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Dr. Tarrasque

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Posts posted by Dr. Tarrasque

  1. No, they don't have to fall in line like the Republicans do, we need to end all that hyper-partisan garbage and have a Congress composed of folks who acknowledge that there's shit that needs to get done and work with those willing to.

    The Republican party is better off being destroyed because the politicians in that party have proven to be absolute hypocrites with no desire to get anything done other than funneling money to the rich and their platform and rhetoric has been using the Southern Strategy for so long that the party has become a place where Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists feel welcomed in. Get rid of that party and if we're to be stuck with a 2-party system, a new one may follow and that party will have to compete with the Democrats' platform and actually appeal to the people for votes.

    The Democratic party is also, as been said many times, guilty of the corruption despised by all in the country but even the career politicians will change their tune when their positions are threatened during primaries. Pelosi for example, would certainly be good to have defeated in a primary assuming the likes of Trump will be gone with this election cycle as well.

  2. 2 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

    Yeah, but once those people get sick and their rural hospitals are too overloaded to deal with a pandemic... and once they refuse the vaccine (which, by the way, is an even scarier thought right now because Trump wants Kushner to get one developed by December and if Trump fucks up a vaccine it helps the anti-vax argument a lot more than you want).

    The virus' current stats make this seem like a lot of "ifs" that have to happen just for an eventual case of his supporters just saying "He's doing his best! Obama would've been worse!" and just shrug it all off anyway. I would certainly hope for a blue wave and the likes of Mitch McConnell to lose their power but you appear to be neglecting how much Trumpists have already turned a blind eye to what Trump has been doing and the Right-wing media and personalities constantly hiding his cronyism only perpetuates that problem.

    19 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

    I don't care about appearing partisan here. It's very obvious that there's only two parties; the big tent and the Republicans. Wipe out the Republicans, split the Democrats, or force the Republicans to oppose the Democrats from the center or left as opposed to whatever the fuck kind of cult they're in now.

    You should though. Partisan polarization makes you stupid and it only makes things worse when trying to reason with people. If you're caught up in an argument between a Democrat and a Republican that voted Trump, attacking the Democrat when they are actually wrong on something helps open up the other person to your reasoning.

  3. 2 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

    Given the amount of bullshit up at the top, and the amount of internal struggles within Trump's cabinet, I don't think security will be loyal to Trump. If he refuses the results of the election, he will likely be shot on the spot on January 20th, 2021 if he does not vacate the white house.

    Eh who knows. With each stooge that is removed from his cabinet or whatever their position is, they just get replaced with someone more loony and loyal as well as Trump having gotten away with so much already, can't imagine there being someone with the balls to actually shoot him but it certainly would be great if it came to that and the shooter was someone that was a huge supporter.

    2 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

    At this point, anyone who's of sound mind not voting Biden is an active detriment

    Only in the case of Swing states.

    2 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

    Between Iraq and COVID-19, we need to guarantee the Republican Party does not leave 2020 alive, or in its current form.

    Hahahah, that's what I've been saying for some time here and everywhere I've discussed politics. It's impossible to avoid being seen as partisan when saying stuff like this no matter how much evidence is provided. The propaganda machine will be kept alive by all the partisan people that exist, It is super easy for right-wing media to latch onto viewers due to how self-destructively stupid folks on the left can be.

    2 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

    I actually believe at this point that because the Republicans refuse to act on any of the current issues that we will see a massive MASSIVE blue wave that will last for decades because the dangers of incompetence will linger until people forget what our current times feel like.

    I'll believe it when I see it. Republicans have been shameless in their support of Trump and to think that they'll change their vote with the right-wing media's mud-slinging at Biden and their willingness to ignore anything Trump does wrong seems foolishly optimistic. On the plus the side, it does seem like the Senate being taken from the Republicans is a possibility during this cycle and that would be great. 

  4. 5 hours ago, eclipse said:

    I'm proud of the fact that those people had the foresight to ask first.  Instead of just doing it, and putting even more of a burden on hospitals.

    And that's sad. 


    Apparently Biden's lead in key states is less than what Hillary Clinton previously had... beautiful.

  5. It's pretty tribal right now yeah. You may see people in their late 20s and 30s despise that their hard earned money is going towards things they don't need or benefit people that aren't them (Social Security for the current Boomers for example).

    There's definitely more discord on the Left due things like "Bernie or Bust" and just a natural dislike of Biden because he is basically just a perpetuation of what we all hate about our government lol. There's some vocal dissent from the right but that's mostly from never Trumpers and as far as the voters are concerned, they just keep eating up whatever Fox News feeds them which basically boils down to "Trump is great, vote Trump, Democrats bad. Soooooooocialiiiiiiiism".

  6. There's talk of Bernie having won the ideological war, leaving his mark on the political scene, bringing progressive ideas into the mainstream, etc... I can't help but think that it may not matter in the grand scheme of things. As long as we have the Electoral College in play, it is only the swing states that will matter in the Presidential election and the fact that the establishment successfully put into place another candidate pandering to the rich may be more demoralizing for those pushing progressive ideas because who knows when we'll see another candidate like Bernie?

    People pushing for change are campaigning on the Democratic party but that party itself has so much corruption that it's a wonder when any good change will push through specially with the Senate situation. It's super frustrating that the Republican party basically gets a free pass with the voter base they cultivated and the Supreme Court decisions on voter suppression related issues.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    I guess I'm skeptical of the claim because I don't think people suddenly turn out in droves to vote once it becomes more convenient. Opportunity to vote is a factor, yes. Especially with voter suppression efforts like when you show up to vote on that one day of the year and are told the rules have changed overnight and you need your birth certificate. But getting people to vote is a difficult and illusive thing.  As shitty as the world is, I haven't noticed any of my mid 20s friends suddenly feel like voting. And every time I ask why somebody doesn't vote in this thread, everybody's universal response is always "my vote doesn't matter, it's a solid blue/red state". Unless Bernie clinches the nomination somehow, our country is in no explicit danger of abolishing the electoral college in the next four years. And even if we did do that, I don't expect those stay at home voters will prove their will to do the right thing when the world decides their vote matters. Now that the burden of the election is in so many more hands somebody will take care of it, right? My expectation is that they will continue to stay home. Same for voters in states with the added convenience of having their ballot mailed to them. Expecting otherwise is just too optimistic. Or superstitious in the case of the GOP's viewpoint. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.

    I'm sure most people think the same thing and it probably is the case but for some of these GOP politicians, it's just more about stopping poor people from voting because as well as keeping Republican control. On election day, what you can certainly expect is old folks going out to vote and poor people to not bother or lack interest in doing so because they're unable to take the day off (or just don't see voting as a significant enough reason to take a day) and in many cases, they'll go vote but get discouraged by waiting in line for so long. There were reports of people waiting up to 6 hours to vote in Texas recently  

    Ease of voting is a threat to them and they realize it, they may be exaggerating the difference in turnout that such laws would make but their fears certainly seem warranted given the recent increases in turnout during the Democratic Primary. Here's an example pointed out by Shoblogoo:

    Image may contain: 2 people

    Image may contain: 4 people


    Make it easier and you may see even higher numbers from the opposing side during an election cycle where people are just pissed. At the end of the day, no one truly knows how much such laws will impact voter turnout but the answer is simply "it hurts the GOP's chances of winning" given how the poor are the people they're constantly fucking with their policies.

  8. 4 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    I didn't know it at the time, but I hear congressmen were trying to sneak in nationwide mail in ballot standards to the COVID relief bill, but it didn't take. I've always wondered why Republicans push back so hard against postal voting. Their base is far more likely to even know how to send snail mail, and I'm sure older voters would appreciate that convenience anyway. Although I guess those ballots are easier than letters, since postage and addressing is taken care of on the envelope it comes with.

    Generally speaking, because they know they and their policy positions are generally unpopular with majorities of the country. When a party fails to resonate with a majority of the country, you'd expect them to hold less power, less seats and they would try to change the campaign pitch to try to get more voters. The GOP is too entrenched in its use of the Southern Strategy and they know they're slowly dying for it so the best they can hope for without changing their ways is to just continue making enemies of certain groups and convince whites that there's a decade long plan to create a plantation of votes for the Democrats by increasing immigration. They know increased voter turnout will cripple them:


    “This will be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives in Georgia,” he said. “Every registered voter is going to get one of these. … This will certainly drive up turnout.”


    Trump earlier this week similarly told “Fox & Friends” that Democrats were pushing for initiatives that would generate “levels of voting that if you ever agreed to it you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”


    Let's remember the wise words of former Maine GOP governor LePage: If we decided to go with the popular vote, white people won't have a say.

    A bill to ease voting for EVERYONE is a Democrat Political Power Grab (here's the bill in question). The Republicans in congress are fucking trash and should be removed from office. State Republicans that aren't bad should look to distance themselves from Trump and the current GOP but you've got perfect examples of recently elected morons in state GOP courtesy of Florida and Georgia.

    Again, they know they're shit, most of them are straight up ideologues until they've already fucked up and have to take action but the right-wing media will defend them anyways. Just check out the Daily Wire's youtube channel and you'll see their priorities to quickly be:

    1. Blame China, we on the right are not to blame for anything.

    2. Protect our lord and savior Trump, media is crazy.

    3. AOC and the democrats are crazy, they and Bernie Sanders have never been right about anything.

  9. Of those 2, Linoan. Tina's class promotion only uses Light magic of which there's not much so you'd just be promoting Tina for the increased staff rank really.

    Good options for Paragon at this point I would say are Eda and Miranda if you're planning to use either.

  10. If there's a profit motive to it, it is likely that they anticipate some of the people using what is currently free but normally premium will pay to go back to the "premium" stuff after things are back to normal.

    On the rare occasion I go out these days, I'm not seeing people wearing masks at all here in Austin Texas.

  11. What the electorate wants is SUPPOSED to be primarily what the politicians representing them should fight for but it is most certainly not the case in the US... you've been asleep if you think that.

  12. 2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Yes, because outside of the Greil Mercenaries, you have very few, or even no options to replace dead units. What are you gonna do if, say, Aran or Nolan dies? Also, those near-unkillable units are mostly part 4 exclusive.

    You'd still have Sothe, Jill and Zihark, Nailah, Muarim. Granted, not the case if you bite it early on but if your run is done that early then you could literally just get back to where you died in no time lol.

  13. 5 hours ago, XRay said:

    Is it illegal if I pay my friends to vote? I am not telling them how to vote, but since I know they are going to vote Democrat when given the opportunity, would that still be buying votes? I refused to help my mom to vote since she said she wanted to vote for Trump (she cannot understand English too well, but the ballot does have Chinese on it though I think, so I guess she just cannot be bothered), so if my mom wanted to sue me (just a hypothetical), so if I helped my friends to vote but not my mom, how is that any different from buying votes and telling a person to vote a certain way?

    What if instead I offered to drive them to the voting center and offered to cook them dinner afterwards? Does non-monetary rewards still count as vote buying? I am technically not paying them directly and I often pay cook for them anyways when we get together for game night or movie night.

    Supposedly yes but it doesn't appear to stop this.

    For non-monetary cases, well I think that would depend on the claims by the defense and the prosecution in court but I'm not the lawyer, Shob is.

    56 minutes ago, Seafarer said:

    And I saw on Facebook someone saying "Bernie lost? Better vote Trump!" and I just can't even. How the heck does that work? You wanted to vote for the centre candidate, he didn't get nominated, so you go as far right as possible? I will never understand some people. 😕

    Because left, center and right doesn't really matter to some folks. There is however plenty of disdain for the current establishment and what a response like that can boil down to is just wanting to say 'fuck you' to the democrats pretending to be moderates/center for imposing a candidate that shows no interest in undoing the fact that our politicians are bought, which is something folks from all sides of the spectrum will tell you.

    Put it this way, our current politics is a disease, Trump is the symptoms of said disease just getting worse and worse while Biden is a treatment that will alleviate the symptoms for the short term and Sanders would be the first step towards finding the cure for the long term. That's probably what it's like to some people and some would rather say "take your stupid treatment you're charging me money for and shove it" and look to finding a real cure than to keep getting charged for temporary relief.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

    To grossly oversimplify it:

    1)  Bernie's electability is premised on the idea that he energizes the youth vote--his base is younger voters.

    2)  Younger voters are a notoriously unreliable demographic that--for all their political proselytizing and engagement on forums like this one--tend to stay home and not bother actually vote on election day

    3)  Biden's base is older voters.

    4)  Older voters don't just make noise on facebook and bombard comment boards with their hot takes. They vote.


    Boomers and Gen X'ers showed up in droves yesterday.

    Millennials and  Gen Z'ers stayed home.

    Thats why Biden  pulled ahead of Bernie.

    The polls do suggest this...

    I'm 30 and I voted and I'll still reluctantly vote for Biden over Trump even though my vote won't matter in that instance.

  15. Unfortunate but unsurprising... I knew that eventually the establishment would centralize on one candidate and they did it just in time for super Tuesday.

    Joe appears to be the one that Trump wants to go up against in the general election. The 2 have clear mental health issues but Trump gets a free pass on it from his base. Not to mention the man is essentially Hillary 2.0.

    As for the debates, they've been stupid but they highlight how shitty the media covers our politics (I mean look at this shit, reminds me of wrestling commercials) as well as put the candidates in a position where they have to fess up about mistakes they've made in the past. I don't believe the impact is significant enough to matter when it comes to the votes for the nomination because most folks made up their minds before the debates began, but continued exposure to these candidates makes it easier to see what we can expect if they do beat Trump (or whether or not they'll lose to him) and Biden's been consistently confirming my thoughts on him.


    On 3/1/2020 at 12:01 PM, Excellen Browning said:

    I was expecting more activity in this thread, considering what went down this week. 

    Missed this one. Did you really? What's really there to talk about? The incompetence of the administration has been obvious throughout the years, Michael Cohen testified that Trump just ran the campaign to boost his brand and never expected to win the Presidency, the VP thinks the Coronavirus can be prayed away and the party backing the current president thinks you can ignore problems noted by science and things will work itself out.

    Anyone who thought this administration could take such things seriously and prepare hasn't been paying attention. If there's anything to expect, it's for infected people to be quarantined and left to die with no significant help unless they're a rich donor.

    To the most loyal Trumpists, there is no real problem with the Coronavirus other than it being propped up by the media to hurt Trump's reelection.

    3 hours ago, Seafarer said:

    From my naive, not-very-poltically-adept viewpoint, it looks like the Democratic party is aiming towards exactly the same thing as in 2016 - propping up an establishment candidate against Bernie, despite the latter's substantial support from demographics that don't usually vote in presidential elections. If Biden is nominated, I suspect voter turnout will be similar to what it was in 2016, with probably the same result. I don't know whether Biden is more popular than Clinton was, but I expect Trump to get a boost from being the incumbent. Bernie may not do better, given that many Americans are so scared (and ignorant) of socialist policy that they actually think the Democratic party is left-wing, but he may cause a surge of voter turnout in his favour.

    That's spot on actually. I assume that Biden is supposedly more popular than Hillary because he's male and doesn't have as much negative baggage as Hillary did (BUT HER E-MAILS) but he's definitely easier for the Republicans to attack due to the Ukraine fiasco. They haven't found any real substance on that but they'll keep investigating it and make it Biden's equivalent to Hillary's E-mails while ignoring the nepotism under Trump.

    There's no real telling which candidate will actually beat Trump but the polls generally favor Sanders above the rest and he will indeed get more non-voters interested in participating... the question then becomes how many "moderates" buy into the fear-mongering from the right-wing of which we can many from those aged 65+ and being the incumbent does a lot for him.

    3 hours ago, Seafarer said:

    I'd also like to note the irony that the candidate with the highest support from the progressive youth is the oldest in contention. That's just hilarious.

    It's the attacks against him, they've mostly backfired and made him more popular because with any politician that's been around for decades, you can dig up dirt of awful decisions they made and things they did. With Bernie, that's rare and Bernie's willing to admit when he's made mistakes like he did in the most recent debate. On the other hand you have Biden who sometimes seemed like he was playing the Trump tactic of "nothing you did is wrong if you don't admit it".

    Biden is definitely Hillary 2.0 in this primary.

  17. I'd sooner wager it on the richer donors requesting that he step down so they can funnel all the money to Biden to stand a better shot of stopping Bernie from getting the nomination.

    Bernie apparently raised 46 Million in February. If there's a lesson to take in from Bloomberg, it's that those at the top still believe that you just buy a nomination and election so it would make sense for the top donors to centralize their funding (as well as Delegates, people who voted Buttigieg might move to Biden) onto one candidate than to split it onto several. 

    The corrupt portion of the Democratic party hasn't learned the harsh lesson of how much money in politics is despised. The Republican party doesn't have that concern since their base won't truly understand the damage from Trump until it's too late and a large portion of them are still all-in for the guy.

  18. 3 hours ago, Lewyn said:

    If Democrats take the Senate they need their own Mitch Mcconnell, who if there isn't a majority of their party that approves of the bill it won't even come to vote.  Oh yeah and if Trump is president or any other Republican, don't allow votes on Supreme court justices or any judges.  If Bernie or a Dem is there approve judges and stack the courts at a record pace.  Ignore Fox and the right wing media and the explosion they have, all they have to say is "Look at Mitch, hypocrites".  

    If Sanders gets in he has to abuse the executive order as much as possible, not only to push his policies as much as possible but to teach Republicans a lesson.  If you are going to abuse expand power, we'll do it to.  

    If worst comes to worst and Republicans take back house, retain Senate, Trump wins.  They should do government shutdowns and whatever scumbag tactics they can. 

    To the present, Trump's dumb wall blasted through a native american gravesite despite their protests and weren't even consulted.  Oh and Bloomberg is launching a huge attack campaign on Bernie Sanders as well.  

    No, fuck that. If we're going to stay stuck in a 2-party system with the Republican party remaining as it currently is then we certainly don't want what is currently supposed to be the lesser of 2 evils to stoop to their level of hyper-partisan garbage as well as reinforcing the "both sides" narrative the mainstream media loves to push out of fear from the Republican base.

    Primary shitty Democrats to improve the party and hold them to the standards of where we should be instead of where Trump and McConnell have lowered the bar to. Hammer the facts of their failures and the work that the recent Democratic presidents have had to do to clean up the Republican messes. Make it as clear as possible to the masses that voting for Republicans like the ones we have today is to vote for a regressive party bought by the rich. Most importantly, run on good policy and be mindful of regular Americans because seriously, that Carbon Tax is something the Democrats should consider ditching unless their goal is to give Republicans shit to seize on in the future.

  19. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    Moderates make up a pretty significant chunk of the Democratic Party, so there is a reason why the leadership is less willing to move more left than necessary. As a moderate, I am mostly fine with the Democratic leadership so far, and I prefer them to stay that way.

    The evidence points to most of the Democratic candidates not moving at all. People like to think we in the US currently function as a Centrist country but are we really? Obama was viewed as conservative by folks in Europe and our right-wing party is a place literal Nazis feel welcomed in and are able to win. What policies are actually so far left that we end up becoming Left instead of just going to the center or getting close. Is moving further to the right like we are with Trump any better when that's just resulting in hypocritical lawmakers and "pay 2 legislate" garbage these motherfucking politicians should be locked up for instead? What if AOC is correct when she says the current Democratic is indeed "Center-Right".

    Based on what I've seen so far, going with a "moderate" candidate is playing for the short term and setting up Republicans to win in the next cycle because the moderate candidate will just spend most of their time cleaning up and getting nothing done.

    2 hours ago, XRay said:

     If Obama has difficulty working with Republicans, I am not sure candidates further left can get things done any more efficiently.

    Here's an idea: Fuck the current Republican politicians. They're pieces of shit still claiming to be the party of Lincoln while cowering before a wannabe dictator now that they're finally reaping what they've sowed with their use of the Southern Strategy. They're the party that makes Nazis feel welcome, the party that wants to elect their voters instead of having people vote, the party where "consensual rape" has been conceived. The sooner this country realizes that the current politicians in the Republican party are owed nothing but scorn and more blame for the problems in the country over the last 40 years than the Democrats, the sooner we can start getting politicians focusing on actual issues instead of pandering to racists and abortion obsessed evangelicals.

    Obama tried to work with Republicans and they outright refused because the man is black and had no interest in legislation with him around. Biden thinking that he can work with them is a delusion in the context of getting anything necessary done in the country and part of Trump's appeal was that he seemed different than the other Republican nominees because he promised not to cut social security as well as some non-wall related campaign promises that were actually good but as well know, they got conned. Oh and "shaking up DC", that was part of his appeal too.


  20. 1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:


    The common thread of Sanders and Trump is that base voters for decades have felt like the mainstream body politics of their respective parties have failed to represent them on-the-issues. And party bosses have have met their grievances with pissy lectures on how the kind of talk they want to hear from their leaders is "unelectable."   

    And the base voters are finally telling the party bosses to go fuck themselves + treating their doom-and-gloom over the prospect of THAT candidate winning the party's nomination as a boon, rather than as a demerit. 

    ...the notable difference of course being that the R's were looking for a candidate who would break party convention that its 'unelectable' to treat Latin American immigration as a hostile takeover of white America...

    ...and the D's are looking for a candidate who breaks party convention that its 'unelectable' to run on European Socialism, universal healthcare, and free college...

    ...but hey details...   

    [Biden in 2019]: "Bernie isn't electable in a general election. I'm the most electable general election candidate in the field. I'm the most electable because I'm the Democrat who can win those white blue-collar workers that voted for Trump. Bernie can only appeal to the party base."

    [Biden in 2020]: "Well we're gonna comeback in South Carolina because voters of color are the real base of the democratic party, and thats where we expect to hit our real appeal. Yeah--Bernie did great in Iowa and New Hampshire--but thats only because those states are mono-white and he really does great with those white blue-color voters. That doesn't mean anything."


    Take heart in knowing there's absolutely zero evidence that the Bidens and the Klobuchars and the like were more electable alternatives to Sanders. And if anything, the reverse seems to be true.

    Well said, and let's not forget the classic: "Only a Centrist can beat Trump". The Democratic leadership hasn't learned the harsh lesson it needs to and their current use of the word unity appears to be a euphemism for "Submit to the status quo".

    There needs to be more emphasis on policy and how it affects the people of the country and less of the "left vs right" garbage. Destroy the Oligarchy first and foremost.

    15 hours ago, Crysta said:

    Hopefully we all keep in mind that winning the presidency does not result in rapid systematic change, and we're gonna get neither the death squads or the amazing socialist revolution.

    Our government really, really doesn't work that way. Never has and never will.

    Indeed. The Republicans will likely play the same way they did with Obama. As I've said many times in this thread, what needs to happen is to make it evident to the people of the country that the true "do-nothing" party are the Republicans. But that's why the person pushing change is a necessity to put into the presidency because at the very least, compromises WILL have to come from the Republican party if they wish to maintain their political careers. Getting money out of politics is an essential change that must come sooner rather than later and we're not going to see it from folks taking donations from the Billionaires and with Sanders it will be quite the uphill battle but at least it's better than what we can expect from the moderates/centrists: Cleaning up after Republicans.

    Remember, "Nothing would fundamentally change" if Joe Biden's elected. His campaign deserves to sink.

    4 hours ago, Lewyn said:

     However if Sanders has a big lead but it goes to brokered convention and then someone else gets the nomination that is a different story.  

    That's looking like the most likely outcome with each passing day, specially after the most recent debate.

  21. 5 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    But what exactly has Sanders done to make some loonie argue he wants death squads?

    Propose policy that the rich don't like and having won the popular vote in the states that have participated in the primaries so far. Really, they're just trying so hard to not say the quiet parts out loud and end up saying asinine shit like this instead.

    "I don't care what the people want, I'll take having Trump over Bernie in power because I'm rich and I don't want my taxes to go up" is probably what he would like to say and it would be less ridiculous than what he's said so far.

    5 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Bernie's changes are scary, because they're a giant shift away from what has become the norm in America (no matter how screwed up that norm is).  Big changes in a short amount of time are scary, and in some cases, ill-advised.  Much as I want Bernie's policies to go through, I predict that there will be a huge resurgence in Republican Senate/House seats, meaning that the amount of change he will be able to do will be heavily limited.

    I love how the fear-mongering of changes from Sanders' policies evokes more emotion than the fact that the Republican party would be disproportionately hurt by the removal of lies and misinformation on social media.

    Ignorance must really be quite bliss indeed.

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