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Everything posted by AryaReady

  1. I love the stories! I don't know the characters very well, but I like how you chose to integrate them like they were born in Fodlan as opposed to being from Nohr or Hoshido. As for me, I just figured they could be a class from Ylisse, like how the Black Eagles are from the Adrestrian Empire and so on. I'm hesitant to add another budding talent for Lucina because I want to try and make them fit in, but I can see where you're coming from with that. Swapping bow out for faith as her budding talent could be interesting, but since Cynthia already has a budding talent in bows and I wanted to play off of the Ylissian royal line being Naga blessed, I think I'll leave it how it is. Her supports are in a similar situation as her hidden talent. I want to keep her number of supports low like the other house leaders, but I could probably add supports with Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude for potential plot reasons. And I can see the appeal in Lucina having two crests naturally but am unsure as to whether that would be a good idea or not. The last thing I would want to happen would be for the Agarthans to find that out and decide they just didn't try hard enough to make someone with two crests with no negative side effects or something.
  2. Thanks so much for the feedback! I went back and edited some. There should now be a key and the skill levels for combat arts, abilities, and spells should be there as well. Having me go through and assign skill levels actually helped a lot with fixing your concern with the ability and spell lists. I cut out a lot from those and traded around what they got access to. You'll probably notice that I did leave the budding talent skills/combat arts as awakening skills, but those aren't intended to fit into the game like the others. Part of my goal with those is to bring a little Awakening into Three Houses, to mix things up a little bit (also, I may or may not just want an excuse to give Cynthia lethality). However, I did change out which skills they get so that (hopefully) none of them are already in Three Houses. If you notice that any of them are, let me know and I'll change them. And yeah, pair up skills are being applied to adjutants but I tried to minimize the use of those as well.
  3. Thank you for the advice! I'll keep that in mind from now on. It should now be accessible as a google sheet, but please let me know if there are still any more problems.
  4. You should be able to access it now, sorry about that. Did you share your Fates project? I'd love to see it!
  5. So one day I started this project. The idea was to take eight child characters from Awakening and transfer them to Three Houses. I can't do art like I've seen so many people do, but I can mess with stats. I'd love any feedback you guys could provide! And I hope you enjoy! FE3H: White Sheep Project
  6. That makes a lot of sense. I'm sure there's a lot of work going into this that I don't completely understand, so thanks for letting me know! Maybe Iote's Shield would work since it's already in Awakening? It could really change how Dark Fliers are played though so maybe not.
  7. Maybe you could give Dark Fliers Canto from FE3H instead of Galeforce? It will keep the 'move again' part but won't allow for attacking a second time. You could also use Transmutate, but I feel like it's a bad skills for Dark Fliers as it requires them to get hit. (Yes, I only really know FE3H, sorry.)
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