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Posts posted by Exiledwolf

  1. All right, I've decided to take Route B, and I'm having a bit o f a problem. I seem to be running out of funds, and I can't buy enough new weapons for the new comers, and tomes are extremely expensive. Is there any point in route B where you get an influx of cash?

  2. Hey guys, been playing this hack recently and loving it so far. I have a question though, what do each paths when you choose in chapter 6 like gives you in regards to units/ items. Or more specifically, which would you guys would say is the "harder" out of the two. Thank You! Keep up the good work.

  3. Apparently, the PBE is actually quite a bad place. Sure you can have all of the champions unlocked, and all the skins, but people troll there more than in the regular client. Also, you get a lot more errors and bug splats and whatnot through it too. But then again, having first dibs on the newest champions is fun once you get through all that mess.

  4. Yeah, kog came to my mind, but he doesn't need it that much because his q grants him passive AS, but I would assume kog players like maxing theirr w for dat %age health taken away.

    Vayne I would agree too but even without an AS buff her w still takes away a chunk of your health regardless, but I see what you mean.

    For harass/ poke/kill lanes, I would pair up with a champ that can follow up more actively. Yeah cait has her net, but the animation is not as straight away with the likes of ez, graves, and corkis e just to name a few

  5. Still, Cait isn't even too strong of an ADC in the first place. :C

    Honestly, cait is like the only adc I would recommend a nunu support cause she doesn't have some sort of AS buff.

    Ezreal had his passive

    Graves had his E

    Vayne has her w for massive damage

    Corki is a burst, armor shredder

    Ashe has a slow, mega slow and stun in her kit

    All cait has is a form of burst, a trap, an escape, and her ulti, but nothing worthwhile she can do by herself without a nunu support

  6. Hey guys I haven't been in LoL for like a week , and my internet won't let me play LoL, and I noticed theres like some big skin sale going on. Not a big fan of them, but I was wondering how much rp does nottingham ezreal cost if anyone can look it up?

    Also, what are your guys opinions on skins?

  7. @ Raven- Another alternate replacement for lux I would suggest is the Athene's Unholy Grail item. It gives out a lot of ap (90), has CD reduction for dat laser, and is a good item to help with mana problems. It also has 40 MR to boot. I found that i was too mana hungry with Lux even when running Rod of Ages. But whatever suits your needs.

    Another item replacement i would suggest is the void staff if the enemy team is stalking MR items I assume you were going to build a lich bane which is a good item i suppose. I never tried using the bane because its used mostly, i found, on mixed attackers who relies on a good burst, like Nidalee.

    @Pride- My priorities for skill usage is R>Q>E>W. The shield is useful, but i found the level one shield can block out the effects of ignite and, if laning with someone like karthus, itll help his early games requiems. Her snare is incredibly useful when escaping too and can be used to go for the combo of Q>auto attack> E >attack> laser. But thats just my opinion

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