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Posts posted by 6734

  1. I downloaded another version of Camus's hard mode patch, and the exact same thing happens except the emulator actually shuts down now. It's probably just a problem with the emulator. >_>

    Since I know you can't post ROM's, I guess I'll just PM you..........

  2. Lets see.........


    -Full of wannabe gangsters

    -full of retarded teachers that don't take their jobs seriously(If they lose your work, they'll laugh and tell you to redo it.)

    -It's a uniform school, so we only get to wear our own clothes on special occations(Last day or school, holloween, christmas break, etc)

    -All the hot girls are loud annoying, and stupid.

    -It's failing rate is in the top 15 for schools in Toronto.

    -It's in one of the worst area's in Toronto

    There's probably a lot more.....


    +It's small. (only about 600-750 students)

    Yeah, my school sucks.........>_>

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