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  1. Yeah I have no clue what that means and I have the exact same problem as him, where would i even find a stores file among all these files and how do i fix it? also is there a discord for all of this? Traceback (most recent call last): File "ignis\core\randomize_worker.py", line 34, in run Exception: Failed to read data from stores. Caused by: 0: Failed to read data from store 'rom2'. 1: File 'asset/ROM2.lz' does not exist. Attempted to find it using the following paths: '[D:\Program Files (x86)\Games\Randomizers\Fire Emblem\Fire Emblem Fates\Randomizer Files\Randomizer Game\asset/ROM2.lz,D:\Program Files (x86)\Games\Randomizers\Fire Emblem\Fire Emblem Fates\Randomizer Files\ROMfs File\asset/ROM2.lz]' Thats the issue i keep running into and yet I have no idea how to figure out what the right path is. I made a copy of the folder and tried both the one in the citra dump file and even moving them away from there and no results. I just have no clue what this "Store 'Roms2" file is and where i would even locate it. Also is there a video tutorial for this as I find it easier to communicate with others or if theres a video to watch as the instructions are hard to follow
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