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Posts posted by Gone2Ground

  1. Just have a menu. Like, select spouse. There's not that many oh wait.


    Uhm. I guess a file transfer could work? I mean it's not like there's as many variables as Mass Effect had, it's literally just the pairings and the ending. As far as villains go, just use Medeus. He's still missing. Or, like, skip the doomsday plot and just have it be a straight-out war between two nations.

  2. The only things that disappoint me are

    -the generic Father/Child, Morgan/non-MU-Parent, and My Unit/same-gendered-unit generic endings for paired My Unit endings. After how much effort went into each possible pairing, it's so disappointing that these are all so lazily done.

    -the laziness of the paid DLC characters. :/ It's stupid how they're just a regular My Unit with a hair-style and color that best resembles the DLC character. If you're gonna charge money for these characters, at least give them unique models. I'm not interested in buying more DLC if they're all going to be boring and generic.

    -the laziness of the character models. Reclassed and promoted units should keep their unique color schemes. Like, Myrmidon!Sully should wear a red/white kimono-thing, or mage!Nowi should wear pink and light green robes. It really can't be that much effort.

    That's the only real disappointments for me. The rest of the game is solid.

    This is it for me as well, although I'm in the camp of 'As good as (Maybe better?) than FE4/5'. I just really like it. I've sunk 50 hours into it already, so...can't complain. I view purchasing a game as 1$ = 1 Hour, so if I get more hours than $ spent I'm happy. Since I grabbed the bundle, I think I've already passed the amount I spent on the actual game, and I'm well on the way to the amount spent on the damn console and I haven't even gotten another 3DS game yet (Although Luigi's Mansion 2 is coming out soon...)

  3. What's with all the Severa hate? I get that she's traditional Tsundere and all that, but she has got her moments in some of the supports. Severa/Kjelle comes off as particularly funny. I dunno, maybe I've just had a fascination with the Tsundere mindset, and Severa's past is pretty effed up, although not to the scale of Noire.

  4. I'm a casual player who turtles like a mothafucka and goes entirely by personality, except for this one run of Awakening where my goal is to build the most broken Streetpass team possible, purely to out-meta most of the anime club at my college.

    So far 7 out of 10 members have Galeforce and either Aether or Lethality. It's going well.

  5. Unless you use....unscrupulous means.

    I said that with my fingers steepled and laughing evilly.

    Just buy the box set later and it's fine IMO. I did that for Season Two and am now the proud owner of two pretty looking box sets next to my collection of hardcover main series novels and my bank where I save money up to buy a Longclaw replica next Montreal ComicCon

    Still, I'm really excited for this season, as Storm of swords is easily the best book in the series, and it's split. In. Two.

    Which means we won't have the Season 2 problem of 'not enough screentime'.



    I cannot wait to see the Red Wedding televised, because we all know that's going to be the final episode (Or maybe Episode 9). My family has never read the books but watches the show with me, and their favorite character is Robb Stark. Mwahahaha.

  6. CH9 was a pretty crushing defeat for Chrom. He failed to save Emm, they were forced to retreat from the larger forces and it was made clear that Plegia wasn't even phased. While I do hold by the storytelling maxim of 'show, don't tell' when it comes to visual mediums like videogames, I do hold the opinion that Valm is a credible threat, although I have been weaned on stories where the good guys win a small battle but progressively loose the war.

    For example, there's an old UK comic series called Charley's War set in WW1. During the Tank arc, Charley and his mates break through the trenches and into a German-occupied town thanks to the aid of the Tanks. However, they are forced back into the trenches because the tanks broke down all over the rest of the front. This works as a storytelling technique, as it makes the reader feel depressed that what they previously saw as a great victory is a mere pebble in the grand scale of things, and they are now once again locked in a stalemate.

  7. Inspector SpaceTime absolutely masters time travel as a plot device, a narrative soliloquy, a spectacle arc, and a conflictory exposition. A shame it's crappy knockoffs like Doctor Who couldn't reach Spacetime's expert use of time travel.

    Look, don't call DW a knockoff. Crappy, sure, whatever, your opinion. I'm aware it started a year later than IST, but there's something inherently different between the two franchises, mostly the fact that they have different goals in mind. Time travel was never DW's focus, it was always about education (In the start) and then the inherent good of the human spirit/hope. The time travel is a plot device.

    Then again, the series did bring the best excuse for Time Travel Plot Holes in the Timey-Wimey ball, although I'd like to mention the Sands of Time trilogy as well as an argument on how to do time travel right

    "Most people think Time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction but I have seen the face of time and can tell you they are wrong,. Time is like an ocean in a storm..."

  8. Um.


    Holy shit is this project ludicrously ambitious.

    I mean just...damn. Okay, let's go over this briefly:

    1. Internet connection required but can be played alone

    Okay, required connection sucks but whatever

    2. Invisible behind-the-scenes matchmaking means that it won't be like a traditional MMO where there's a whole bunch of people

    I think this means that there's some random guys in your world, and you can invite specific people or something (I hope)

    3. Sort-of RPG elements

    Well, it is semi-mmo so yeah.

    Anyway, anyone else insanely excited about this now?

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