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Everything posted by Shanalotte

  1. Hello again ! I made a bit of progress and am now at chapter 12. I am still playing 1.2.8 because 1.2.9 seems to hang on the main menu for me (music proceeds, but the game is completely frozen other than that). Playing on Yuzu Early Access 3217. Playing on 1.2.8, I tried doing all the paralogues available to Black Eagles until chapter 11. I had issues with: An Ocean View: tried doing it twice yesterday while around chapter 7 or 8, routed all the enemies but the mission softlocked me, the dialogue didn't proceed after routing and I was stuck on an empty map. I somehow manage to complete it today after advancing a bit in the chapters (10) without softlocking. Falling Short of Heaven: same issue as with the first map with fog I reported a couple days ago, all enemies have 99 stats everywhere if on 1.2.8. Rolling back to 1.2.6 has normal enemies and I am able to proceed. The Face Beneath: I had a crash while attacking the last remaining beast on the map, the one top left, but it might have been a Yuzu crash and not related directly to the mod. Will update once I retry that paralogue. My Byleth also didn't get her Sothis hair, but that was a quick checkbox in the save editor to get it fixed. My Byleth was the second unit in the unit list deployment, and my Dorothea ended up at the spot Byleth was supposed to be in after the cutscene in chapter 11, so I'm assuming that would be the culprit, since there is no forced deployment and such.
  2. Well, I ended up restarting in Normal difficulty and kinda rushing back and everything is flawless so far on 1.2.8. Not sure how I managed to grab a bugged version or something, but oh well. For some reason I'm unable to edit my save to change difficulty back to Hard, it just doesn't get changed in game after I edit it and start Yuzu back. Not that it matters, I'll just enjoy it that way ! EDIT: Nevermind, it just doesn't show up on the loading screen but changed in-game. We're good ! Thank you for your quick answers !
  3. I didn't feel like I did something specially weird. Patched both DLC 1 and 4, installed 60 FPS mod & NoMonastery 1.2.7. Picked New Game / Casual / Hard, chose the Black Eagle route, did the prologue and first few maps no issues until the first map with fog, where all enemies got +99 stats for some reason. Made a save, quit the game, rolled back NoMonastery to 1.2.6 where the enemies didn't have the buff. Once the map was done, I saved, quit the game, went back on 1.2.7, then proceeded with the game, killed the Death Knight then the boss on chap4, did the chap5 map. I let Gilbert die but proceed with finishing the map. I get the save, the "Rumors of a Reaper" title card, then dialogue with Rhea/Edelgard, get a save prompt, then get sent on the calendar for the 9th month, where it loops. I had a save before chap5 map, so I tried completing it again, but it ended up with the same result. Maybe I did something wrong, I don't actually know. Something that's slightly bothering me too (as in I hope I didn't mess something up) is that everything character has their post timeskip portraits. I just assumed it was intended seeing the mod youtube video.
  4. Hello ! First off, amazing mod. I wanted to replay FE3H forever but wasn't willing to do all the monastery stuff again. I'm having a bit of trouble though and am stuck in a loop on the calendar for the 9th month. On the Black Eagle route, I am able to complete the battle map on 8/31 (chapter 5: Tower of Black Winds - The Gautier Inheritance), proceed to the various dialogue, but then get stuck repeating Petra's and Dorothea's birthdays. I tried to complete the map twice but get stuck in the same loop. I am using Yuzu, game is in 1.2.0 with DLCs installed, and the mod version is 1.2.7 from the google drive link. I am also using the 60 FPS mod, but it didn't seem to make a difference. While typing, I noticed the 1.2.8 and tried it but no change. Thank you for your amazing work nonetheless !
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