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Posts posted by Laureola

  1. I don't think it'd be bad if they at least used different maps....

    that's still 3.75 USD to 5 USD for a new map and a maybe unique character.

    I'd pay 20 USD for a new campaign though the multiverse if it was decently long. It'd be like an expansion pack. but not piecemeal maps at 4-5 USD a pop.


    look at her right leg. Either her her knees are broken and the leg isn't rotated, or the leg is rotated and somehow still attached to her hips

  2. Metroid Prime: This is still my favorite game on anything. Combat, exploration, and the perfect atmosphere set by the music and graphics

    SSBM: Six friends, four controllers, hours of fun every friday.

    Mario Kart Double Dash: Above.

    Soul Calibur 2: This game brought about as much real world fighting as there was ingame.

    Luigi's Mansion/Mario Sunshine: Sunshine might still be my favorite Mario Game even with Galaxy II/SMW around.

  3. I'm a bit confused on people's thought regarding DLC. On one hand, gamers want more in-game content: more characters, more stages, essentially more of the game.

    Now here's an instance where we're getting just that, and now some folks are reacting negatively to it. I don't quite understand it myself, but to each his own. I will say that I think if it goes any higher than $5 I may have to take a break from them, but for now I consider the prices pretty reasonable for an additional chapter and a new party member.

    Becasue it's currently ~16-20 USD for four or five maps on a 40/50 USD game? That's just silly, especially as they've chained the Lord's DLC like they have. Then the DLC units aren't even really that custom.

  4. My Pegasus Knights always seem to get a early STR level or two, which just makes them into flying death early on. Lots of PK blessing from everyone here.

    Aside from 6, Generals have never let me down when I go tell them to hold the rine somewhere. Mages, Wyvern lords, lancereaver spam it doesn't matter because the rine will hold(triple if Hector counts that's not even fair).

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