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Posts posted by Cosmic_Dragon

  1. On 3/7/2021 at 6:05 PM, Sooks said:

    This opinion isn’t super unpopular. It’s in the minority but I wouldn’t call it unpopular. And I might agree, but the time skip throws any mentor-ness out the window imo.

    Yeah, that's why I also said "close friends". Still though, I just like better the narrative of Byleth being that good companion that his friends still look up to because of how much they guided them throughout their school year. Although, I guess maybe I just don't really have a grasp on what's actually considered "unpopular", but I think it's definitely not a common opinion.

    On 3/7/2021 at 6:05 PM, Sooks said:

    Ehhh the Byleth and Rhea being related argument is unsupported at best, it more so stems from the fact that their supports and events in game portray them as more of a mom and son/daughter type relationship, plus the fact that she really only liked Byleth for so long because she wanted to see her mom. But I mean, I’ve just seen that argument more, there might be more people claiming they’re related.

    From my experience, the main reason that some people dislike the pairing is cause they just unanimously accepted the theory that they're related somehow, even when the game never actually said so. Still, I think I have seen that other argument you say, but, I don't know, I just never saw it that way? I mean yeah, Rhea certainly acts motherly sometimes, but I always thought/felt that was just her, well, acting as the Archbishop. Bishops' and Priests' role is basically that of acting like a parental-like figure for their followers/disciples, and that's what Rhea's attitude always struck me as, it never felt like outright motherly to me; I think that's just the way she is (kinda like how Mercedes acts like a mother/big sister with many others); I never felt a mother/child relationship from them tbh, and she does kinda act way more intimate in her A and S-supports (and also gets flustered and bashful if you have Byleth say they liked her caress in their A-support). Then again, that might just be me.

    And I guess she could have been more interested in Byleth simply due to their connection to Sothis, but she clearly gets over that in part 2 (and hell, that's actually what her S-support is all about). Still though, I do think there should've been more build-up on that (one of the many reasons I believe that Rhea should've been the lord of Silver Snow).  

  2. -Because of growing up amongst mercenaries most of his life, Byleth has a bit of a hard time interacting with the students outside of teaching matters and has an easier time relating/getting along with the Church faculty, but he gradually gets better at interacting with the students on a friendlier level as part 1 develops (it begins as a strict teacher/student relationship but grows to be more of a mentor/protegee kind of bond).

    -The journal that we can use to level up Byleth's stats is actually a sort of log that Byleth carries with him wherever he goes cause it's where he records the things he's seen on his travels as well as having notes on things he learned about handling the different types of weapons (that's why he can use it to level up stats).

    -There's actually more Nabateans remaining out there other than Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, Macuil and Indech, they just don't dare come out into the world cause they didn't participate in the war of heroes and as such weren't "saint-ified", and therefor they either feel they have no place walking amongst humans like their remaining fellow brethren, or they simply want to remain in seclusion (either out of hatred for humanity or fear of being hunted down again).

    -Correlating to the above, If Byleth and Rhea get married at the end of Silver Snow, they set out to track down those other Nabateans and convince them to come out onto the world again. Whenever Byleth eventually gives up the crown and passes it to someone else, he and Rhea, along with Seteth (and his new wife if he married anyone), Flayn and the other Nabateans set out to reconstruct Zanado and retire there afterwards, with Byleth and Rhea being named the guardians/leaders of the city.

    Whoever proposes to Flayn will undergo Trial by Combat with Seteth. No but seriously, Seteth will probably take a while to warm up to the idea of Flayn being in a relationship (how long that would be is up to you), but like any father he'll eventually soften up. This however will lead into him doing something he's been dreading to do for centuries... giving Flayn "the talk".

    -Byleth, Catherine and Shamir form a close friendship during White Clouds. They basically become a "Golden Trio" of sorts that gets into all sorts of hijinks and adventures (or misadventures). Catherine likes to good-naturedly refer to Byleth as "beast".

    -After the war, Cyril decides to leave Garreg Mach to experience more of the world on his own terms (and takes whoever he's paired up with him). He spends a lot of time in the territory of the border between Fodlan and Almyra, and still frequently visits the monastery, either because of simply wanting to go back every once in a while, or because he delivers letters from Claude to Byleth (unofficially becoming an emmissary of sorts between the two so to speak, even if he himself doesn't know it xD)

    -Lysithea gets cured from her disease no matter who she gets paired up with (I understand wanting some lasting sense of tragedy to her story, but come on, no way would Byleth or Hanneman just leave her to die like that for no reason). 

  3. Well tbh, I have more than one of those, but I'll only leave a couple here. Please everyone, try not to flame me too much if I offend you (I apologize if I do).

    -I see most people clamoring for a remake of Genealogy or the Tellius games, however, after how heavily Three Houses leaned into the whole tragedy and dark aspect of it's story (and it kinda overused it at times, to the point where sometimes it just came out feeling kinda forced if I'm honest), I think I'd prefer it if one of the more lighthearted games got remade instead. Can lead to some good variety of feel between games imo. 

    -Corrin really isn't that bad of an avatar, or a character for that matter. Actually, I'd say they can be about as good as Robin or Byleth. Thing is, Corrin was essentially made into the central point of Fates' story and didn't have any character who could really act as a co-protagonist they could bounce off of, like Chrom is to Robin or the 3H lords are to Byleth, so Corrin's flaws as an avatar protagonist were made all the more visible. Had they actually had something like a deuteragonist, I believe they would've been more well-regarded.

    -I think Byleth's relationship with the students works better if it stays as a mentor and protegee/close friends one rather than becoming something romantic (that said, romancing the students is still cool and perfectly valid, and I ain't gonna judge anyone if they want to see those relationships become something more).

    -The Byleth/Rhea pair isn't actually anywhere near as weird as people make it out to be and it's pretty valid to choose it imo. Nothing that people say about the pairing was actually said by the game or even portrayed in such a way. I mean, I understand if someone feels odd about it and I can't force anyone to think otherwise, but people shouldn't just automatically discount the option simply based on assumptions that the game itself never actually confirmed (the story certainly never said that Byleth is Rhea's "grandchild" or even portrayed their relationship like that, and it outright says/shows that Byleth isn't Sothis, and therefor not Rhea's "mother").

    -The My Castle/Monastery function isn't actually tedious or boring imo. I mean, sure it's got some issues that it should really refine (giving more things to do in it rather than just mundane tasks would be a good starting point), but overall I personally never found them a chore as some people say, and I hope that IntSys keeps on using it in the next original games while gradually improving it. 

  4. On 12/24/2020 at 11:58 AM, Francis said:

    Byleth is 25-26 during part I and 30-31 during part II.

    Tbh, that's actually the age I thought they were when I first saw them. Really, they always looked like they were in their mid-twenties at least.

    On 12/25/2020 at 5:34 AM, Francis said:

    I mean, if he/she really was 20, Hubert, a student, would be his age, Mercedes 2 years older and Balthus even 6 years older; and I just can't accept this, because it doesn't make any sense that everyone in the story call Byleth an adult and then treat every student, even those who are older than him/her, as kids.

    I think that's cause, compared to the other students (even some like Hubert or Mercedes), Byleth would essentially be more of an adult. I mean, most of the students are either nobles or commoners who grew up in relatively tranquil environment and have barely ever experienced an actual life or death situation (and those that did go through something like that ended getting heavily traumatized by it, you probably know which ones I'm talking about) and also haven't really experienced most of what the real world has to offer. Byleth on the other hand spent a good chunk of their lives in the battlefield and have many years of experience as mercenaries, like you said here:

    On 12/25/2020 at 5:34 AM, Francis said:

    Byleth had more years to learn about life on the battlefield while travelling with Jeralt, making him a little older than his/her official age.

    And that's exactly what's already going with them in the game imo (it actually ties into one of my own headcanons). Even if they're not that far in age from the students, they're likely still more mentally "grown up" and that's why the church faculty and the other adult characters (Rodrigue, Judith, etc.) treat them like equals/one of them (without mentioning the fact that they're also pretty much mentoring the students, in some cases in more ways than just teaching). People who grew up in a different/harsher kind of environment can be shaped differently, and can end up being more grown up than their age would suggest, like Stocke from Radiant Historia, or Morag from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, or Yuri from Tales of Vesperia.

    Well, at least that's how I see it.

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