS: Can you tell us all when you're going to release the next version of the patch?.

  6. I thought about Arran from FE3 in a side-story of FE3, where he is, obviously, the main character.

    Arran always allucinate because of his malady, he knows that he is going to die, and decides to live his life serving his liege, while looking at allucinations that makes him dream, pictures he can soft his burden with. He always wakes up very early in the morning and goes to meditate, observing all the environmental around him. He feel dazzed sometimes, because he covers a love for somebody, but he cannot reveal it yet.

    He has good relationships with everybody, and many of his companions like him, because he is righteous. Still, he feels void inside.

    He always trains to be at service of his liege, and, despite all of his efforts, he feel weaker each day that passes. And each day, while serving his liege, he reminds about his youth, when he was just a squire at some very important duke service, doing his best to appease his master needs. And he remembers everything he has been through.

    One day, after a very difficult battle, Arran is listening to his liege and comrades during a banquet made up to celebrate the recent victory against Medeus. Marth has become king and Altea is going to be a prosperous country, full of peace.

    Arran, understanding that is time is coming, decides to go to the one he filially love. The one that he loves is dying too: it's his father, the one that he grasped everything of during the quest to free Altea.

    It's father, somebody he lost when he was very young, because he was kidnapped by mercenaries in the past, and became a mercenary himself. Then, he escaped, and became a paladin, availing out his sword skills, serving rigtheously the weak people, just to be forced to slaughter many because of the whims of a new master that he had to be subdued to. And from there, he was starting to die slowly.

    His father: Marth tactician, Jeigan. And both dies at the same time, and Jeigan recognize his son because of a pendulum he always carried on, kept hidden under his carrage.

    Why I thought about this: because Jeigan wears the same armor of Arran, both are Jeigan archetypes, Jeigan, probably, was blonde when young, their haircut is similiar, gameplay-wise both are great uptil mid-game and, well, the spikes over their armors XD

  7. There. Yaoi pairings are the only logical thing you mentioned.

    TROLL HARDER DUDE :X Really, I try something, I suggest you things, you say anything is bad? WTF? Me no modder, but if you go for a balanced game, well, it has to be challenging, not frustrating! (Super Thracia 776, for example, if played on a cartridge the unpolished version it is, would be bullshit, and I wouldn't like playing a chopped version of FE4 with alleged "new content" and just few altered maps).

  8. I tried your Shin Patch. You really need to balance it better, cause some aspect of it makes the game very save-state needing (some doesn't)

    1) The Elthosan Charismatic squad, for example, is bullshit I tell you, cause the madafaking horsies become preposterously untouchable.

    2) You should try to make all footies have almost 7 movement, so they can be almost on par with all horsies, armors should have 6, generals and barons 7, Arden should be a Baron so he doesn't suck anymore.

    3) Weapons should always and only stay at 50 uses.

    4) Devil axe is shit, replace it with the original hero axe or let lex have continueso he can be a better unit.

    4-1) If you want to keep the devil axe, make it LIGHTER, more POWAH, so it's worth the risk.

    5) Makes Johalva a prepromoted Worriah with continue along side duel, so he can use a Killer Bow almost immetialy and be a much better worriah than before.

    6) You may leave Legendary Weapons Bonus as they are, but half their power, so they are much more balanced.

    7) Branched promotion is amazing, leave it as it is.

    8) Dew really needs to get crazy speed and luck to be useful at base.

    9) Lachesis could be a Master Knight immediately with crazy speed but lower than average everything else.

    10) Better bases for Sophya.

    11) Makes substitute characters better by giving them unique assortment of skills, better bases at join level but moderate growths.

    12) Killer Axes should be at 1 range only.

    13) Cuan needs to be a Prepromoted Flying Dragon Unit - no Dragon Unit on Generation one, Cuan is the most rational to approach that class.

    14) If you really want to edit maps, change them in such a way that we have different path to try at for ranked playthroughs.

    15) Knight Ring on Silvya immediately and 8 move for her, so she is decent as a dancer in this type of game.

    16) Can you try Yaoi parings? (asked for fun really)

    17) In Chapter 3, because the desert is a bitch to cross, can you try to create a single line of road or planure alongside the sea shore, so it's easier to reach Bridgitt with her sistah?

    18) Hero Swords need 90 Hit.

    19) Slim Sword should stay at C level, being 5 powah but get criticals to Armors, Dragons and Horsies, while staying costly.

    20) Higher base stats to some characters, so they are better differentiated as archetypes?

  9. My opinion over Johalva.


    I like Johalva, 'cause he looks like my cousin and he becomes a WORRIAH, my favourite class in F.E. serie so far (Dagdar too is awesome in FE5). Plus, he starts just 8 levels before promotion in chapter one with massive base stats.

    It's a footie,that's set, so he'll stay back in stead of chavaliers, yet, he is the one that, after promotion, trives for killer bow, because of his amazing high skill potential (50% growth plus promotion bonus makes him a potential critical machine). Initially, he is hampered by the use of axes only, but the moment he gets use of bows, he is the best archer after some Ichival user.

    Furthermore, he can easily share path with some girl known as Lackhe, whom he fells in love with pretty easily, so love criticals are excellent support for your footie team (there are many instance where you need to separate footies and horsies).

    In a game like fe4, you USE everybody (minus Arden 'cause he is shit), honestly, and if you are pretty experienced with the map style, you know where to send somebody to kick some ass.

    You can see him as a younger Dagdar, because of his Duel Skill and Critical (should he get the killer bow).

    So bad he lucks continue or pursuit. There, he would have been worth a 8.5.

    Still better than some Bartre.

  10. oh my fucking god

    i am possibly the shittiest fe player ever

    i've only ever completed fe8

    and i can tell that's stupid as fuck

    Because true fire emblem players never try to experiment something new and, why not, coarse.

    Because Fire Emblem players only do efficient runs on H5 Lunatic Reverse.

    Because Fire Emblem is a game limited to a sole type of gameplay.

    Because Serenes Forest is a site where should you write something for fun you get the fun. :D

  11. Yeah, same here. In addition to those sucky characters, I also like to use scrubs such as Seth, Sigurd, Pent, Saphy, Harken, Celice, Percieval, Miledy, and so on. I know that they're not as good as top tier characters like Rebecca, Bartre, Knoll, Bors, Wendy, Amelia, Ewan, Ross, etc. but sometimes I like to challenge myself.

    Ahah. Not funny.

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