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About Billy12510

  • Birthday 11/28/1994

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. Syndra noticed Nyxied run by to handle some of the enemies at the rear. She called out to her girlfriend; "Nyxied! If that was the last of them can you double back this way? There's something over here that requires your expertise." Syndra didn't have much time to wait for a response however, more foes had come from up north. The archers were being handled by Alvira, so Syndra turned towards the cavaliers that had arrived, bearing pure weapons. Syndra took out the "special" tome in her bag and took aim at the closest one to her. Syndra moves to 9-30 and uses Breeze Lightning on Cav 10
  2. After their group had cleared out the reinforcements that arrived, they had begun funneling through the corridor to the right. Syndra noticed there was a chest off behind them, but she didn't notice anyone mention they'd picked up a key from any of the guards, and since she didn't know how to pick a lock herself, it'd have to wait for later. If I meet up with Nyxied later I'll tell her about it. There were a group of armors doubling as archers north of where Syndra had exited the hallway, but Alvira and Alriana seemed to have them under control. Good for her, because she wouldn't be able to handle a shot from either of them in her state, which was then helped out by the healing light she felt envelop her. She turned around quickly to thank who it was. "Oh, thank you Roxanne. I'd meant to ask you or Renais earlier about this, but we were all busy dealing with the scum of the earth." Syndra moves to 9-26 and waits
  3. Reinforcements had come through an entrance on the left to try and slow the group down, but Syndra made use of an opening Roxanne had made to reach the swordsman that was hiding in the back. "You should've stayed back in whatever hole you crawled out of, because scum like you have no chance at stopping us!" Syndra moves to 2-21 and attacks Myrm 8 with Blizzard
  4. Syndra fell in line quickly and took aim at the swordsman Versaris ran past, confident her compatriots could finish off the other fighter left behind. Syndra moves to 4-20 and casts Blizzard at Merc 7
  5. Versaris declared his intent to charge, and Alvira seemed to follow suit. Syndra had followed up, getting in a position to help pick off any of the fools that would be unfortunate enough to survive fighting the two of them, when she heard the conversation Roxanne was having with someone who exited the room Nyxied had opened. "Roxanne, is that the captain you were talking about?" She could see someone who looked like some manner of insect woman, and they were hurt badly. Kazran's idea of 'fun' probably. "They should probably stick with us for now, the Commander isn't likely going to slow her advance to give her a chance to catch-up, and we can't just let her roam a battlefield unarmed. If what she had on her was valuable, Kazran might have it locked up nearby." That and I don't think you could stand worrying about her getting hurt and not being able to do anything about it again, especially after you saw the state of the boat she rode in on... Syndra moves to 7-18
  6. One of the swordsman went past a wall, but there was another one coming towards the group Syndra was in. What she was about to do was risky, but she believed in her allies to follow-through with her. "Alriana, I'll soften this one up, cover me please!" Syndra moves to 8-14 and casts Blizzard at Myrm 5
  7. It had happened again, Syndra had unleashed a blizzard, far beyond what she thought she was capable of doing, or necessary to finish off her foe, and its gales also had a slightly darker tinge to it just like the last time she'd felt this sensation. Annoyed as she was that she couldn't seem to do this when she needed to, she was still satisfied that the soldier she'd used it on didn't have a chance of coming back. Cautiously, Syndra moved through the corridor the soldier was blocking off. The only person she saw in that area now were Aegean and Renais, but that didn't mean there weren't enemies waiting to strike at them from somewhere Syndra couldn't see, so she peaked around the corner from where the wall ended, and spotted a few more guards, but they weren't in any spot to do anything to the group on the left. Syndra emerged from the corridor after taking out a vulnerary from her bag to slightly dress her wound and called out to her friends. "Hey there you two, room for one more?" Syndra moves to 8, 9 and uses a vulnerary
  8. Syndra had blocked off the corridor like she planned, and took a spear to the side for her trouble, she just didn't finish off her attacker in response. Well, she was still there and fully intent on burying her foe in ice. "Don't they teach you to aim for the heart or the head when drilling you people? Or does Kazran just hand out sharpened sticks to anyone with a pulse and a hateful soul? Oh well... that's not your problem anymore..." Syndra casts Blizzard at Soldier 2 from where she's standing
  9. The siege had begun, but based on Roxanne's reaction, it had started before the Tiger/Gaffney coalition had made it there. There wasn't a way to go back in time to stop that though, the only through now was forward. Still, Syndra tried to give Roxanne some kind of encouragement. "I know this is hard for you Roxanne, but don't despair just yet. There's a chance that Kazran kept the... 'valuable' members of your crew alive still. There's always the chance we can find them here, so don't write them all off as dead until you know for certain that they are." Syndra herself had to go forward and make sure the rest of their group was safe. She wasn't robust at all by any means, but it was better for her to take the sting of their army's pure weapons then most of her companions. Syndra moves to 13-9 and equips Blizzard
  10. The day had finally dawned, hopefully it would be Kazran's final day. Syndra was all smiles as the boat sailed into Kazran's stronghold. Syndra was confident, perhaps overly so, but there wasn't a doubt in Syndra's mind that the Iron Tigers would succeed, even if it took time and effort to do so. Still, after what the Tigers had had to put up with getting this far, its not as if they were going to slow down at this point. The other thing giving Syndra the confidence boost was the ever-charming rogue draped around her right now, bringing up the end of the last boat trip the Tigers were on. "Oh yes that little incident, if I think about it, I probably got us into more trouble there then you did. I still couldn't imagine us winding up as item after that though, but since you brought it up..." Syndra took Nyxied's chin in her hand and looked straight at her. "I don't think I ever paid you back for that... it's a shame we won't get the time for that for a while. Hey, at least it gives us something to look forward to doesn't it?"
  11. "Ah well I promise not to take- oh, Nyxied?! You... I'll allow this, I guess I did promise you some 'physical activity' following the training session after all." Syndra said as she failed to hide the blush on her face and exasperation in her voice. It's not like she hated having her arms around her anyway, and she wasn't really disturbing anything. Syndra cleared her throat and looked back at Owen and said: "Anyway Lord Owen you had mentioned something about Kazran's forces the other day, most importantly that my father wasn't assisting him currently. It would be beneficial to all of us if that's the case, so I was wondering if you knew anything pertaining as to why my father pulled his forces out from Kazran's domain." Even if Owen didn't have all the answers, any knowledge was useful, especially since getting through Islexia would be a lot easier for the Tigers if Syndra's father was pre-occupied with something else.
  12. From how Jeremiah had described her late grandfather, it seemed that Syndra was right to think of her grandfather was as much of bastard as her father was. It was essentially a first hand account of the things Elliot Belrose had been up to back during the collapse, and while Jeremiah could have been lying about all of it, seeing how both sides were fundamentally opposites of each other, the fact he brought up Rosaria by name, one of the people her father hated the most by how he had talked about her in those stories back then, and the way he visibly reacted to bringing up what her grandfather had done, it seemed too real to be anything but the truth. "Quite the story, the way one person tells it it's a nursery rhyme, and a horror story by another. The truth of it isn't something I could know for certain unless I was there, but... I'm more then inclined to believe your version Jeremiah." Versaris had approached carrying Alriana in his arms, and boldly declaring the two of them were going to take Jeremiah down. Syndra turned and bowed to Jeremiah and said; "I'll get out of your way while you handle them, thank you for the lessons. You've given me a lot to think about." Syndra scanned the rest of the grounds, looking for somewhere she wouldn't get in the way of the rest of Jeremiah's training of the group, and she noticed a group around the training dummies... or what was left of the training dummies, that included Lord Owen, among others. Remembering what Owen had said a few days before, Syndra walked over there. As she approached, she called out to the young lord. "Ah Lord Owen, would you mind if I asked you a quick question? It's just something that's been bothering me a little."
  13. "Yes, quite the ally indeed. We're uh.. lucky to have her on our side." Syndra had never seen either side of the kitsune in action before, it was honestly frightening to see just how wide the gap was between her and the rest of the Tigers. Jeremiah's assessment of her came afterwards, and it was soundly correct. "You're right about my dark magic proficiency, I was predominately taught anima magic by my mother, Bianca, a member of the Westermark family, and I learned dark magic when I... 'moved to Glacies to continue my studies'. I hadn't had enough practical practice with it though due to thinking my friends would need the more proficient side of me to help them do our jobs. and maybe if I had used that I'd have come out on top in our spar, but winning was never the point of this, improving was, that's why I used dark magic today. There's some other... odditites about my casting, but like you suggested, a mage would probably be a better person to ask then yourself." Syndra then paused for a bit. Jeremiah knew Syndra wasn't fully here for the rundown, not after what she had just seen anyway. "As for the real question, I wasn't planning on asking but after that, I'm more then a little curious. Nicolas would tell me and my siblings war stories about the Collapse, and the grandfather I never met. Those were just that though, stories and rumors. I wanted to know; since you were also in the Collapse, if you knew anything about my grandfather. I didn't know him at all personally, but if he was anything like my father, then I can't imagine him being the most honorable of people."
  14. After the fight ended, Syndra had gotten healed by Roxanne, but before she could thank her, Syndra immediately felt a surge of magic coming back from where Kise would have been. Oh I need to leave NOW. Jeremiah had already walked off to meet Kise's approaching challenge, and while Syndra wanted to hear what he had to say, she could do that from a safer place then here. So Syndra scrambled from the ground she was laying on and ran off to the side, trying not to get caught up in this scuffle. Once she was safe, she watched on. It didn't look like it was a practice fight from how either of the combatants treated it, with Kise immediately surrounding Jeremiah with her spell, but Jeremiah still seemed composed throughout most of it, taking away the tome and ending the fight after some manner of sword strike Syndra couldn't really follow after Kise had continued going in with her claws. In the end though it seemed as if both were going to be fine. As Lucretia came over to tend to Jeremiah, Syndra re-approached the man. "Well, that certainly happened, my word... so that's the level the two of you are on..." Even in her amazement, Syndra still wanted to know what it was Jeremiah was going to say, and something else had also crept into her mind. "There is something I wanted to ask you now that I've truly seen you in action, that is if you don't mind."
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