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Everything posted by FrostyFireMage

  1. How dare they fill our games with uh respect for all people and you know female protagonists with actual character and realistic proportions
  2. I mean Archer Kliff was a lot more helpful than Mage Kliff but I'm too stubborn to admit it
  3. Yeah but he looks a lot like Ephraim The images have been leaked
  4. Poor Nobody having to make do with blonde Summer Ephraim
  5. Making a game about one of the most horrific events in modern history where 10 year olds call each other homosexual slurs = not offensive Adding playable women = offensive
  6. Thank you for your donation to the Gay Agenda FEH
  7. I like how r/cringeanarchy is the actual cringe sub
  8. Awakening sequel would be just as bad if not worse
  9. Awakening sequel would be just as bad if not worse
  10. Remaking Awakening would be the single worst thing they could do
  11. Why are people okay with restarting a 30-min map in Fire Emblem or continuing on with a failure ruining their enjoyment We need more map saves a la FE11 and FE12
  12. Hopefully they'll stick the Kanto pandering to spin-offs now instead of using them to sell new generations
  13. I wasn't paying attention and locked myself into a fire escape staircase. If I had tried to exit and trigger the fire alarm things could've gotten bad lol
  14. The Deadpool movies. They sound like just a bunch of silly self-referential jokes slapped together
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