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Posts posted by sinfonic18

  1. For the way I acted the last moments of my time here on this forums. I've acted like an moron crybaby, harassing mods and members to do something they can't and don't care to do. For that, I am sorry, I hope you all can find it in your heart to forgive me and my nutcase rants and moods. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Pengaius said:

    I do not believe that you can, erase the account, (this is the internet, anything that's put up stays forever) but I'd say the best thing you could do, is change your username to a set of random numbers, change your pfp to a black screen, wipe all info off of your profile and sync the account to a different email address. 

    Then, take it up with a mod, about why you want to delete, and they can permaban your account or something. 

    Why do you want the acc gone so badly anyway?

    Well, there is usually (on every website that requires an account to access most features I've been on) an option to delete your account, which surprisingly isn't an option on most forums for some reason. 

    But that is a better answer than I was expecting for this question. I guess it will have to suffice for this. I didn't think of taking it up with a mod as I couldn't find any contact info for one but I will find a way, hopefully.

    Thanks for the help! 

  3. I love Three Houses but the Cindered Shadows side story is just so, ew. So aren't the characters. When I bought the DLC it honestly kind of ruined one of my favorite games this decade. I thought it would elaborate more on the main story and what exactly happened before Byleth was born and why he had such a distrust for Rhea.

    That's what I would change about Three Houses. I would add more to the game in order to make the story seem a lot more sense, because playing through it even all 3 routes, it just seems like a ton is missing plot-wise. I'd also like to see Edelgard's story have more chapters but I guess that's in the past now.

  4. On 10/15/2020 at 5:55 PM, Benice said:

    If it counts, Berwick Saga for basically outdoing every FE I've played in every regard, pretty much. Superb gameplay, amazing story and cast, wonderful music...It is a masterpiece, pure and simple. It has a few flaws, but I can overlook those flaws easily because of how phenomenal the rest of the game is. It has a whole bunch of ideas that IS copied, and tbh I want to see IS copy more of Berwick's ideas.

    If not, I really like FE6 because Marcus is a really fun Jagen on HM, I like the versatility of the cast and it is overall a really solid and fun game IMO, overcoming on HM it feels amazing. It is designed with ironmanning in mind, (ambush spawns aside) and I love it.

    I actually don't know what Berwick Saga is, so I suppose it doesn't count. 

    mod post merge:

    Wow, thanks for your input everyone! If there is anything I learned from this thread it's that I need to find someway to play Path of Radiance lol.

  5. 4 hours ago, XRay said:

    Fire Emblem is all about fictional politics, and those politics have parallels in real world politics. In my opinion, being able to discuss politics and current events not only makes us better informed citizens, it also helps us appreciate the fictional politics in Fire Emblem more. I always find it fascinating when fictional works draw inspiration from real world political events. Some people may find bringing politics, money, religion, etc. to the dinner table or their games off putting, but I find those dinner tables and games to be unengaging and super boring. I want to explore topcis like politics, religion, genocide, abuse, sex, social justice, terrorism, oppression, death, trauma, etc. in my fictional mediums. It gives those fictional mediums a human touch, a dose of the struggles of humanity.

    Edelgard wants to crush the aristocracy and theocracy dominating Fódlan, and her motives are similar to revolutions in Europe and Americas in the early modern period. Edelgard's extreme disgust with the aristocracy parallels the extreme frustration that European and American revolutionaries had back then. Today, America is still struggling to maintain its secular status due to constant assaults on our religious liberty from right wing Christian extremism.

    Alm and Celica are fighting a war of liberation due in part to extreme differences in religious ideology between the two countries.

    Fates is a political mess. Nohr got hijacked from the top by a crazy dragon/slime thing, not unlike the United States highest office being hijacked by an infant propelled there by racists and populists. Racism is also a pretty big problem in Hoshido, although the games has not really touched on that subject much outside of character back story.

    Awakening is basically Ylisse flexing its military muscle on the world stage to ensure international peace. It is pretty similar to how the United States is using its military to manage Pax Americana.

    Tellius is a racial mess. If you thought America has it bad right now, Tellius dialed racial tensions up to twelve and probably rivals WWII level of racist extremism. Nazi Germany killed off a significant portion of the Jewish population, while Begnion basically wiped out the entire Heron race sans a handful of the Heron royal family. Racism is practically everywhere. Even when the world is confronting Armageddon level of divine hubris, the Greil Mercenaries were barely able to hold an international force together that is fraught with racism and nationalism. (I have not actually played Tellius, so I am not sure if racism and nationalism is as bad as I think it is, but reading the plot gave me those vibes.)

    Well you make a good point. There are political affluences in many games but I never really paid that much attention to detail how many FE games have politcal-driven stories. 


  6. On 10/7/2020 at 4:22 PM, Shadow Mir said:

    Reason, which teaches black magic, is pretty much mandatory for mages in 3H to invest in (this is also why if I use her, I tend to change Manuela into a physical class [note she has a weakness in reason]). At any rate, the fact that offensive white magic in general is so heavy in 3H makes the Holy Knight master class pretty much useless. That said, Awakening isn't the only game where Nosferatu was useful - Genealogy of the Holy War is another one where it could be used effectively, due to the fact that follow-ups are tied to a skill, as is Binding Blade because Nosferatu is not mega-heavy.

    Hector must also be kept alive. Though other than mages, enemies struggle to damage him anyway.

    Yes because offensive white magic in 3H is useless. However I think Marianne makes decent (hard emphasis on decent) Holy Knight in 3H because she is the only one that I know of to have things like Aura and whatnot. She also has natural talent in lances so it's easy to get her there if you want, but for everyone else, it's pretty much the most worthless class in that game. 

    I have never played fe4 or other ones released only in Japan so i wouldn't know.

    Now that you mention it, my Hector is a great tank only threatened slightly by mages and even those don't dent him too much.

  7. On 10/6/2020 at 11:15 AM, ping said:

    Never feel pressured to try to justify the way you play FE, or any single player game. Making heavy use of your early-game prepromotes is an easier way to play the game, not a better way. There's nothing dumb about playing a game the way you like.

    Well thanks. I suppose you're right, but still, the way I play is inefficient in my opinion but a touch of OCD and personalization prevents that lol. 


    I accidentally deleted my save file yesterday and have to start over from Ch. 20. (THANK GOD for VC save states, I had a backup I did on chapter 20 just in case.) I had to get all the way to 26 again but it was a blessing in disguise because I was able to grind the arena this time and get all my units ready to promote, which is what I love lol. Plus they got great level ups.

  8. On 10/6/2020 at 9:47 AM, Shadow Mir said:

    The same issue plagues Nosferatu in Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance, as well as 3 Houses. Aside from that, it's not so useful when it makes you so slow that you risk being doubled. Coincidentally, weight is also an issue with two of the three lords' exclusive weapons they get in the final chapter.

    Bold: As Lyn is a lord, you must keep her alive.

    I find torches most effective on thieves, who already have more vision than other units. Just something to note for when you have to deal with fog maps again.

    That and how Nosferatu was changed to a white magic tome in three houses makes it even more useless in that game. Honestly makes Mercedes offensively useless and only good for heals which is what she's supposed to be I suppose. Now that you put it that way, I can see why it's useless in any game that isn't awakening lol.


    I thought Eliwood was the only one who couldn't die due to game over in his story but now I know lol. Still better sacrificing a character I don't like then getting a game over. xD


    Good advice. Didn't know thieves had that perk. 

  9. 23 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    The thing is, Awakening didn't have weight and Nosferatu was buyable. This game does have weapon weight, and Nosferatu, at 14 weight, is rather heavy. Speaking of, in this game, using a weapon that's heavier than your constitution reduces your AS (which determines whether you can double or not). As a result, it's generally better to avoid using weapons that are heavier than your unit's constitution.

    What happened with them?

    Ah, I totally forgot about weight. I actually didn't know weight existed in the older games, thought it was a new feature. Now I understand why nosferatu isn't a great tome in this one. But even if you don't double with it, the health drain from it might be useful. Given a unit has high magic, I would imagine it'd be decent healing. I haven't tried it though yet, so I will take you word for it.

    Well, I admittedly used Dart as a sacrifice on purpose, I was in a situation where it was either him or Lyn, I didn't want to lose Lyn because she is amazing, so I fed him to the crows. Rip pirate man.

    Fiora is different story. It was on the map she is recruited on and it's one of the irritating maps where there is fog and you can't see enemies unless you have a bunch of torches. I very riskily put her into the deep fog, and the next turn an archer came out of nowhere and instantly took her down. I was distraught but I didn't want to reset since that's kind of cheating and my other units had good level ups. So yeah, I've definitely been spoiled with the newer games' casual mode...

  10. 23 hours ago, ping said:

    Early prepromotes tend to be really good in the earlier games, and Marcus is no exception. It's mostly agreed upon that he's by far the best unit in the game, although you'll always find the odd contrarian. His stats, while not as good as those of a promoted growth units, are still good enough to make him a viable pick for almost the entire game, and using him makes the first half of the game a LOT easier.

    For reference: I'm just barely behind you in a Hector Hard Mode playthrough (the big Darin map is next) and Marcus is still one of my two huge carries, the other one being Sain who stole Wallace's Knight Crest in Lyn Mode. Other units are catching up, of course, and will be overtaking Marcus, if not both of them, but the first map where Marcus is actually bad at fighting is the big penultimate one.

    That said, it's evidently possible to beat the earlygame in ENM without leaning on Marcus ;): My rule of thumb regarding Jeigans is to use them as much as you need to, and don't feel bad if you use them a little more than that. XP stealing isn't really a problem - you'll always have some XP going to characters that you're not going to use longterm, so it really isn't a problem if a kill goes to Marcus instead of, say, Lowen if you planned to bench him after Sain and Kent rejoined anyways.

    Oh I know how good prepromotes are even in the newer games. I used Marcus to get me out of some tough situations when i first started Eliwood mode. I just don't like using them personally because I'm the type of person who likes to grow units and mold them into what I want, even if it is inefficient. I like to treat FE like Pokemon, assembling my own team and training them from level 1 to 100 or whatever. It's very satisfying to me and part of what drew me into FE as a whole. Like I said, it's pretty dumb but it's one way I like to enjoy the games.

    pre-promoted units don't offer this kind of "growing" that I like. So while you're right that Jeigan like units are really good and make the game easier, it's personal, but I can't do it lol. Buuuut, like I said, I used him a bit to help me out with hard times and he really pulled through, I can see why a lot of people say he is the probably the best unit in the game.

    Yes and FE will be FE, kind of forcing units upon you on certain chapters and disallowing some. Argh. 

    I just got to the chapter where you get Hawkeye and he is a really good prepromoted unit and since most of my other units are promoted now I might consider using him since berserker is cool.

  11. 12 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Bold: I would note that the character in question is NOT worth it.

    Nosferatu is much too heavy to be worth using.

    Anyway, to the OP, I would say that in general, it's easier to list who's not worth using, which I won't do because someone else did that already (but I will add Renault and Karla [the former is a prepromo bishop who joins before the last chapter, but by that point, whatever mages you have raised are all but guaranteed to be better, and that's ignoring the fact that the last chapter gives you a mage that eclipses him; the latter has the same issues as Guy and Karel, but also requires actively using Bartre, who is himself terrible, and her stats are pretty lousy too] to that list) That said, Blazing Blade is easy enough that you can get away with using just about anyone.

    Nosferatu isn't great in this one? I remember it being broken in Awakening. But not being able to double enemies especially in this one is a big downside I guess.

    Any unit that joins before the last chapter I would imagine would be useless, why would they even introduce a character at the end of the game? I also don't like using promoted-out-of-the-box units unless the map is really hard because they suck up EXP. I always thought it'd hinder the growth of units but perhaps I was wrong. 

    I'm in chapter 20 and I've only permanently lost 2 units (fiora RIP, and Dart RIP) so I think that is a good testament on how this one easy, since this is coming from someone who finds 3H normal to be hard.

  12. On 10/2/2020 at 7:40 PM, 𝙵ᴇɴʀᴇɪʀ said:

    it partially depends on the goals you have set for yourself when playing the game.

    some characters are locked behind specific requirements, while others are exclusive to Hector's route. since there's also stat boosting items showing up every once and then, there's virtually no best unit if you're willing to invest time and resources into them.

    then again, some characters may have advantages over others due to pre-promotion bonuses and other factors, but that's another story.


    in terms of overall performance, from my previous/current runs i can tell you this:

    - Cavaliers: Kent and Lowen are pretty good until mid game, and you can even promote Kent early on Lyn's path if you boost him enough;

    - Knights: Oswin is a very tough unit, no doubts about it. Wallace can be a decent alternative, but he will most likely not be able to double enemies as much as Oswin usually does;

    - Flying units: Fiora and Farina can be very useful against mages, especially Fiora since she joins earlier and has more time to improve her stats;

    - Archers: Rath and Rebecca can be nice to have around. Rath has the advantage of being a mounted unit that can gain access to swords upon promotion, while Rebecca can become a good anti-air unit with 2~3 default range of attack + access to ballistas. however, if you're just looking for a back-up archer in a map with flying enemy units, then you might as well go for Louise. otherwise, Rath all the way;

    - Healers: Priscilla is always helpful, simply because a mounted unit not only has better movement range than a unit on-foot, but also because she has better chances to rescue/travel with other allies;

    - Mages: Erk, Lucius and Canas can all become good units if you're willing to invest time in them, however only Canas has access to the Nosferatu tome, meaning he's the only one that can actually leech HP back from the enemy while dealing damage at the same time;

    - Thiefs: Matthew will surely need levels in order to become decent, while Legault joins with an already good starting level and can promote right away when you get the Fell Contract;

    - Axe users: Dorcas can do a good job against armored units, not so good against other units. i would focus on Bartre only if i was playing on Hector's route and wanted to get a specific character;

    - Sword users: Raven is a pretty solid unit that can eventually stand against anyone if trained enough. he's basicly like a 4th lord in terms of damage dealing, but being a mercenary also means that he'll get access to axes upon promotion, giving him the ability to perform ranged attacks without the need of a magic sword.


    guess that's all for characters with starting classes, or at least that's what i've learned from personal experience so far.

    To be honest I think I may have had a bad start to the game since I this is my first time playing it and I was using characters that weren't worth it in the long run (such as Dorcas) and stunted the growth of a lot of my good units now that I am in mid-game (basically all 3 lords, both Kent and Sain, Wil and erk and serra, etc). A big victim of this is Florina, since as SOON as she joined in Lyn's story I let her die when i didn't see an archer in her range. Now I had to level her against enemies that were way stronger and it was a pain but worth it since she is one of my best units now. Of course I could've waited until I got Fiora, but I didn't know she joined later and I thought Florina was the only flier. Wish i would've known that sooner lol.

    I've been using both priscilla and Serra as my healers and they've done a great job. They almost never get hit. I don't really use matthew much unless there is a chest on the map since he's pretty weak but I would really like that Assassin promotion.

    Basically been using what you stated and it's worked out pretty great. I swapped Raven with Guy because I like swordmasters and Hero kind of sucks no matter the game.

  13. 3 hours ago, Benice said:

    Well, there's Marcus, who is easily the best unit in the game, but for non-godlike prepromotes, I'd say that

    • Sain
    • Florina/Fiora
    • Kent
    • Canas and/or Lucius
    • Raven (sorta)

    are all good options. However, FE7 is easy enough that you should have some leeway as to who you use, so basically use characters that you like.

    I've really found Sain and Kent to be extremely useful. That might change but I will definitely throw out Erk for Canas when I get him. Thanks for the info!

    20 minutes ago, ping said:

    It's probably easier to list the units that aren't really worth investing into - but unless you're playing on Hector Hard Mode, you're really not too pressured to make the "correct" team building choices.

    • Rebecca (no good enemy phase, and her player phase isn't even that great either)
    • Dorcas and Bartre (awful Spd growth and base, respectively. Training Bartre to Lv.5 promoted unlocks a secret character, but only on Hector Mode. Also, she's pretty bad, too)
    • Guy (swordlocked, even after promotion, in a game where Hand Axes and Javelins are very useful. Also rather low Str and his excellent Spd isn't as useful - enemies in FE7 are rather slow)
    • Wil (similar problems as Rebecca)
    • Karel (swordlocked. Kinda OK for a while, but promoted growth units walk all over him. If you don't mind spoiling yourself, you can look for how he's recruited and go for the alternative character instead)
    • Nino (although it's very fun to train her anyway. But she's very underleveled and her stats don't really justify the effort you have to put into training her)

    Every other character will pull their weight. The most useful characters will probably be the cavaliers and flyers, as boring as that answer may be - getting less mobile characters to where they're supposed to be is a very nice ability to have.

    I just started the Eliwood story part. Good to know that FE7 is one of the easier installments since I've heard from a bunch of people that the older games were a lot harder than the 3ds-and-beyond era so I was kind of preparing myself for that but fe7 seems to be easier than I thought as of right now.

    I've actually been using Wil and Dorcas a lot, didn't know they were mediocre. They've been subpar throughout what I've played but I thought they would eventually get better, but now I know I'm wasting exp on them. 

    Yes, my mounted and flying units are much higher leveled than my infantry units, I've tried holding off on using them since they're so overleveled but they really do come in handy. Thanks so much guys for the info, will make my playthrough a bit more enjoyable! 

  14. This game gives you a lot of units, and unlike Awakening you have limited EXP in this installment so I want to know who is the best units to prioritize that isn't Lyn, Hector or Eliword. It also goes for who is the best to promote when I get there since I'm only on chapter 11. 

    I think this hasn't been asked before, but if it has just delete this post and link me to the topic that has these answers please.

  15. 58 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

    Oh my god! I was born with jaundice, I was yellow, they had to put me under a light and take blood from my foot every day.

    Survivors rise up.

    My sister was born with jaundice, but they never had to take blood from her foot... Sounds kinda... Gruesome. Hope you and Integrity are healthy and happy nowadays though!

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