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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. What did you do? :o There is this hilarious exploit in forums where you can auto-enable Fast Reply, and Flood Control is not active, both of which were true in FFtF at that time. Basically, you typed in a message, hit tab so that Add Reply was selected, and then hammered the enter button as fast as physically possible, and you posted like a million replies in a couple seconds. We got like a hundred pages on it. I was out for a week too, do you not remember? ;_; Yeah, you and Death were out for a week along with me.
  2. No, I don't mean either (or at least I don't think I do). Let's say we somehow come up with a numerical measure of utility. Unit A is available for 2 cchapters, with utility 1 and 3 in those chapters. Unit B is available for 1 chapter, with utility 2. Under the traditional tier system, A is better than B (1+3>2). Under my system, they would be equal (the average of 1 and 3 is 2). Basically, this just eliminates availibility, and limits Jeigans from auto-topping (because their utility is 0 for many of the chapters they exist) without forcing them below absolute garbage that is only marginally better than an empty slot. But that doesn't really make much sense. That means that if Unit A has Utility 1 throughout the entire game, and at the end of the game, Unit B joins with Utility 1, then they are both equal. Unit A however has contributed much more to the completion of the game, and playing the game without Unit A would be much more difficult than playing without Unit B.
  3. Don't listen to him. He is mean. He has not expiereinced enough pain. He does not know the truth. . I'm drinking the blood I recieved from a glass. It tastes like salt/ iron/very good flavor I can't describe. my poop is going to be red. 16 hours and 30 minutes left unitl my chapel talk. I give myself pain sessions every day. My favorite kind is when I run razors acrossmy skin because it tastes so good afterward. Of course I commonly have to use my finger nails instead of razors. :D Tell me, are you perhaps from Newfoundland?
  4. Remember when we exploited a loophole in FFtF and got the FE4 thread locked? I do. Masu's suspension only lasted like a day, I was out for a week. Bawwwwww.
  5. Oh boy, how could I have forgotten the best song OF ALL TIME. The only thing that comes close to it is the ORCHESTRATED VERSION!
  6. I choose... Mist! May or may not be an awful choice.
  7. Make it longer. :D I loved this game. Real support conversations would be cool, but definitely keep this system. Also, maybe more/changed skills, etc. Really, just add some stuff.
  8. I would assume yes, as long as we actually tried something else. Basically, as long as its not abuse to manipulate RNG or whatever, I would assume it would be fine.
  9. Whoever said it first was right, this thread really doesn't work without Der Kommissar.
  10. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.
  11. you mean man you make me cry Q_Q

  12. Soooooo hard. Cannot choose. Grah. Leanne. Final answer.
  13. Would you say that to Tom Petty? Lower the better, . This is a tier list based on how much people suck. Billy Bob fails at sucking, therefore he is bottom tier. I thought we agreed not to talk about that shit.
  14. Phoenix, I am going to try to keep this short: Vaccines, by their nature, are probably the best possible way to prevent yourself from getting a disease, barring completely avoiding any place where you could get the disease, which in many cases would be nearly impossible. No matter how well you eat or how much you exercise, you cannot become immune to diseases. Yes, healthier people generally have an easier time fighting off viruses, but it in no way confers immunity. There are numerous cases, throughout history, were people have died due to having no natural immunity to a disease. For example, when Europeans settled in North and South America, native populations were absolutely devastated by diseases such as smallpox. This had absolutely nothing to do with their diet or living habits. The reason they were decimated is because they did not have a natural immunity (that is, their ancestors had never encountered the disease, therefore they were not able to evolve an immunity or resistance to it), and because they had no built up immunity, due to never having encountered similar diseases. That is to say, there bodies had absolutely no idea how to handle these diseases. In some cases, such as the smallpox outbreak, the people believed to have carried the disease over from Europe had practically no symptoms, because their body was practically immune to the virus. They carried the virus, but it was hardly severe. However, when it spread from them to the Native people, it was incredibly deadly. This was not due to eating habits. For the most parts, Native Americans probably had BETTER eating habits than their European cousins, not to mention the fact that the Europeans would have just been on a huge boat trip, with very little food other than biscuits. When you say vaccines are not a good way to prevent diseases, you are flying in the face of pretty much all legitimate medical research, and mountains and mountains of empirical evidence. We know a lot about diseases and immunity. You can trust medical Scientists, because they are experts. Seriously, if the people who spend their whole lives scientifically studying these things tell you something, and then you think up a completely different thing on your own, or get it from some crazy guy, who will you trust?
  15. Ideologically, I too stand somewhat to the left. I suppose I'm kind of enamored with the idea of everyone getting what they need. On the other hand, I completely understand that some people will just fundamentally think differently, and believe, for example, that everyone has to EARN what they need, and they shouldn't get it unless they've worked for it. I don't feel I am more correct than them, because what we believe is right is rather subjective. However, there are some objective facts that can be looked at, and I tend to support at least some left wing policies, if not many. This is because in my observation of things, certain more socialist policies, when properly executed, lead to more people being happy and having a higher standard of living. But still, some people will say that they think only the people who "work for it" should have happiness. I guess I am willing to have some people who do nothing get to be happy and be supported somewhat, in exchange for those in poor circumstances having the opportunities to improve.
  16. This game had some funny cutscenes, but I still love incredible PoR moments such as "Ike, STAY BACK!", or the immortal "Do you want to die?"
  17. Which means all of the mages on her side of 1-8, are now going to go for Volug (and Rafiel) instead of her. Not only that, this also means that one of the thieves will actually make it the treasure chests in 1-E and start helping himself to the goodies inside (one of which is a speedwing). More or remove some of the enemies. Not too difficult, really.
  18. Who is this "Starkiller" you speak of who brought down a Star Destroyer? The only Starkiller is Bendak Starkiller, and he very much deserves his position. EDIT: Also, Malak does not get top tier. He has no jaw, and he can't even kill his master properly. Hell, he doesn't even manage to share the same dream or concept that RevaINTENTIONALSPACEBECAUSEOFCLOWNn did. Reva n had reason to what he did, Malak did not.
  19. I'm going to have to disagree with that statement kind sir, it is you who is terribad and I who is better. What does Texas have other than NASA? That's right, border-hoppers from Mexico. Yeah? Your point? I know New Jersey is known as a "bad state" if that's what you're trying to say. Texas is the home of Texas Roadhouse, one of the best Steak restaurant chains in the United States, and a shitload of Crazy Awesome. Besides, more illegal immigrants go to California and Nevada than Texas, because Texans don't tolerate that shit. Man dude, you've got it all wrong. I love illegal immigrants, they do shit-jobs that nobody fucking wants! They're awesome, how can you disagree?
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