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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. 8] wutchu doin bro? nmnm wbu ho? doin sum acid bro shit is totally dope dude dats totz sikkkkkk share sum round k i giv shrooms 2 k?
  2. Know your place, woman. 8] wutchu doin bro? nmnm wbu ho? doin sum acid bro shit is totally dope
  3. That's why you fucking slice up their ass with your goddamn lightsaber or use fucking Thundershock on them. Fire Spin is more effective. A bit of electricity can't hurt a communist too bad, but everything can be killed with fire. You misunderstand sir. Remember, both Jedi and Pokemon are motherfucking socialists, as I clearly explained in my recent topic, Socialism is Superior. Not this one, the one I made.
  4. I shall do it for him. So, all of you, go do drugs. Seriously. Do them now.
  5. That's why you fucking slice up their ass with your goddamn lightsaber or use fucking Thundershock on them.
  6. You have a scrotum right? Have you ever had it get cold?
  7. There are so many different kinds of trees, there are so many different kinds of trees! There is this kind of tree! And there is this kind of tree! There is also this kind of tree! There are so many different kinds of trees, there are so many different kinds of trees!
  8. I only watch good anime, anime that is bad in a funny way, anime I watched by accident, or anime I feel the need to watch, so 26 episodes of something that is quite possibly mediocre would be indeed far too much. Also, Amelia, that's just what all the cool kids say these days.
  9. Yes I have, I'm afraid it doesn't do anything to convince me. Also, calm the hell down Revan! I tried to be calm and polite about my viewpoints here, so should you! How many different ways must you be told? Do you perhaps have a brain parasite? Do you have a history of crystal meth abuse? No? Then why are you posting things irrelevant to the topic? Very good! I second this I second this seconding. I second that emoo-o-otion. FIRST POST. You speak of Colrandir, the Evencardinal? Even as he claims to bring revolution in the hour of greatest alienation and oppression, all who are wise know that he smiles behind his red cloak even as he delivers black tidings of White victories and bourgeois treachery, and he delights in it. Those who accuse him of having a hand in creating the news he shares have a good deal of evidence in their favor. You are a perceptive comrade. Colrandir has revealed himself before all eyes not to be the vanguard of true revolution, but rather of some fell Anarcho-Syndicalism. We cannot allow this Luxemburgist-Naxalite "Deng Xiaoping" treason to infest our organization and betray it to the Enemy in his White House! In the Soviet Union, China, and all other socialist countries I know of money was never abolished. Workers (and every adult was considered a worker, even those recorded as students and full-time parents) would receive a certain amount of it so long as they continued to do their work, along with other free benefits such as housing, utilities and medical care. Money was limited in its usefulness, though, as there were few frivolities to waste it on available through legal channels. It was good for food, clothing (though not necessarily high fashion), even furniture but not something like a car, which was free but required signing up for one and waiting a long time, sometimes even ten years, for one to be available. Moving to a new residence was even more arduous without a job at the new location, which is the reason many of the more extreme critics of Communism have been calling it a new form of serfdom ever since Stalin instituted 'propiska' at the dawn of the 1930s. Even what could be bought with money often ran into shortages in the state stores. If you ever talk to someone who lived in a socialist country before the 1990s about their experiences during that time, some of the first things you'll likely hear about will be the empty shelves in stores. This in my opinion is the biggest factor in socialist governments' unpopularity in their last years, and the socialist governments that survived the storms of 1989 to 1991 have wisely sought to eliminate it in their own systems. Yes yes, all well and good, but FIRST GODDAMN POST MOTHERFUCKERS.
  10. But RP is pure shrinking violet that can't keep a human form. :( RP is shrinking scrotum? Wow, that was pretty cold. Badumtish.
  11. Technically things like Aria are slice of life shows though. But yeah, you're kind of right there, in that in both those shows the events can be quite extraordinary and action packed, whereas in something like Aria, the events are ordinary, albeit in a non-ordinary setting. Basically, the events are events that conceivably could happen to average people living in that setting.
  12. An anime being broadcast now. It's pretty much awesome.
  13. On what do you base this on? I'd have trouble believing you if you said you traveled 50 years into the future and know for certain they are wrong. Past examples I would assume. People have assumed before that we would be dead, out of oil, out of other resources, etc, by now, and we still aren't. Peoples predictions, especially about things like this, often aren't too reliable. Even technologically, things people never even thought of have already been created, and things people thought would be created haven't. I mean, hell, look at some of the stuff in original Star Trek. We have MORE advanced technology than a lot of that stuff, and that's supposed to be super cutting edge way beyond where we are now.
  14. Hey, hey, hey. Was that at all relevant to the first post? Even a bit? No, no it wasn't. And what have I said about the first post?
  15. So yeah, everyone go and watch this as it comes out. It's pretty awesome.
  16. That's not exactly true, IMO. Producer cooperation is one form of socialism, but producer AND consumer cooperatives (i.e. producers and consumers w/in one cooperative as opposed to producer and consumer co-operatives existing separately) is another possible form of socialism. Sorry for saying things like this in a Forest thread though. The main argument is that people trading will set up their own framework, assuming trade is conducted frequently enough (i.e. if the market is large enough). Basically, if people engage in bad trade and make losses for their company, their companies will fire them and other firms won't hire them because they're a bad investment. As I understand it, the argument from free marketeers isn't so much that there should be no framework, as it is that there does not need to be something partially autonomous from the market that imposes such a framework. I think it is unlikely that if the government did not exist, all economic transactions would take place via clubbing. That might be the way things go at first, but as people grouped together (because small groups < large groups) everyone would be absorbed into the large groups (because you would rather join the gruops than resist them) and at some point the large groups would stop fighting each other and trade instead. Heyhey, READ THE FIRST POST AND COUNTER THOSE POINTS. Otherwise nobody is going to take you seriously!
  17. Durarara!! Go out and watch this shit right now. It's currently airing, so you have no excuse.
  18. um, communism has little benefits. now socialism... Yes, little benefits, though they're still there, there might be some circumstances where it could be helpful, however rare those are. However I will say that Socialism, of the non-Commie kind just sounds like a worse version of capitalism. What, are you fucking retarded? Have you even read the first post?
  19. So basically, socialism owns you all, for these reasons: 1) Pokemon. They don't charge you to use Pokemon Centres, and you sure as fuck never have to pay insurance premiums. Fucking socialized medicine. Fuck yeah! 2) The fucking Jedi. Remember, the Sith believe the weak exist to serve the strong, while the Jedi believe the strong exist to protect the weak. That sound pretty fucking socialist to me, am I right bitch? 3) Also the Jedi don't fucking charge but I think they like get tax money or someshit, I dunno the exact thing but the point is its pretty fucking socialist. 4) The Greil Mercenaries are socialists. That's also why they are poor. 5) The fucking vikings man. They're socialist. Fucking socialists. What, don't think that's fucking awesome? Fuck you. 6) Nishi is not a socialist. So basically, socialism is like, fucking eh, eh?
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