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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Extrapolate. 1. Every character is a sue/lou and Lelouch's master plan is utterly retarded no matter the reasoning behind it. 2. The "unique art style" makes all the characters look like their noses are bigger than their eyes. 3. The story makes about as much sense as molesting a cow with AIDS. Not on the same level with Neon Genesis's ending but still. 4. The amount of ridiculous writing that is either corny or WTF. 1. Extrapolate. 2. lol 3. Extrapolate. 4. Extrapolate. 1. Not only is this in part due to the fan's utter retardation in regards to liking a character since EVERYONE flip flops every episode, but the characterization itself is just terrible. One second, you hate Rollo, the next he's okay, then three episodes later, he's epic win, and then he's PHAIL, and then he dies in which everyone "mourns" for him. 2. Acknowledged? Because the style makes everyone look like they have an evolved form of TEH DOWNZ. 3. In the beginning, a whole bunch of empires are fighting and Le(gary)lou starts as a prodigy with Code Geass and starts a rebellion by killing Clovis and then becomes Zero, starts a rebellion, and proceeds to become an hero after realizing his sister was never blind, becoming an emperor of a ridiculously named country, and as a part of a plot that makes absolutely no sense as a master plan. :/ 4. Just look at the final scene of the series. Why Lelouch thinks its a good idea to become king through freeing much of the people, having Suzaku kill him to bring about "a new era" because of what Lelouch does is downright... well, this has more to do with the plot but most of the dialogue flip flops WAY too much. 1. Nonononononono. No. No. Seriously, how fans treat characters is absolutely not a good way to characterize them. I want you to explain to me exactly what properties make the character's Mary Sues or Gary Lou's. And if you do in fact think his master plan is retarded, explain, keeping in mind the plan underwent many significant changes as the series progressed. 2. Complaining about the art style is kind of a low blow to me, in situations like this, but I have to argue that it doesn't make them look like they have Down Syndrome, it just makes everyone look about 12 feet tall and half a foot wide. 3. Hahahahahahano. Almost every plotpoint in Code Geass has a fairly smooth and explained transition into the next. The plot makes sense. Point out to me specific points where it is unclear and I will address them, don't just oversimplify the entire story and say "i have the victory". 4. Dude. He thinks it is a good idea, because it is probably a good idea, and it ESPECIALLY would be a good idea given the experiences the character's are supposed to have. The final scene, to me, really demonstrates a Lelouch who was profoundly affected by his experiences. As for the dialogue flip flops, care to point specific ones out? I'll respond to the best of my ability (Fucking hangover) 1. The keyword is "significant changes". As in, why change the goddamn plan when it's already underway? Even the story writers were flipflopping on which character they liked best and updated the story towards THAT. At first, the series went well, but it turned into another boring mecha anime with every character being a walking cliche and the rest turned into boring filler with randomly generated events. Worse yet ,the stories happen not because of logic or characters, but because the entire universe would collapse under its own lameness otherwise. 2. The art style is still absolutely retarded. 3. Nothing happens due to logic, but a little thing I like to call plothax. In other words, shit happens not because it is normal or the characters proceed with it, but because it suddenly HAS to happen. And R2... the animation quality took a hit, he plot was rushed more than ever, and the characters took a turn for the worse- MAJOR TURNS. All in one episode too! Worse yet, they managed to tie all the plots out of nowhere into the main one in order to please the loop hole yellers in order to make even more. Like WTF ANYA IS MARIANNE AND CC GETS HER MEMORIES BACK WTF. There wasn't ANY sensible translations because they had to randomly jump back an forth in order to fit everything just into one episode. The series itself is basically one jumbled mess of plot and idiocy. After Episode 19, the series started to suck. After Episode 20, the only supporters of the show were animu faggots. With Marianne alive and Nunnally dead everything that's happened over the previous episodes seems... POINTLESS. And even Charles mentioned that the rebellion was pointless. Ergo, Code Geass never needed to happen. YEAH. THERE'S YOUR HERO. 4. Dialogue flip flops aren't exactly common, I admit. The cheesiness in, say, EVERY FREAKING SCENE however is overwhelming. Somebody put up a specific scene in episode 16: Start at 1:00. GREAT example. So is the scene afterwards. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJWoB-Q6HU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzQhzIPU24k&feature=fvw Yeah these scenes are pretty much... yeah. 1. Why change the plan? Because circumstances change. Because his opinion changes. Seriously dude, I know you're not retarded, surely you can understand why people change their plans. 2. OK, that's not really an amazing criticism though. 3. Except the Anya is Marriane thing was a long time coming, and the CC gets her memories back thing just made sense. Seriously dude, most of these flaws seem to be you intentionally or unintentionally misunderstanding the series. Honestly. I mean, take the whole thing of Marriane alive and Nunnally "dead", and the claim that the rebellion was pointless. Despite it still not quite being pointless (ie. there were still all the problems with the world Lelouch hated when he started the rebellion), it doesn't fucking matter, because Lelouch COULD NOT POSSIBLY HAVE KNOWN it was pointless at the time. Basically, yeah, it's actually supposed to be something of a "everything you did was pointless moment" and for a little bit Lelouch is kind of taken aback by it. This doesn't somehow make the writing bad or make the plot not make sense. In fact, it supports it making sense. 4. Okay, how is that scene so crazily cheesy? The MAO SHUT UP part AFTER IT is pretty hilarious, but other than that it's not that cheesy. Same with the next one. Seriously, do you mean the part where he laughs? And the last one too. Also, I notice you only seem to show the scenes from the English dub... Don't get me wrong, there IS cheesiness in the show, but a lot of it is kind of intentional, at least, it seems that way. Also, almost everything will have a bit of cheesiness, that isn't somehow a fatal flaw/. 1. Circumstances change out of sensibility. The writers seemed to enjoy throwing logic out the window and pretty much shitting on a spinning board to see where the next episode would take them. 2. Still. 3. It was only a "long time coming" when it happened. The CC getting her memories back seemed "convenient" and was absolutely random when she got it. But wait, this whole shitstorm of a "plot" that people seem to heavily overrate had a whole TRUTH to it when its only out of convenience for the writers to do so? So the fact that after a shitty season, another shitty season appears telling Lelouch that the entire shit season had no meaning and that SOMEHOW makes sense even though there was NO reasoning behind it? hahahahno 4. Pretty much the whole "UH! AH! WH-WH-WHAT?!?" thing that has been more overdone than FPS's. Right, the whole "Main character suddenly turning 'badass' with a maniacal laugh for no real reason other than the writers are on pot" totally doesn't sound cliche. And the third scene is just one big sloppy sad scene; or at least it tries to be. And the english dub is only a slightly better train wreck than the Jap one. 1. Dude. Seriously, are you even trying to listen? How is any of that illogical? You're reverting to "make a bunch of assertions without explaining any of them". 2. Okay. 3. Except there was build up with Anya and memories and shit since she was introduced, pretty much, so it actually WAS a long time coming. As for the last part, seriously dude, you are not making sense here. Basically, you are saying that Code Geass doesn't make sense because the characters act in a somewhat reasonable and consistent fashion. You are saying that because Lelouch did not act in a way that he could have only acted in if he had information he couldn't possibly have, that somehow the show doesn't make sense. 4. The "what???" thing was still relevant and an entirely reasonable thing in that situation. In fact, that situation is a very valid time for it to happen, MORE valid than a lot of times it would occur in media. And the laughing thing wasn't Lelouch turning badass, it was Lelouch basically collapsing and withdrawing because of the circumstances on him at the time, and considering that people in reality have mental breakdowns in much lesser situations, is completely reasonable. As for the third scene, explain how it is sloppy or cheesey. It is, I am going to be honest, fairly original for a scene, and actually pretty powerful. Seriously, it's as if you WANT to hate it and are TRYING to be unable to understand.
  2. Extrapolate. 1. Every character is a sue/lou and Lelouch's master plan is utterly retarded no matter the reasoning behind it. 2. The "unique art style" makes all the characters look like their noses are bigger than their eyes. 3. The story makes about as much sense as molesting a cow with AIDS. Not on the same level with Neon Genesis's ending but still. 4. The amount of ridiculous writing that is either corny or WTF. 1. Extrapolate. 2. lol 3. Extrapolate. 4. Extrapolate. 1. Not only is this in part due to the fan's utter retardation in regards to liking a character since EVERYONE flip flops every episode, but the characterization itself is just terrible. One second, you hate Rollo, the next he's okay, then three episodes later, he's epic win, and then he's PHAIL, and then he dies in which everyone "mourns" for him. 2. Acknowledged? Because the style makes everyone look like they have an evolved form of TEH DOWNZ. 3. In the beginning, a whole bunch of empires are fighting and Le(gary)lou starts as a prodigy with Code Geass and starts a rebellion by killing Clovis and then becomes Zero, starts a rebellion, and proceeds to become an hero after realizing his sister was never blind, becoming an emperor of a ridiculously named country, and as a part of a plot that makes absolutely no sense as a master plan. :/ 4. Just look at the final scene of the series. Why Lelouch thinks its a good idea to become king through freeing much of the people, having Suzaku kill him to bring about "a new era" because of what Lelouch does is downright... well, this has more to do with the plot but most of the dialogue flip flops WAY too much. 1. Nonononononono. No. No. Seriously, how fans treat characters is absolutely not a good way to characterize them. I want you to explain to me exactly what properties make the character's Mary Sues or Gary Lou's. And if you do in fact think his master plan is retarded, explain, keeping in mind the plan underwent many significant changes as the series progressed. 2. Complaining about the art style is kind of a low blow to me, in situations like this, but I have to argue that it doesn't make them look like they have Down Syndrome, it just makes everyone look about 12 feet tall and half a foot wide. 3. Hahahahahahano. Almost every plotpoint in Code Geass has a fairly smooth and explained transition into the next. The plot makes sense. Point out to me specific points where it is unclear and I will address them, don't just oversimplify the entire story and say "i have the victory". 4. Dude. He thinks it is a good idea, because it is probably a good idea, and it ESPECIALLY would be a good idea given the experiences the character's are supposed to have. The final scene, to me, really demonstrates a Lelouch who was profoundly affected by his experiences. As for the dialogue flip flops, care to point specific ones out? I'll respond to the best of my ability (Fucking hangover) 1. The keyword is "significant changes". As in, why change the goddamn plan when it's already underway? Even the story writers were flipflopping on which character they liked best and updated the story towards THAT. At first, the series went well, but it turned into another boring mecha anime with every character being a walking cliche and the rest turned into boring filler with randomly generated events. Worse yet ,the stories happen not because of logic or characters, but because the entire universe would collapse under its own lameness otherwise. 2. The art style is still absolutely retarded. 3. Nothing happens due to logic, but a little thing I like to call plothax. In other words, shit happens not because it is normal or the characters proceed with it, but because it suddenly HAS to happen. And R2... the animation quality took a hit, he plot was rushed more than ever, and the characters took a turn for the worse- MAJOR TURNS. All in one episode too! Worse yet, they managed to tie all the plots out of nowhere into the main one in order to please the loop hole yellers in order to make even more. Like WTF ANYA IS MARIANNE AND CC GETS HER MEMORIES BACK WTF. There wasn't ANY sensible translations because they had to randomly jump back an forth in order to fit everything just into one episode. The series itself is basically one jumbled mess of plot and idiocy. After Episode 19, the series started to suck. After Episode 20, the only supporters of the show were animu faggots. With Marianne alive and Nunnally dead everything that's happened over the previous episodes seems... POINTLESS. And even Charles mentioned that the rebellion was pointless. Ergo, Code Geass never needed to happen. YEAH. THERE'S YOUR HERO. 4. Dialogue flip flops aren't exactly common, I admit. The cheesiness in, say, EVERY FREAKING SCENE however is overwhelming. Somebody put up a specific scene in episode 16: Start at 1:00. GREAT example. So is the scene afterwards. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJWoB-Q6HU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzQhzIPU24k&feature=fvw Yeah these scenes are pretty much... yeah. 1. Why change the plan? Because circumstances change. Because his opinion changes. Seriously dude, I know you're not retarded, surely you can understand why people change their plans. 2. OK, that's not really an amazing criticism though. 3. Except the Anya is Marriane thing was a long time coming, and the CC gets her memories back thing just made sense. Seriously dude, most of these flaws seem to be you intentionally or unintentionally misunderstanding the series. Honestly. I mean, take the whole thing of Marriane alive and Nunnally "dead", and the claim that the rebellion was pointless. Despite it still not quite being pointless (ie. there were still all the problems with the world Lelouch hated when he started the rebellion), it doesn't fucking matter, because Lelouch COULD NOT POSSIBLY HAVE KNOWN it was pointless at the time. Basically, yeah, it's actually supposed to be something of a "everything you did was pointless moment" and for a little bit Lelouch is kind of taken aback by it. This doesn't somehow make the writing bad or make the plot not make sense. In fact, it supports it making sense. 4. Okay, how is that scene so crazily cheesy? The MAO SHUT UP part AFTER IT is pretty hilarious, but other than that it's not that cheesy. Same with the next one. Seriously, do you mean the part where he laughs? And the last one too. Also, I notice you only seem to show the scenes from the English dub... Don't get me wrong, there IS cheesiness in the show, but a lot of it is kind of intentional, at least, it seems that way. Also, almost everything will have a bit of cheesiness, that isn't somehow a fatal flaw/.
  3. I don't know about Skrimir, but Kyza and Ranulf have tiny dicks. That's why Lethe and Lyre are chasing Beorc men instead of other Laguz. A penis is still a penis, no matter how small. Allow me to reiterate: Their dicks are so tiny, they're practically nonexistant. Little nubs. Nothing to sway around in the wind, for sure. THERE ARE THESE THINGS CALLED ERECTIONS. Obviously that doesn't make them much bigger, else Lyre and Lethe would stick around. Well Ike likes it enough if they have bond support. Ranulf is obviously the girl in the relationship. WELL WOULD HE DO IT IN CAT FORM OR HUMAN FORM? :D. Both. Another new fan fic idea!
  4. I think most of us know to take anything anyone, Seph in particular, says about you with a grain of salt Crash, thanks for the reminder.
  5. I think it might be somewhat depressing how many of these I remember.
  6. Extrapolate. 1. Every character is a sue/lou and Lelouch's master plan is utterly retarded no matter the reasoning behind it. 2. The "unique art style" makes all the characters look like their noses are bigger than their eyes. 3. The story makes about as much sense as molesting a cow with AIDS. Not on the same level with Neon Genesis's ending but still. 4. The amount of ridiculous writing that is either corny or WTF. 1. Extrapolate. 2. lol 3. Extrapolate. 4. Extrapolate. 1. Not only is this in part due to the fan's utter retardation in regards to liking a character since EVERYONE flip flops every episode, but the characterization itself is just terrible. One second, you hate Rollo, the next he's okay, then three episodes later, he's epic win, and then he's PHAIL, and then he dies in which everyone "mourns" for him. 2. Acknowledged? Because the style makes everyone look like they have an evolved form of TEH DOWNZ. 3. In the beginning, a whole bunch of empires are fighting and Le(gary)lou starts as a prodigy with Code Geass and starts a rebellion by killing Clovis and then becomes Zero, starts a rebellion, and proceeds to become an hero after realizing his sister was never blind, becoming an emperor of a ridiculously named country, and as a part of a plot that makes absolutely no sense as a master plan. :/ 4. Just look at the final scene of the series. Why Lelouch thinks its a good idea to become king through freeing much of the people, having Suzaku kill him to bring about "a new era" because of what Lelouch does is downright... well, this has more to do with the plot but most of the dialogue flip flops WAY too much. 1. Nonononononono. No. No. Seriously, how fans treat characters is absolutely not a good way to characterize them. I want you to explain to me exactly what properties make the character's Mary Sues or Gary Lou's. And if you do in fact think his master plan is retarded, explain, keeping in mind the plan underwent many significant changes as the series progressed. 2. Complaining about the art style is kind of a low blow to me, in situations like this, but I have to argue that it doesn't make them look like they have Down Syndrome, it just makes everyone look about 12 feet tall and half a foot wide. 3. Hahahahahahano. Almost every plotpoint in Code Geass has a fairly smooth and explained transition into the next. The plot makes sense. Point out to me specific points where it is unclear and I will address them, don't just oversimplify the entire story and say "i have the victory". 4. Dude. He thinks it is a good idea, because it is probably a good idea, and it ESPECIALLY would be a good idea given the experiences the character's are supposed to have. The final scene, to me, really demonstrates a Lelouch who was profoundly affected by his experiences. As for the dialogue flip flops, care to point specific ones out?
  7. Extrapolate. 1. Every character is a sue/lou and Lelouch's master plan is utterly retarded no matter the reasoning behind it. 2. The "unique art style" makes all the characters look like their noses are bigger than their eyes. 3. The story makes about as much sense as molesting a cow with AIDS. Not on the same level with Neon Genesis's ending but still. 4. The amount of ridiculous writing that is either corny or WTF. 1. Extrapolate. 2. lol 3. Extrapolate. 4. Extrapolate.
  8. Those are games that practically have no gameplay. The game IS the story. Well, Visual Novels at least. But his point still kind of works, if slightly modified. The fixed version: If people wanted to read character text they would be playing a Visual Novel or point 'n click game.
  9. Assuming 255 is the max, then 2 is the highest you'll ever get in a level up. If 255 is the max, then the highest is actually 3. Growths that are under 100% give a chance at either 1 or 0. 100% gives 1. Growths from 101% to 199% give a chance of either 1 or 2. 200% gives 2. Growths from 201% to 255% give a chance at either 2 or 3. Obviously, because of how Fixed Mode works, this wouldn't turn out the same way on it.
  10. You forgot making unfunny jokes, and doing ultra megas moe kawaii desu ne things. I don't think we can be friends anymore Dude, c'mon. Convert. :P It wasn't BAD, so much as it was completely unremarkable. There was nothing particularly well done, or extraordinarily original about it. ಥ_ಥ Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with you, that is a perfectly natural response to moe blobs. Me and Hikarusa have just cleared our minds because we are heartless robot brains.
  11. I guess that's what I object to. I object to them doing safe, tried, and plain things without innovation. I dislike stagnation. I would much prefer they take a risk and try to make something better and new. But I guess a risk is a risk, and they don't want to lose money. So really, I just want people to not watch this type of thing, or not support it, so that they stop making it. :P
  12. You forgot making unfunny jokes, and doing ultra megas moe kawaii desu ne things. I don't think we can be friends anymore Dude, c'mon. Convert. :P It wasn't BAD, so much as it was completely unremarkable. There was nothing particularly well done, or extraordinarily original about it. It's a comedy/slice of life show dude. It wasn't meant to be anything extraordinary, just a fun show to watch with quirky characters and some catchy music. Of course, those last two things will probably only apply to fans of this particular genre. But if you don't like it, just watch Beck or something. :/ You misunderstand/misrepresent. Just because it is a comedy or slice of life doesn't mean it can't be original or well done. There are comedies and slice of life shows out there that are original and well done. K-On! just isn't one of them. I meant that K-On in particular wasn't meant to be groundbreaking Then why wasn't it meant to be? Why make something mediocre when you could make something better?
  13. That, like what I did when I arrived, was less trolling, and more being a sane, functioning and rational human being. :P
  14. You forgot making unfunny jokes, and doing ultra megas moe kawaii desu ne things. I don't think we can be friends anymore Dude, c'mon. Convert. :P It wasn't BAD, so much as it was completely unremarkable. There was nothing particularly well done, or extraordinarily original about it. It's a comedy/slice of life show dude. It wasn't meant to be anything extraordinary, just a fun show to watch with quirky characters and some catchy music. Of course, those last two things will probably only apply to fans of this particular genre. But if you don't like it, just watch Beck or something. :/ You misunderstand/misrepresent. Just because it is a comedy or slice of life doesn't mean it can't be original or well done. There are comedies and slice of life shows out there that are original and well done. K-On! just isn't one of them.
  15. 57. If Hikarusa became a moderator on this site, the world would EXPLODE! All over your chest and face.
  16. You forgot making unfunny jokes, and doing ultra megas moe kawaii desu ne things. I don't think we can be friends anymore Dude, c'mon. Convert. :P It wasn't BAD, so much as it was completely unremarkable. There was nothing particularly well done, or extraordinarily original about it.
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