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Everything posted by 3PercentCrit

  1. Wonders what happened to Dorcas Has a favorite FE game of Genealogy of the Holy War
  2. Presumes that FlyingKitsune is flying (A reasonable assumption)
  3. I didn't exactly start on Heroes but it was like the 3rd one I played and I had assumed Gordin lied about his age to get into Marth's army. Also I assumed Lyon was dating Ephraim for some reason
  4. I'm currently eating a candy cane and I left it in my mouth for a while and I stabbed my tongue, but if I just bite it then it won't last as long. Please help me solve this dilemma!
  5. I missed out on the ULTRAKILL and FAITH holiday sweaters so maybe I'll look for a Claude plush with the money I didn't end up spending on the sweater (Maybe $90 is too much for a holiday sweater...)
  6. Stated that the previously stated statement was correct
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