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Posts posted by Laureola

  1. ..And it still doesn't mean they are doing something wrong by translating the game unofficially. Fan translations are perfectly acceptable, and most developers support it. The only time there is ever really any issue with it is when it is distributed themselves, and the only possibly illegal thing about it is that it contains a translated version of another company's script. But there has been zero court cases over this, and it is generally accepted by the industry as an okay thing.

    So the FE translation was given Nintendo's official blessing? Just because X said it was ok to translate their work, doesn't mean you can go wholehog and say it's ok to do so with Y's works because X is ok with translations. Just because there is a lack of enforcement on the issue doesn't make it ok.

    The FE translation was unauthorized. As long as the original contributors are credited for their efforts, their translation should be as open game as the original work. The worst that can happen is the edit is shit and no one uses it and the best is now there's a improved translation for everyone.

  2. That's like saying SF should be held responsible for every user that posts illegal content on our forum. The translator + ROM hacker are not responsible for how people use their patch. The gun shop owner doesn't go to jail for selling the gun to the murderer.

    There is a difference between selling a tool with multiple uses and distributing a file whose only use is the translation of a product not available but easily "found."

    "multipliable" what the hell am I typing.

  3. More like, Internet drama would not be an internet drama without the internet because its drama on the internet. But the internet can exist without the drama.

    Man I'm done.

    Nah, Internet drama is worse then normal drama because you can be a douche with zero repercussions and hold a grudge afterwards with little worry. Which just perpetuates more drama.

    Orville Redenbacher's has made so much money off the Internet it's not funny.

  4. @ Emperor

    No mount, no weapon triangle, and we have Great Knights. Generals will have to be fuck awesome or Great Knight total fail. Which suck because I like Great Knights too.

    PoR and RD with the heavy armor and tower shield was good, not as awesome but I liked them.

  5. @Strategist

    Meal Humtpy Dumpty looks terrible on all of them.


    Now we have unrealistic and ugly. Thank you IS. FalcoKnights lost swords, just so they'd lose against Griffon Knights. Stupid changes just to add a redundant possibly flier.


    That'd be great!

  6. Did you seriously just call us your 'Pretties'? Are you going to get revenge on that damned Ike and his little Soren to? Do you melt under water? is that why you have that Gimmick in Part 4? Are you after the Ruby slippers? seriously I could be hear all freaking week! This is not Advanced Wars' date=' this is not a goofy story where the male lead can ask "What's an Airport again" or "What are continents" this is fucking Fire Emblem. I am not looking for "Lash minus the interesting parts" I expect some freaking dignity from my villains unless they happen to be an early game bandit. and since you aren't currently crapping your pants retarded and holding an Axe, get your cartoon ass out of Fire Emblem.[/quote']

    Too far man. Advance Wars is a serious game for serious people. I'll have you know we had a barbecue after every battle in WW2.

    1. Advance Wars 1/2
    2. FE7/8
    3. Golden Sun 1/2
    4. Firered/Leafgreen
    5. the Mario RPGs
    6. Mario Kart Super Circuit
    7. Metroid Zero Mission
    8. The Legend of Zelda

    I need to get the new Golden Sun too, keep forgeting about it.

  7. I'm liking the grid pick and choose system. The S double bonus seem a bit much though and I wouldn't complain if S ranks were locked while the others were unlocked. A "military commander" would keep things flexible, not rigidly force units together "forevar."

    As for support gain, I'd rather have it by maps deployed together on and not how many times they fondled each other on the battlefield while no one was looking.

  8. Brock 20

    Misty 20

    Lt. Surge 20

    Erika 18

    Sabrina 23

    Koga 20

    Blaine 20

    Giovanni 20

    Green 20

    Janine 21

    Falkner 21

    Bugsy 20

    Whitney 20

    Morty 21

    Chuck 20

    Jasmine 20

    Pryce 18

    Claire 20

    Roxanne 20

    Brawly 21

    Wattson 8

    Flannery 47

    Winona 20

    Wallace 35

    Juan 20

    Roark 20

    Gardenia 20

    Maylene 20

    Wake 20

    Fantina 18

    Bryon 20

    Candice 20

    Volkner 18

    Cilan 20

    Cress 20

    Chili 20

    Lenora 20

    Burgh 18

    Elesa 6

    Clay 20

    Skyla 20

    Brycen 20

    Iris 18

    Drayden 20

  9. Brock 20

    Misty 20

    Lt. Surge 20

    Erika 20

    Sabrina 22

    Koga 20

    Blaine 20

    Giovanni 20

    Green 20

    Janine 20

    Falkner 20

    Bugsy 20

    Whitney 20

    Morty 21

    Chuck 20

    Jasmine 20

    Pryce 18

    Claire 20

    Roxanne 20

    Brawly 21

    Wattson 20

    Flannery 41

    Winona 20

    Tate and Liza 2

    Wallace 29

    Juan 20

    Roark 20

    Gardenia 20

    Maylene 20

    Wake 20

    Fantina 18

    Bryon 20

    Candice 20

    Volkner 18

    Cilan 20

    Cress 20

    Chili 20

    Lenora 20

    Burgh 18

    Elesa 18

    Clay 20

    Skyla 20

    Brycen 20

    Iris 20

    Drayden 20

  10. Why would (bern) pay them I mean. I thought the rest of the sentence would make it clear who was being referenced.

    Soldier: "Captain, are you sure?"

    Sigune: "About what?"

    Soldier: "The Etrurian Army is saying that will liberate us from Bern. In that case, we could gain independence..."

    Sigune: "Do you really believe what they say? What idiot would fight a war for the sake of others? Once they defeat Bern, they'll just establish themselves as the next dictator."

    Soldier: "Well..."

    Sigune: "Then it's better to be with Bern. They're better at warfare."

    Which is when you roll though Illa like wet paper and instead of sacking the nation conditionally free it on with a Non-aggression pact and aid against Bern.

  11. Why would they? They could just grind her into the dust if they wanted, her pay is letting her live. I doubt being a puppet state of Bern would turn out better for them. Being second fiddle to Bern's Dragon knights would grind at them too.

    Why should Sigune care about Fiora's death anyway? I'm sure that many husbands, sons and fathers have died on her lance before. It's repeatedly shown that the Ilians are comfortable with the knowledge that each mission could be their last. I doubt she'd have any "guilt", or that she'd be stupid enough to be manipulated and ordered around by Eliwood.
    This is the exact mindset that would cause Illa party them to rebuff any attempt at an alliance after Ellwood's breakdown/fit, why side with a hodgepod allianceof fiefdoms when one of the leading ones can't handle the death of his wife. As for Sigune herself, I don't like how it plays would with her and Eliwood curently, but I like the idea of it.

    As for Eliwood's state of mind, picture this. He's barely been married two years(honeymoon phase) with his blushing and beautiful wai... wife, he's just had a child with said wife, two years of stressful nation building and placing new nobles on empty fiefdoms as finally calmed down and shown results. Eliwood finally has time to be happy. Then Hector has this grand plan for an alliance with a nation the size of the alliance. Surprisingly Illa is amendable to the idea, but wished for a more Illan view of the alliance, so Hector convinces Eliwood to send Floria. then the above posts happen.

  12. Still a stretch for the fragility of everyone involved's feelings. And Eliwood's stupidity. And with the above example, I have a hard time seeing Sigune giving into Eliwoods reasoning, considering Mercenaries aren't supposed to value their lives greatly, ergo, Sigune doesn't owe anyone her employment just because they (or their wife) saved her life.

    Sigune doesn't even mention any real reason for working with Bern(no mention of pay, offers of aid, anything) aside from nott wanted tto be on the "stronger" side's bad side. By the time you slaughterer your way to her you've already proven your strength and with Zealot and the several PKs in your party could prove your good/noble/rape fantasies intentions to her.

    As for the fragility of feelings, you have a country of warrior people whose women(I assume elsewhere in the world women are still baby making machines for the most part) are some of the most respected mercenaries in the world. Eliwood them insults to their face, either blaming them or saying they let her die to saves themselves. I'd see the Ilians being greatly insulted that someone would say that they would kill/leave behind one of their own. That that someone is was trying to forge an alliance with them and is one of the leading party of said alliance would color the whole affair as a hogwash.

  13. How is Ilia responsible for Fiora's death if pirates shot her down? And even if you figured out a way to make it Ilia's fault, why are you making Eliwood into a pussy in a different way? And Erik feel guilty for? Betraying the Alliance? So to alleviate that guilt he does it again? These situations have some good thinking, but you haven't given them enough thought for how outlandish you want to make them.

    I'ma another random Vagrant Onmi managed to find, helping him with (story)editing and wanking on spreadsheets for his new classes. Editing this one right now and here's the short way I see it playing out.

    Floria bites it helping her country(wo)men out.(RNG 1% crit from a 10% hit. She forgot to pray to the RNG god that day). Eliwood, in his grief, being unable to punish every pirate in the world(pretty sure his fiefdom is landlocked anyway) lashes out at the other party involved with her death. He threatens to leave the alliance if Ilia is added and no rational words with reach him for a good while. This deeply insults the Ilia diplomatic envoys(or whatever you want to use) to have one of the people who invited them attack them. By the time Hector can beat some sense into Eliwood, the Ilians have decided they'll can better behind their frozen mountains then dealing with the petty politics of an alliance.(inside an alliance)

  14. Brock 20

    Misty 20

    Lt. Surge 20

    Eirkia 20

    Sabrina 21

    Koga 20

    Blaine 20

    Giovanni 20

    Green 20

    Janine 20

    Falkner 20

    Bugsy 20

    Whitney 20

    Morty 20

    Chuck 20

    Jasmine 20

    Pryce 20

    Claire 20

    Roxanne 20

    Brawly 21

    Wattson 20

    Flannery 20

    Norman 20

    Winona 20

    Tate and Liza 18

    Wallace 21

    Juan 20

    Roark 20

    Gardenia 20

    Maylene 20

    Wake 20

    Fantina 18

    Bryon 20

    Candice 20

    Volkner 18

    Cilan 20

    Cress 20

    Chili 20

    Lenora 20

    Burgh 20

    Elesa 20

    Clay 20

    Skyla 20

    Brycen 20

    Iris 20

    Drayden 20

    Justy 20

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