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Posts posted by nolongeractivesheep

  1. Well, let's see... When I think about this, I feel that I'd probably have really long hair. It would probably be blue. My eyes would also probably be blue. I'd likely have a breastplate and shoulder guards on, and without a doubt there would be elaborate floral etchings in the metalwork. I'd have a totally adorable ribbon tying my hair back, and short straight bangs as well... Hm... I'd likely wear a short skirt with boots and thigh highs... And beyond that, I'd likely be carrying a sword or a lance. My armor would be white with blue etchings, and my skirt would be a lovely pleated white... And my boots and thigh highs would match my armor! So... I guess class-wise, I'm a Pegasus Knight or some sort of Halbedier/Myrmidon combo.

  2. I love you because you have Catria in your sig.

    I adore Catria~ She's amazing.

    Actual advice...I just gained some respect for you for that honesty.

    Thanks... I actually make it a point to be helpful... Just because you can't see the person you're talking to in front of you is no reason to treat them any differently than if that were the case. If someone places a plea for help, I want to help in some way, even if its just my dumb advice.. >x<

  3. Elaborate.

    You probably wouldn't want a girl who's ugly now, would you?

    Being picky about appearance is a sure fire way to prove your insincerity when it comes to a relationship. Naturally when someone is completely repulsive, that's one thing, but moderately attractive is just as good as gorgeous, all things considered. Its what's on the inside that counts.

  4. Um, hi. I haven't posted any topics of my own yet, so, I suppose I'll start with this.

    I've always had a fascination with the weather, and I've lived in sooooo many different climates now that I've seen just about everything. I really loved all the storms I enjoyed when I was in tornado alley.

    Recently, I moved to Southern California, which basically means I don't get to experience anything I'd actually call weather anymore... owo;;;

    So, with that in mind, I was wondering what kinds of weather that everyone else is experiencing right now.

    For myself, its a breezy 65 with no cloud cover at all. Simply divine, but a bit monotonous overall.

    So, how about everyone else?

  5. I see no reason to laugh at you. Its completely understandable. But if you really want a girlfriend, then you need to be seeking one. You need to befriend girls, and not in just some shallow way. You need to get to know them inside and out long before you've even considered that romance is possible. This is /especially/ true on the internet. Beyond that, you should go hang out in places that actually have massive populations of /actual/ girls. Tumblr and Livejournal are full of actual girls. Beyond that... if you make an awesome best friend that's a girl, don't push things... Just let them happen. If something's there, it will become apparent in time, and if not, you've at least made a good friend. I.. hope I helped.. >.<

  6. And if there isn't then I assume there is a post game option like FE8 and even without multiplayer that is fun as heck.

    I should hope so. The Creature Campaign made it fun even without people to play against. But really, I'm rather downed by the fact that there's no Wi-Fi battles. Hopefully we get the DLC shop and an online gold shop too at least..

  7. Oh my! My favorite Fire Emblem game made more challenging? This sounds like fun! =D

    On that note, will there be any more modifications to the difficulty of the game? I'd like to see monsters beefed up a bit in all honesty. Grinding is too easy in Sacred Stones, and while we grinders will find a way anyway, I like to feel like I've worked for my overpoweredness.

  8. Doing my best to ignore some of the more... absurd (?) replies in this thread... I personally look for true companionship. The sort of individual who will stick by my through anything. Someone to cling to and to be clung to by. I'm hopelessly romantic, and I like someone who is the same way as me. If we're making each other squee over the romantic chessiness spouting forth from our pieholes, then we're definitely meant for each other. I like the sort of person that know when it really matters to comfort me, and likewise back. I seek an adorable equal, I guess?

  9. your avvy is pretty

    Isn't it though~? I adore artstyles like this... Ever so beautiful and wonderful.

    Welcome Sophia! I hope you have fun and be active, I was inactive for a couple of years but now I'm back, and I realize how much I missed this forum

    Thanks, and I intend to be as active as I can be! I usually don't have much trouble staying active places.

  10. I was under the impression that this series was always all about ass-kicking female characters. It certainly promotes the idea of women being equal to men, and even if it not as physically strong, certainly a bit more graceful. I can't wait to play using the new cast.

    Thank you ^^' I just saw her, she reminds me of Rebecca. I also like the new cleric that blue dress is cute ^^'.

    More pink haired people ;W; now I can do Pink haired runs ;3;!

    the blue dress is adorable! ^o^ And pink haired runs would be so much fun!

  11. Indeed.

    Actually, I had Big Blue in mind, since in SSB, the Big Blue stage has you fighting on top of the F-Zero cars. Get knocked off the cars and onto the road, however, and you'll get scrolled off screen and KO'd in rather short order unless you can jump off the track and back onto the cars! Which reminds me... *smashes a computer player onto the road* Also, there's Port Town Aero Dive, where the F-Zero cars deal severe damage to anyone unlucky enough to get in the way.

    I do so ever adore that game! Its been a while since I've played though, since my Wii bit the dust... ^^;; I typically main Marth, and insist that he be in White. His Final Smash is always a bit too broken in my opinion though. The F-Zero stages are my favorite, at any rate!

    Welcome to SF

    Im also a Catria fan

    Who are your favorite Sacred Stones Characters? Mine are Ewan,Knoll,Lute,Tana, and Joshua

    Heee, more Catria love! Lute is my favorite from Sacred Stones. She's so absolutely adorable with her nerdiness. Plus, as a unit she is just unstoppable. And naturally I really love Tana too! My second favorite from Sacred Stones is Amelia, however. Not only is she cute, she's completely awesome. I love using her a Super Trainee since she's functionally the same as the Halbedier class of later games.

    She's even better in FE11/12, cause she gets her own weapon Wing Spear, which makes her an excellent unit.

    I know! I've played FE11, and loved it. I also gave Catria as a Myrmidon a spin, and that was fun. I can't wait until the fan translation for FE12 is complete. The My Unit system is so cool! Even if it does encourage a little bit too much self-insertion fantasy... ^^;;;

    Hello Sophia and welcome to the forest! you actually seem like a really nice person haha (look at me, judging people so fast *shame*), I hope you stick around and enjoy the place!

    Thank you! Its a tranquil but lively forest to be sure! And I do try to be as nice as I can be. I like to be a friend as best I can to as many people as I can. I'll certain stick around, since Fire Emblem is my favorite Nintendo published series!

  12. Oh my god. That's absolutely amazing. I love it so much. I can't wait to see the Pegasus Knight class of FE13. I might even make My Unit into a Pegasus Knight.

    Yes, Katua/Catria is awesome! but I like Shiida the best.

    Shiida is really really cool. I love that she was a strong female character in such an old game. Plus, I love her relationship with Marth.

    You're welcome.

    At any rate, I see you like pegasus knights. Which is cool, because so do I.


    *hears the sound of F-Zero Racers zooming in at high speed*

    Uh-oh... *jumps off the racetrack and takes flight to avoid getting SMASHED into next week*

    Yay, more peggy lovers! I think that they are just graceful and beautiful.

    And for a place called Mute City, it sure is noisy.

    Click your name on the top right -> My Settings -> Profile -> Scroll down and look for the dropdown menu with the selectable badges.

    Oh and welcome to the forum and all that generic jazz.

    I can't decide which one I want. x3

    But thank you for welcoming me!

  13. *HISSSSS*, CATRIA....

    Well, welcome to SF. Enjoy your stay! biggrin.gif

    Nuuu, don't kill me Tana...! ;.;

    Hi~ Welcome to SF.. Hope you enjoy your stay

    and Nice Avy/Sig, I just love the Akaneia Pegagus Knights :D

    Thank you! I absolutely adore them, Catria being my favorite, naturally. Though I suppose in general I just love the Pegasus Knights in each series in general. After my first experience with Florina, Fiora and Farina, I just couldn't help but be attached to their archetype!

    Welcome to the Forums. This is quite a nice place!

    Catria Fan! I am a fan of Palla myself...

    Enjoy your stay here...

    It really seems to be! I've already seen a few topics of interest that I've posted in. I'm having fun with it all. And I like Palla too!

    Welcome to Serenes Forest! I see that you're a Katua fan. There was one who used to go here, but he got bored of this forum and committed account suicide.

    Thank you, and yes, I am! I absolutely adore her appearance, and Pegasus Knights are just so cool. I suppose that this makes me the replacement Catria fan?

  14. I find that Extra Credits is a very good and informative series. Naturally everything they talk about is kind of obvious anyway, but its nice to see a dedicated group of individuals and their adorable art relaying messages to the world at large.

  15. Hubert is, like, impossible to use on Chaos. The dude dies if someone farts anywhere on the battlefield. Cheria and Pascal boast of their tankiness in front of him. He has a crippling Life Bottle addiction and gets the shivers if he hasn't needed to be revived in the past 5 seconds. Seriously man, I'm trying to use you, I'm jacking up your Evade, but what the balls.

    That's not true at all. Hubert is versatile in all modes of play. All you need to do is have heavily dualized armor on him. Also, a little level grinding never hurt anyone. Considering the length of combos he can string together and how easy it is to get a weapon with 1000 attack for him, allowing enemies to hit you is difficult enough, even on chaos. And then if you have armor that is set up to bring him on par with the rest of the party, then you've got your problem solved. That's what I did anyway. ^^;;

  16. Hello! Welcome to SF!

    Thank you! And I see you're a Tales fan, that's cool! Sadly, I've yet to play the Tales of Destiny titles.

    Hey! Have fun at Serenes. biggrin.gif

    I really hope that I do!

    Welcome to Serenes Forest, the only Fire Emblem forum that doubles as a dating site.

    Oh dear, doubling as a dating site. I've seen a lot of forums that have a lot of that... XD

  17. Heeee. Potato looking thing that is Magvel. Random tangents are pretty much what make Let's Plays. They have no place in video walkthroughs, but the nature of a let's play is just to be as silly as possible. As for your pronunciations, they are what I use, so I think they were spot on. Overall, an enjoyable Let's Play!

  18. I'm Sophia, and a long time Fire Emblem fan. I've been playing the series since the first localization back in 2003, and I've been addicted ever since then. I've not really had any outlet for my ranting or just talking for a while now, and decided to come here since I'm on this website a lot anyway.

    My favorite title in the series is Sacred Stones, and while it was short, I liked that it had a strong female protagonist as the lead throughout the entire story. That's something very rare in the gaming industry, and is something I admire. In fact, that might have been part of why I loved the series to begin with, being introduced to the franchise with Lyn from Blazing Sword.

    Um.. anyway, I hope to contribute to posts here and perhaps make some friends too. I'll probably drop into the IRC before long too, since I do hang out on IRC. I do hope that I can come to enjoy this place!

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