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About Milksword

  • Birthday 06/15/1996


  • Member Title
    The living legend

Profile Information

  • Location
    England. No, no Elibe or somewhere. :P

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

Member Badge

  • Members
    Black Knight

Milksword's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. You're having amazing luck with this, man. Garcia and Eirika in particular are getting stats I normally wouldn't even consider them having XD
  6. My psots show up, like, twice. For me, anyways :P

  7. Crappy double posts :P

  8. Thanks for, y'know, being my friend. Not that you weren't already... OR WERE YOU?!

  9. Hey, it's Giga. :P This should be fun, if a little challenging. Aaaaaand... Cosmic Harold, are you Mega? XD
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