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Posts posted by Emobot7

  1. 8 hours ago, Jyosua said:

    The only thing that seems to scale is your rival. It's good there's even that, though. I think it would be pretty difficult to implement power scaling in a practical way that would also jive with multiplayer coop, so I don't really count this as a HUGE foul, but I think they probably could have thought of something better than the existing system.

    Yeah, sadly, even the feeling of your rival scaling is fake, the game is just scripted to have  fights with them after a set amount of badges and their pokemons level isn't even related to the gym leaders you last fought or are gonna fight next. 

    As for the argument of it being difficult to make power scaling in a coop game, I understand it and completely agree with it. They honestly don't need to change anything to the wild Pokemons or even the different trainers you meet in the wild. But it would be great if at the very least, the Gym Leaders would have different teams with stronger or weaker Pokemons based on the amount of badges you had. Thats a concept they had in the Pokemon Origins anime I believe and it propably wouldn't be that complicated to implement. Its propably another thing they couldn't bother with because they didn't had the time to be honest. 

  2. I honestly thought it was great. There so many quality of life feature that are worth it and the game is just so fun to explore. I also think there are major step up with the story, we get a lot of progression for quite a few characters and those that don't have any progression are already very solid. Talking about characters, these games has lot of characters and some of them are really memorable. As for the Pokemons, there are also a lot of great new ones in my opinion (obviously will depend on taste) and Terracrystalisation really help making use of certain of them. I will also say that I was worried when we learned that your mean of transport was the legendaries Pokemon and was extremely worried they would give them to us far too early, but no, the manner in which they handled the whole Legendaries situation was really good and really helped make you care about them. 

    Honestly, its not perfect and some will say there could have been more side content like the side quests of Legend Arceus but I honestly didn't mind it all that much. There still plenty to do. 

    My 3 main complains are:
    1. The bugs and glitch but this is not even Game Freak fault at this point, the Pokemon Company alway push them to release at a certain date and they cannot delay the games because of the merchandising. This is made so much worse by the fact this is a open world game. Not saying we shouldn't complain but our frustration should be directed at those taking the decision at the top and not the poor developers doing their best with their working condition. 
    2. No level scaling of any kind. This seem stupid but in a open world game where you can go anywhere you want at any point, this would have been really useful. I mean, if you go and beat a Gym Leader which you are supposed to fight later, you'll need to switch your team against a weaker gym leader to keep any kind of challenge. I actually did that against one of the weakest gym leader and I was rewarded with a fight against one of my rival after the gym fight in which I got destroyed by pokemon 20 level over me. 😂 
    3. Taking away some legitimate option we used to have. As someone who alway used to play Pokemon game on Set mode for a bit more challenge, the fact they simply removed was a bit of a blow for me. I know its not a big issue because you can still choose not to take advantage of the Switch mode but it still annoyed to a certain level. 

    Overall, none of those points were bad enough to make playing through the game a bad experience, I had and still am having fun with it. I understand that considering the price tag, those games at release shouldn't be so buggy, yet I still think this a huge step up from Sword and Shield who were somewhat dissapointing to me.

    @CyberZord Couple of question if you don't mind me asking. What was your starter and how did you feel about it? What was your favorite new Pokemon? Did you have a favorite characters among the gym leaders or other NPCs?

    Finally, I'm going to say its completely fine you like Koraidon over Miraidon, as someone who played Violet, I obviously like Miraidon a bit better but both are really nice and the way they were implemented into the game was really satisfying. So all in all, Koraidon = Miraidon. 😁

  3. 1 hour ago, kienquocsi said:

    I'm actually the opposite: While I like villagers as units, I don't like their character, as they always talk about working on farm and living in villages and such. But Jean seems to be a doctor in training, and I really like doctors, especially in fantasy settings.

    My biggest problem with him being a doctor is that make him the same class as Framme, which kinda take away from any novelty he could have given us by being a different class. 

    1 hour ago, Popers1328 said:

    The sticker is adorable and her voice is enchanting. I listen to her intro cutscene on loop.

    Is it a sticker or paint? Whatever the case, I think it really make her stand out among the rest of the cast. I don't know about her English voice but her Japanese voice fit her really nicely imo. Really make me think of a spoiled, yet somewhat naive rich lady would sound like. Anyway, I for one think she's really great design-wise and really unique as a FE character. Her art is gorgeous as well. 

    52 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

    I 100% disagree with this.

    You guys conversation represent well the main problem with Hortensia, most people either like her or dislike her. Not a lot middle ground.

    I think one part of the fanbase dislike her because they think she sound like mean spoiled brat who dress like a clown. To be fair, I don't think they are completely wrong, her being mean, at least at first, will propably be part of who she is and its true that her outfit might too over the top for the taste of a lot of folk.

    Meanwhile, I'm guessing the other part of the fanbase (which I'm consider myself being part of) think she really colorful and has a personality that is quite unique for a Fire Emblems character.

    What I personally think is so great about Hortensia is the potential for growth she has and the interaction she might have with other characters. If her convo with Rosado is any indication of how she gonna act with the rest of the cast, then I think she'll be a pretty enjoyable or at the very least, I'd expect her to be a fun character. 

    19 minutes ago, Azz said:

    (with Sommie hopefully) as the release day illustrations.

    More Sommie is never a bad thing in my book. 😉

  4. 4 hours ago, Hiroki said:

    I think you could probably put a spoiler in your messages, for people who don't want to know about these leaks.

    As someone who didn't wanted to know about those leaks, I second this. 😂


    3 hours ago, Hiroki said:

    While Jean, like you two said, seems to be completely optional and not of a great importance for the general story (and shallow for me, ahah).

    I'm honestly a bit perplexed by Jean, I mean, I'm the kind of guy who generally like the villager archetype he fit but for some reason, he just not doing for me. Anyone else with a similar feeling toward him? I mean, at least Donnel had something that immediately set him apart from the rest of the crew. 

  5. Deployment limit should be between 10 to 15 so I'm gonna allow myself to make a 15 characters list.

    Those I really wanna use:
    - Alear (the protagonist so of course but considering how bad my initial thought on him, he really grew on me)
    - Louis (Kellam with fabulous hair lol, will try to promote him to great knight and give him Sigurd)
    - Alcryst (character that lack confidence but try hard never-the-less is relatable to me, I also really like both of his retainer as well)
    - Panette (really like the berserker theme she got going, trying to act prim and proper but letting lose in battle, she really grew on me when I first saw her profile on the site)
    - Hortensia (unpopular opinion but I like her archetype, the fact she seem a bit meaner than your usual fire emblem rich girl is interesting too)

    Those I want to use but could drop depending on the situation:
    - Céline (I honestly like her better than her muscle-obsessed brother, she also seem super sweet)
    - Lapis (alway liked female myrmidon, the fact she got a cool red armor, pink hair and a interesting hair ornament is another really good point imho, will propably give her Roy)
    - Zelkov (kinda remind of Hubert but less vicious, also one of the few thief in the game so I'll take him over Yunaka)
    - Anna (I don't like Anna units that much in most fire emblems but tiny Anna just too cute, the fact they also giving her support is much better than what we seen in the past, will try to promote her to Hero and give her Ike)
    - Chloé (I'm propably not her biggest fan but she pretty cool and considering I wanna use Celine and Louis, I think she will fit nicely on my team, I would promote her to griffin knight)

    Those I'm not entirely sure about:
    - Vander (cool older dude and propably my favorite calvary unit yet)
    - Fogado (mostly to complete my group composed of the younger noble siblings but also because he sound like quite the charmer and I alway find those character funny)
    - Citrinne (I really like her too but I feel I might have too much tome users already)
    - Seadall (you can't go wrong with a dancer but a male dancer is even more interesting)
    - Pandreo (Panette brother + delinquent priest is alway funny in my book)

  6. 4 hours ago, KoriCongo said:

    The worst these guys could be is Awakening characters, who I know for a fact the same journos never complained about despite being as shallow and quite annoying as they believe the Engage cast is.

    The problem with the Awakening comparison is that it was when Fire Emblem really became more mainstream, so a lot of reviews didn't really compare the game with older entry. Which is propably why they never complained about the Awakening crew. I'm guessing they are comparing the characters in Engage to those of 3H since its the most recent entry.

    Now, as for me, the argument that most reviewer aren't writer isn't really positive in my mind because, generally, not knowing a lot about writing characters usually mean you are less critique with other work, not the other way around. Which would explain some of the mixed view some reviewers seem to have. The truly worse one in term of the writing propably don't see much difference between the Engage characters or the 3H characters. 

    2 hours ago, PrincessAlyson said:

    A lot of game journalists, and journalists in general, don't actually know how to write well (I see so many typos, grammatical errors, and wonky sentences in news articles!!!) or do character analysis.

    While I'll concede I don't think highly about quite a few gaming journalist skills as writers either, I just want to point that you shouldn't assume that because someone doesn't write well, (making typos and grammatical mistake) that he can't write or spot a great story when he see one (note that what make a great story or character is subjective anyway). The reverse is also true, its not impossible for someone to have a writing background and to write without ever mistake to make story that are considering dull by the people around him or her. Writing fascinating story and writing without making mistake are two different skills, even though its true that good writer generally master both. 

    Look, I'm not saying we should be over negative and take everything they say as hard fact but I would recommend anyone not to look down too much on the few feedback we have and prepare yourself based on that. Gaming journalist aren't the greatest professionals in the journalist world but personally, most time I disregarded their opinion because I didn't like what I heard, I ended up dissapointed. I'm just talking out of experience but I'll be the first happy if I'm wrong. 

    Honestly, I'm just hoping they are actually based their comparison on 3H characters if what they say is true and that the characters in Engage will at least be similar to those in Awakening and Fates. I honestly don't think it would be too bad if it were the case.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Lut-ang said:

    So what's with the evil Alear schtick that the trailer kept showing? Is that just all BS? Are they recycling Grima storyline with that? Any reviewer that mentioned anything about that?

    I haven't seen much of that myself, trying to get into the game with as little information I can but from what I understand, the review and feedback we got were based on the 8th first chapters so they propably haven't gotten to that part of the story. This is also why I don't think we need to take too seriously the commentary regarding the plot because its not unusual for recent Fire Emblem games earlier chapters to be a bit more generic only to have a twist later that change our viewpoint of the scenario as a whole. 

    Now regarding the characters interaction and their depth, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but conflicting report on that is not a good sign based on my experience. I mean, it depend on the taste of the peoples reviewing this but generally, in case like these, its more common for people to say its good when its a bit more meh than for people to say its bad when its actually good. 

    I hope I'm wrong on this but my honest advice here is to lower your expection, at least a bit, like that, if the people being negative about that are right, its a lot less dissapointing and if they are actually wrong, you'll just be pleasantly surprised. 

  8. On 1/8/2023 at 6:39 PM, DefyingFates said:

    Mystical - Summoner? After all, Lyn already introduces the "created minions" thing.

    I also thought about that, it would be an rather easy class to make at least, from a game mechanic point of view. Just make it a class that use tomes (maybe staves too) and has a similar ability to that of Lyn clones.

    Other class I'd like think to see would be Necromancer, it could either be similar to Summoners and create phantoms or raise ennemy units it defeat with a single HP point. I mean, I doubt we'll get it but it would be neat and I think it would be quite fitting as a DLC Class. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Hiroki said:

    Maybe his whole point is to play on his strength. I don't really know the stats (and don't really want to now) but he seems to be a lord with high strength. So, giving him Roy is to enhance a bit more that strength and permits him to finish off enemy faster. His bonus in Hit is to guarantee that he doesn't miss the enemy, because his high strength might give him the opportunity to kill in one blow, sometimes (or weakened enemy). So, don't matter if the enemy has higher hit, if he's dead before landing an attack. But yeah, it might be interesting to compare him with Roy or with Ike.

    Plus, higher Hit is good with axes, his secondary weapon in promoted class.

    Yep, this is also part of what I meant when I said to chose target who won't get a chance to counter, not just ennemy with ranged attack only but also possibly, finishing ennemies off and taking down weaker (and maybe even stronger) foe in a single hit if possible. This is propably how IS expect people to play him and I'd be surprised if his stats didn't reflect that. But like you said, we don't know that yet and I also don't really care to know right now, we'll find out when the game release. 

  10. On 1/9/2023 at 3:01 PM, Lynsanity said:
    On 1/9/2023 at 2:50 PM, Shadow Mir said:

    Ack. When was that? Scarlet and Violet?

    Yes. Though I was already annoyed with it as far back as X and Y when it was set to "On" by default. I think difficulty easing things like this should always be opt-ins, not opt-outs.

    Actually, exp all was made mandatory since Sword and Shield. And yeah, I do believe it should remain an option. For me, one of my biggest grip with Violet and Scarlet is the fact we don't have set mode anymore. I know you're not forced to use the switch mode but its annoying to constanly have to press B whenever you beat a pokemon and I think I did use it a couple of time by mistake because i was too into it and meant to switch pokemon anyway.


    On 1/9/2023 at 2:43 PM, Lynsanity said:

    I always liken it to if a Mario platformer gave you invincibility and flight at the start of every level, unless you go into the settings and turn it off.

    Thats actually a really good comparison. Like, we know the amount is different for hard and normal so why is it so complicated to make an option unrelated to difficulty which allow to change the amount of charge? I'd be happy with that myself. More option is never a bad thing especially if its ain't an very hard option to add in the game. 


    On 1/8/2023 at 10:35 PM, Popers1328 said:

    Having infinite uses tells the player it's up to them to decide what's appropriate, whether that be none, 3, 10, or as much as you want.

    Well obviously, you can alway set your own limit but considering how easy it propably would have been to add an option unrelated to difficulty level, I think its a bit of a shame we have to do it ourself. 

    Personally, I think the rewinds ability are a great quality of live feature and I don't mind using a few to salvage a chapter if thing doesn't go my way and while I could propably limit myself, I kinda worry having access to infinite rewind would slowly make me lose my capacity to plan more carefully, that I would stop caring about the challenge, a bit like it become harder to make mental calculation if you switch completely to a calculator for a while. 

    Just to be clear, I know this isn't an huge issue and I'm might be over-reacting a bit. Simply puting a limit on oneself as long as you have enough willpower to stick to said limit would be enough to fix this issue but at the same time, I really don't understand why something they themselve considered to be for begginers has to be in the default normal setting. Its like they saying veteran should only play on Hard or on Maddening in a way and as a long time Fire Emblem who generally play most of my game on Normal, I find this a bit dissapointing. Like, I got no problem with casualisation, it make it so more people can play the game and thats good. My problem is that its feeling more and more like we got the choice between Easy and Hard in more recent games and that the Normal difficulty is just dissapearing. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Diamante got screwed. I mean, giving his opponent a hit boost as well? What the fuck??

    Well, a lot of those skill are gimmicky and not alway very easy to make the most of, don't think this one is any exception. Anyway, I don't think its that bad though as its only activate when Diamante himself initiate a battle (at least, that how i understood it) so as long as you make him chose target that don't get the chance to counter, it shouldn't too bad. If anything this will propably help him finish off weaker unit with higher avoid.


    4 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    My plan is just to give him def boosters, pair him with Ike, and call it a day. A character with mercenary stats giving the opponent 15 hit isn't going to dodge shit.

    Honestly, I expect it won't be very hard to make him very solid defensively, I mean, among every lord in the game, he seem to be the most likely to have higher defense. Kinda found it weird he seemed to be more associated with Roy as far as trailers are concerned when he clearly feel tailor made for Ike in term of battle style.

  12. So, apparently, the amount of Dragon Time Crystal charges (Engage version of the Divine Pulse or Mila's Turnwheel) on normal difficulty would be infinite? And on maddening (and potentially on hard as well) it would be 10 charges. Its what I seen and understood as of now at least.

    Personally, I'd rather the amount of charges was a separate option at this point because while I think its completely fine for some players to want to have the extra cushion of infinite charges, I don't really see much difference between playing in casual mode and playing with infinite charges. 

    This is not a thread to look down on people who are fine with having infinite charges or to play game on lower difficulty, I just wanted to know how people felt about the amount of charges of the Dragon Time Crystal and what it imply. 

    Personally, as someone who alway played his first game on classic/normal, I'm honestly tempted to make Engage my first Fire Emblem in which I play on Hard on my first playthrough as if the difficulty is similar to Three House, I believe 10 charges would be more than enough for me.

  13. 15 hours ago, Corrobin said:

    Louis was Celine's gardener

    Hey, if thats true, that make Louis an even greater character in my book. 😁

    But yeah, if retainers have a second job they practice while being their lord retainer or that led to them becoming retainer to their lord, I personally think it does add a little something to the characters.

    I will concede though that we propably could have gotten way less retainer and more neutral characters like Yunaka, Jean and Anna for example. 

    I just want to say that the reason they are making most of them retainer is propably to make it easier to have them interact together from a scenario point of view. I mean, you don't need to do any first meeting among characters from the same factions, you can start off certain supports with characters knowing each other personality and this will also explain why retainers who are used to spending times in the presence their lord won't have any problem speaking with nobles from another faction.

    Some will say its a lazy plot device to skip some potential interaction and to make character join you faster. I personally think it will depend on how it is used.

  14. Thank you so much for the summary Hawkwing, I won't lie, I really didn’t feel like watching those videos. 


    18 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

    An interesting question was raised about the focus on nostalgia: Would the returning Emblem characters be enough to convince people to buy the game? It took until the seventh installment until the series reached the west, and unless they played Fire Emblem Heroes or messed with spotpass/DLC in Awakening, some fans would be unfamiliar with several of these characters. Perhaps it would garner interest in the history of the franchise?

    Honestly, it’s indeed an interesting question but I think its mostly not worth the worry. Most fire emblems fans have had some exposure to Roy and Marth at least through Super Smash Bros and potentially also through Shadow Dragon (Marth only obviously) on the DS. Likewise, those who played Shadow of Valencia will know about Celica. Meaning the only characters who might really be unknown in the west are Sigurd and Leif and even then, there possibility of exposure thanks to Heroes. Not knowing maybe 3 or 4 of those 12 characters honestly doesn’t seem like too much of negative and I doubt it really put off a lots of fire emblem fans. 


    18 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

    Bond rings can be equipped in place of Emblem rings. They offer passive buffs and are accumulated through a gacha minigame.

    That’s actually a really good idea when you think about it, it adds a side activity and make it so character not equipped with an emblem ring can still get some kind of bonus. I actually like that and I must concede I didn’t understand that was what the gacha minigame was for until now.


    18 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

    First impressions of characters is they seem to be pretty archetypical, but that's not unusual for Fire Emblem. Hopefully they have more to them that meets the eye.

    That’s not great but not really surprising, there were a lot of sign of Engage being similar in structure with the 3DS games which had more archetypical characters (and I don't mean that as a negative for the 3DS game, it was part of their charm) so it make sense. No, I just hope its not too bad and characters are not just walking cliché. My one hope is that, while the world in Engage isn't as complex as 3 Houses, it does end up being more complex than the worlds of the 3DS games. Good worldbuilding sometime goes a long way into making deeper and more flesh out characters and characters interaction. 

    9 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    However, if you're penalizing all weapons to justify using iron and other basic weapons throughout the game, you're simply doing it wrong. Use that Forge to your game's advantage.

    Honestly, it would be great if we could remove penalty on better tier weapon through the Forge, I don't know if that what you were implying but that be a good way to make late game weapon more viable at least. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Being a retainer is effectively a pre-written part of one's backstory though. It's a profession. Imagine an FE where half of the cast are randomly accountants, or lawyers. It would feel stale regardless of how many different personalities are involved.

    Well, I get your point but what I'm hoping is that at least, the characters end up being different kind of retainer, like, some of them might have been prepared all their live to be a retainer while other might have just become one because they demonstrated their prowess and impressed their lord. I also hope that the world building is strong enough to give character distinct setting despite them sharing the same profession as you said. Hopefully, being a retainer for a Firene lord will be a completely different experience from a Elusian retainer and similar stuff like that. 

  16. 21 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    Three Houses would have been a good example to follow. One retainer per lord gets the job done and leaves a lot of room for other characters of diverse background.

    Retainer statut isn't a proof of lack of diversity though. I mean, just taking Three Houses as an example, I'm guessing you are talking about Hubert, Dedue and Hilda, well, those three are all retainer yet, they couldn't be more different from one another. Also, technically speaking, the rest of the class members in Three Houses are still vassals to the respective lords of their class. They just have their own backstories and more complicated motivations than just serving their lords faithfully.

    In other words, I don't see their retainers statut as something that would obligatory mean they lack diversity. They just need to have their own backstories, personalities and motivations.


  17. 14 hours ago, LoneStar said:

    I think they are confirmed to be siblings. Another strange thing is that Merrin and Bunnet look pretty similar as well, but having there be double sibling retainers is pretty out there.

    The siblings having some sort of bonus if one of them is using the Eirika/Ephraim ring would be interesting. So far I've just seen Eirika grant Luna and Ephraim grant Sol to who ever is using them.

    Had no idea they were confirmed as sibling already. Didn't realize Merrin and Bunnet were so similar either, could very well be related in some manner. Maybe in Solm, its tradition for two major clans (or two noble houses) to serve the royal family so Panette and Pandreo could be part of one and Merrin and Bunnet could be part of the other?

    5 hours ago, Mysterique Sign said:

    Actually there are a lot of siblings in Fire Emblem games (and yes, Pandreo and Panette are siblings). Fodlan is the odd one out for having so few.

    • 1, 2, 3/11, 12, 15: Marth and Elice, Lena and Mathhis, Palla, Catria and Est, Michalis, Minerva and Maria, Jubelo and Yuliya, Celica and Conrad, Clive and Clair, Luthier and Delthea
    • 4, 5: Sigurd and Ethlyn, Edain and Brigid, Seliph and Julia, Leif and Altena, Lana/Muirne and Lester/Deimne,  Larcei/Creidne and Scáthach/Dalvin, Diarmuid/Tristan and Nanna/Jeanne, Fee/Hermina and Ced/Hawk, Arthur/Amid and Tine/Linda, Iuchar and Iucharba, Patty/Daisy and Febail/Asaello (and kind of Mareeta), Lene/Laylea and Coirpre/Charlot, Safy and Tina, Deen and Eda
    • 6, 7: Bors and Gwendolyn, Shanna, Thea and Juno, Lugh and Raigh, Clarine and Klein, Geese and Geitz, Melady and Zeiss, Karel and Karla, Florina, Fiora and Farina, Nils and Ninian, Rebecca and Dart, Priscilla and Raven
    • 8: Eirika and Ephraim, Tana and Innes, Franz and Ford, Vanessa and Syrene, Tethys and Ewan, Cormag and Glen
    • 9, 10: Ike and Mist, Sanaki and Micaiah, Oscar, Boyd and Rolf, Marcia and Makalov, Lethe and Lyre, Rayson, Leanne and Rafiel, Lucia and Geoffrey
    • 13: Chrom, Lissa and Emmeryn, Say'ri and Yen'fay
    • 14: Xander, Camilla, Leo and Elise, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi and Sakura, Corrin and Lilith (Corrin and Azura are also step/adopted siblings to those first 8), Felicia and Flora, Sazo and Kaze
    • 16, 3 Hopes: Holst and Hilda
    • Heroes: Alfonse and Sharena, Bruno and Veronica, Hrid, Gunnthra, Fjorm and Ylgr, Laegjarn and Laevatein, Freyr and Freyja, Peony and Triandra, Reginn, Otr and Fafnir

    And that's only including playable characters.

    Good point, I had forgotten a lot of those family tie from older game. Guess what I mean by suspicious numbers is that compared to recent games, there a lot more. Fates has a lot of them of course but since a most of them are all related together, that make only 4 group of siblings technically. So yeah, it felt like a return to the root in a way to have so many different siblings groups.

    As for S supports between sibling, I'm not too worried about it, Fates had some with Corrin because they were the player avatar and because Robin in the previous game could S support all character from the other gender, I understand why they felt like it had to be true for Corrin too, creepy as it is. But that was it as far as I know. If Alear end up having a sibling though, there is a serious risk that they might be able to S support them though...

    It also make a lot of sense to have less S or A supports between characters in Engage because interaction between the characters and the Emblems are gonna demand even more time and work from the writting team. So having characters being siblings and related give them a good excuse to have a bit less supports.

    As for Citrinne, I didn't know about her being cousin to Diamant and Alcryst but somehow, I don't think that would stop them from having romantic interaction though. I mean, cousin marriage was relatively common in the middle age and if they can get away with something, I expect them to do it. 😅

  18. Anyone else noticed the large and somewhat suspicious numbers of siblings in Engage? In particular, we got a lot of pairs of siblings, for example, we already know that there at least 5 of them with the 4 lords pairs + Clanne and Framme but we might have even more as Pandreo/Pandoro and Panette/Panetonne look quite likely to be related as their eyes and hairs colours are similar and even their name are similar. Other than that, I think maybe Jade and Amber are related as they have similar hairs colours as well but its already harder to say at this point. Of course, there is also the possibility that we might have even more siblings who just don't look alike.

    So yeah, it feel like there are going to be a lot more siblings in this game than in a lots of other fire emblem games. And of course there lots of sibling in Fate but those were larger group of siblings all related together instead of multipe pair of two.

    Anyway, here another thought, I think would be weird if the fact we had so many pairs of siblings was random, especially considering one of the Emblem is Eirika who has a single sibling in Ephraim. I mean, there has already been some info hinting to Eirika Emblem Ring being shared with Ephraim, so I'm really curious to see if there some mechanic regarding her ring and characters who share a sibling like her.

    For example, lets say Framme is equiped with Eirika Emblem Ring in a battle and Clanne is also part of your team, do you think its possible he could be given some kind of direct or indirect bonus? I mean, maybe it be a bit too complex and specific to do but I think that would be really interesting to see. 

    At the very least, I'm pretty sure relationship between siblings is most likely going to be a big theme for characters interaction in Engage. 

  19. Yes, thank you Satsuma for the translation.

    Otherwise, I agree with Crubat and Azz, whole reason why Three Houses was so long was that you had to constantly boost motivation of students to improve their skill levels. This was because Three Houses was centered around the teacher dynamic. We haven't seen anything implying that we will have to manage our team skills to improve them in Engage so I would be surprised if the game incentivized us to roam around Somniel for that.

    Going around the home base will propably be give some nice bonus but considering the power fantasy directions Fire Emblem games seem to be taking recently (at least on normal difficulty), I really doubt those bonus would be necessary to progress in the game. If anything, I expect the more hardcore fans who enjoy playing on harder difficulties might want to skip out on those bonus to give them an even better challenge. 

  20. I just want to point out something because I've seen a lot of people wandering if this home base is some kind of magic safe haven or some sort of dream world. Well, to me at least, it look like a floating island. Since we already know Alear slept at one of Lythos’s floating isles for 1000 years, we can guess that the home base is propably the same island Alear was sleeping at.

    And hopefully, said island can propably physically follow Alear group as they travel around Elyos. So maybe its their base and their means of transport at the same time. Which mean it wouldn't be some kind of magical safe haven and would even be useful as a plot device.

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