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Posts posted by bookofholsety

  1. fun enough and gets the job done plotways but fairly unremarkable, her personality in practice is a huge relief given her design leaned dangerously toward ryuko matoiesque ow the edge territory, absolutely killer leitmotifs

    in conclusion, sets up the POKEMON BATTLE IN SPACE/10

  2. over on tsr, it looks like ploaj has wrapped up the sprite dumps, and a few things caught my eye while looking through the spotpass portrait dumps. namely, unused characters! there's portraits for fe7!bartre, ninian and fe12's default-build male avatar; unlike the used ones, none of them have the card pattern backing applied to them. there are also a few duplicate instances of 11!marth and 12!marth's portraits without the backing, which look like they're just filling space

    there's also yet another dummy silhouette portrait among them, this one with the spotpass card backing; i THINK the silhouette's the same one used on dlc units when the sd card's not in, but the backing itself isn't the same dlc one used in such a case

    hardly a mystery why ninian and arguably 12!avatar were cut, but there you go

  3. i can't stop laughing at the last line. it's enough to convince me that it's some sort of automatically generated message which doesn't take into account what you're actually posting, working under the assumption that most of the time someone posts their own videos in succession like this it's for profit purposes, and the mods actually wouldn't have any objection at all to your continuing to post the videos. seriously, what else but a bot would legitimately try to suggest you buy reddit ad space for a single playthrough of a video game?

  4. every time you clear the game you get a new pair of battle scenes which appear in the opening demo. clear 15's normal-view battles depict julia vs julius and seliph vs julius

    pairs of new map-view battle scenes are also awarded depending on the highest ranking you've achieved in a game clear

  5. sheer chapter quantity sounds good on paper, and in practice it's certainly worked out pretty well (iirc fe10 only ever really dragged in part 4), but that's predicated on the contents of the quantity actually being, well, quality. most fe games have fared pretty well no matter how many maps they choose to do, coming out the other side feeling substantial and satisfying whether they're as long as fe10 or as short as fe8. so long as this trend of quality map design continues, i'd certainly have no objection to another game as long as fe10, if not longer

    only problem is, said trend is well and truly bucked thanks to fe13 and its bland, unengaging maps. that's not a trend we want to continue under any circumstances, let alone in the form of a hypothetical fe10-length game with maps as awful as 13's

  6. I will be ignoring this thread because I expect general pessimism and Roy koopa jokes from some.

    if you feel the need to proclaim you're going to ignore a thread dedicated to raising support for your cause, that's really not a good sign at all for your cause's future

    either way, this sort of campaign was fucking stupid for chrom and this one isn't any better at all. at least the chrom one had a website that didn't look like total ass!

  7. tiki and flavia explicitly talk about how ferox used to be the untamed, barbarian-ruled icy wastelands housing the ice dragon temple in which tiki slept as a child, and where marth found her in fe3/12. ricken mentions visiting the ghoul's teeth, a fe1/11 location. although it differs somewhat in design, the fe13 dragon's table is in the exact same place as the fe3/12 dragon's table

    fe13 being set on archanea is, if not impossible, really hard to legitimately dispute

  8. let the record state that i'm so used to having script dumps for fe4 and fe5 that i completely forgot for a moment that i'm gonna have to do things the old-fashioned way for this one. it doesn't help that i'm still pretty garbage when it comes to actually PLAYING these games; thank fuck for niconico footage for things like killing gouber

    anyway, HERE WE GO incoming translations. for the sake of novelty, i didn't borrow from the fe12 patch's script for this one (and also partially because, when i checked the japanese script for it, it turned out all the battle dialogue was rewritten wholecloth for fe12's version. can't blame them, really)

    [spoiler=playable character death quotes]


    So... This is how it ends...

    Boah, Midia, Dolph, Macellan, Tomas:

    Lady Nyna... Please... Stay safe...

    [spoiler=boss's dialogue]

    (normal battle)


    Hmph... you fools!
    Know my power!



    Nngh... How could... this be?

    [spoiler=item/staff descriptions]

    it's nice to have a fair bit of room to work with for these, compared to fe4/5's ones. :P thankfully the descriptions are identical to the fe3 ones


    Curing staff.
    Heals (Str+10)
    HP to ally.


    Curing staff.
    Heals (Str+20)
    HP to ally.


    Heals (Str+10)
    HP to a
    distant ally.

    Power Ring:

    Gives Str +4

    when used.

    Chest Key

    A key to
    open chests.

    [spoiler=misc gameplay stuff]

    the enemy reinforcements announcement literally translates as "Dolhr appears!"

    oh, and it might be advisable to translate the opening black-screen loading text (ただいまロード中です。) just for the sake of getting it done. something like "Loading. Please wait." should do

    not my best work, but it's a start

  9. i don't see how the conversation occurring for lucina would make much difference to its theoretical impact on chrom's character. the outcome would effectively the same - viridi still derides him, he shrugs it off - and the only difference is his lack of relevance to lucina's gameplay. him showing up in robin's makes far more sense considering his strong ties to robin's gameplay

    i also don't see how the trailer was particularly disrespectful. sure, he lost to captain falcon, but that doesn't even come close to meaning he lost easily; bear in mind lucina wasn't exactly making much progress against the good captain, either. in terms of intention it's pretty clear his role in it was more of a dramatic thing, being that his defeat is spurring lucina to fight on where he can't anymore, and very unlikely to have been intended to take the piss out of the guy. now, the fandom reaction to it and the subsequent barrage of jokes about chrom lying down, on the other hand...

    i say chrom fans, while he had a better chance of being in, should be happy he's in there at all

    i'm feeling this comment so much

  10. comparing the portrayal of two full playable characters with that of a character who makes only brief cameos is inherently a really silly comparison to make. chrom has less than a minute of speaking screen time in this smash taunt, and it makes far more sense for them to have spent it having him properly interact with everyone else in the same tone as the rest of it than for the entire thing to drop character for the sake of paying dues to him or whatever. remember, a huge swath of the kid icarus conversations consists of viridi deriding the playable characters. what she had to say about chrom really wasn't any worse than what any of the three were saying about, say, doctor mario (quoth viridi, "he's a quack!")

    frankly i find it extremely difficult to give a shit about whether or not chrom's properly respected by ssb. he already has MUCH more presence than twelve other main protagonists, and if that's not respectful enough for people... yeah

  11. i fail to see how chrom's portrayal there is any less disrespectful to him than any situation fe13 itself contained. if anything it's more respectful than fe13's main story content was, since it treats him as, y'know, a fallible human being with a sense of humour

  12. okay two more errors i've found while fiddling around with v0.99b, both in the form of overly long strings. surprise, one of them also involves the "sanctuary" name! clearly i didn't think through suggesting this one all that much :P


    easily rectified by just shortening this string to "Sanctuary"


    yeah. imo in light of this, it might be best to revert back to "gant's lance" etc (the other two aren't affected, but if one's going back they all should)

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