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Posts posted by Raphael

  1. 2 hours ago, Cupie said:

    Are Sigurd's Hit+ skills better to use than Byleth's Divine Pulse? I'm not really sure how well it scales with luck.

    I think the breakpoint is somewhere around 85-90% ish where Hit starts being better than Divine Pulse+. DP+ being cheaper and scaling generally means its the better option if the character has any amount of luck.

  2. 31 minutes ago, samthedigital said:

    You should be able to access a second one from either the shop or Anna paralogue. I am able to promote 4 units at the moment. One of them came from the well, but I don't remember where the last one came from.

    You get 1 from Ch7 boss, 1 from Anna Paralogue and 1 from the shop after chapter 8. 

  3. For anyone else who is enough of a Griss to attempt this how far did you get and what units were you using? I was only able to clear through chapter 2 and figured I'd share my strategy and see if anyone found something that worked for Ch 3. 

    Chapter 1 Setup:


    Alear - Lucina for Bonded shield to support Louis with the mages
    Nil - Byleth for dancing/instruct
    Nel - Corrin for fire and ice veins
    Louis - Tiki is enough defense to take 0 damage from the wolves (and they still attack anyone). Tail smash was a 100% accuracy 1 shot with rally buffs and Ice breath is useful for taking out multiple units a turn and freezing the elite wolf/boss when they start to move. 
    Pandreo - Chrom for damage and rally buffs. 

    Mostly I turtled in the top left and funneled wolves into Louis who took 0 damage. The real threats are the few mages that spawn with elfire that can double and kill Louis. Louis can safely 1v1 the boss while the rest of the party cheers from the corner. 


    Chapter 2 Setup: 


    Top side
    Alear: Lucina for bonded shield support to help Louis and Zelestia against mages/archers
    Seadall: Dancing
    Zelestia: With Ike and a levin sword from Celine can reach some 1 round thresholds (iirc). Overall she's probably the strongest unit for this map and doesn't instantly die to the archers if you engage with Ike
    Louis: Tiki again, he can handle the top corner with backup from seadall. 

    Bot side
    Nil: Corrin as I ended up swapping with his twin. You can AI manipulate the group of enemies in the bottom-middle with the fire vein to funneling them north or deal a lot of passive damage while kiting back.
    Nel: Byleth for dancing
    Pandreo: I was able to Soren drain tank turn 1 to clear the enemies immediately close to him. 
    Anna: Chrom bot for the chapter since I had chrom bond leveled up on her. She can still 1 round some of the armors while engaged which is nice. Otherwise Ivy probably would have been more useful?

    Chapter 3 Setup:


    The amount of flier spawns are rough to deal with and I don't think any of the archers reach 1-round potential. Maybe if I waited until I got Roy again the strength boost might help? Griss can 1-round with Elwind + Chrom engage boost but his accuracy is really shaky. Amber + Failnaught and Alear + Parthia works but they struggled to sustain engage uptime. There are 2 waves of reinforcements that spawn on the immediate flanks totaling 6 more wyverns and 6 griffin knights.

    Zelestia + Ike was able to kill one of the cannoneers on the left side and survive against the archer with Ike. 

    I ended up quitting out of the map after another 6x2 fliers spawned past the cannoneer platform. Louis had begun to fall off too and couldn't reliably have a safe enemy phase into all of the griffin knights. If I retry it I might run Jade as well but they can't really stall the flying units for more than 1 turn given the enemy mobility and space constraints on this map. 


  4. You should have the warp (rewarp?) staff from Tiki paralogue so I would think you could cheese him by doing a Micaiah warp. I remember one of my runs I was able to get him to start moving by baiting his bolting. Once you get to the center of the map use a high Res (Mage) unit to eat a bolting and then kite/position yourself until you can get a good rewarp off. His defense stat isn't high so you should be able to just smack him with Marth/Lief/Sigurd/3H emblem engage specials.

  5. I'm also looking to experiment with a few new units on my 2nd run through. I've been looking at Etie/Amber reclassing into thief. I'm not entirely sure what the base stat formula is (based on character growths?) but they start with a lot of strength compared to their class bases and would have more strength in thief than Yunaka/Zelkov/Merrin at comparable levels (~3-5 point trade between strength and speed, some dex loss). 

    It might be fun considering daggers are really strong, a lot of units don't double anyway, and strength is more important when it comes to engage specials. Speed inheritance skills are also a lot cheaper point for point compared to Str/Magic.

  6. I've only done the lava set at lvl 50 so far, but there was just an obnoxious amount of flyers. My setup was:



    Seadall with Micaiah -> collapses dancing and a staff unit together. He's available to warp skip the group if there's an opportunity on the last map or Entrap the boss

    Pandero with Byleth -> same as above, staff unit with dance and also has entrap for pulling the 3rd map boss. 

    Warrior Rosado with Lyn -> Killer bow user, and could 1 round a wyrm with a crit on 1 of his 2 shots. 

    Cupido Fogado with Roy -> Another archer, Roy for extra strength/level stats. 

    Anna Sage with Celica -> Nova spammer, general mage for armor units

    Alear DD with Ike -> Emblem doesn't really matter much since he uses the 13th emblem and his signature 1-2 range sword. Enemy phase avoid tank. Brave sword helps stack his engage meter quickly

    Kagetsu Swordmaster with Eirika -> 13th emblem target, avoid tank, killer sword/Wyrm slayer

    Timerra Picket with Edelgard -> 13th emblem target, 1-2 rng S spear holder. Has failnaught for fliers and raging storm is an extra turn. You can setup Houses Unite+ for another turn as well. 


    Hardest part is getting past turn 1 without casualties. You pretty much want to engage everyone immediately and get good value out of goddess dance to clear the surrounding enemies and avoid tank the remaining in range. Alear can reset his engage very quickly so you can mostly just bulldoze turns 2+ with the 13th emblem using dances/brave weapons to reset the engage meter as needed. I didn't inherit favorite food but I assume that would work too since items are reset after.  


  7. 10 hours ago, Lunarly said:

    (this is with maddening mode in mind)


    Merrin: Her bases are very good, coming with amazing speed (which is complimented by pretty generous build stat), mixed offenses which include 1-2 range daggers while having the magic stat to use the Levin Sword, and decent-ish bulk. Her growths are on the lower side but, her bases make up for it (plus there are plenty of ways to boost stats like engraves, rings, forges, etc.)

    Hortensia: Really good user of status staves because of the class skill for her personal class and also her personal skill. Comes with workable bases (mag is low but she does have very high speed and dex to use heavier/stronger tomes) and she can gain even more stats considering she's pretty much ready to promote once you get her (which means more magic). 

    Kagetsu: Insane bases with high strength, speed, and dex while also having very solid bulk (considering his class) with a solid hp, defense and resistance stats. Swordmaster is alright on him but, because of his high bases I find him a very great candidate to reclass into the likes of Wyvern Lord, Hero or Paladin.



    Alfred: When I used him he kept getting really good level-ups but still performed terribly since I always found him getting doubled since his base SPD is low (which means a lot of catching up to do) combined with low build. This ends up compromising his bulk which is pretty solid but, since he's prone to getting doubled it ends up not mattering anyways. The class skill of his lord class is good in theory but, Alfred has a low Dex growth so in practice it kind of doesn't really show up as often as you'd like.

    Lapis: Sucks that she joins 1 chapter before Diamant who has similar speed (with higher build) but comes with better strength and bulk, then Kagetsu shows up a few chapters later and completely blows her out of the water. 

    Vander: Kind of a sad Jagen archetype because he doesn't really have the tools he needs to dominate the early game. He doesn't have access to any exclusive weaponry (typically silver weapons in older games) while enemy quality is very high which means he can't really just pubstomp as easily as older Jagens. I still think he does his role fine where he can soften up enemies and his growths are high enough where he can scale if given the investment, problem is that he's going to be stuck with underwhelming bases for a while until he can get double digit exp.

    Alear: Think it's moreso the expectation that the main lord will be good given that the last couple of FE games gave you really overtuned lords/protagonists. I find Alear okay it's just he's quite underwhelming combat wise due to his low strength growth but, they do get emblem type bonuses from pretty much every single ring so I guess it balances out?

    Jade: I don't think she's that bad but, it's just that her bases are so similar to Louis's who joins way earlier and will have more time to scale so she seems a bit pointless to use unless reclassed into something else.



    Anna: Joins at a low level and desperately wants to get into a magic class as soon as possible to utilize her significantly higher magic growth. You end up having to decide to either suffer through 5 more levels of her as an axe fighter with low bases or you second seal right away and delay promotion even more. Don't really think money is tight in this game (unless you donated a bunch) so I don't find her personal skill anything special.

    Clanne: Suffers generally from slowly and steadily getting outclassed by like every mage (Celine, Citrine and Ivy) and has a really sad base magic growth. Still useful early for chip damage (especially against armors) and deployment slots aren't as tight but his late game scaling is very poor unless you get him up to level 10 and then reclass him into a physical class which seems like a lot of extra work.



    Yunaka: I don't think she's bad (I think she's quite good overall) but I don't really see her as the second coming of christ that people paint her to be (aka unhittable demon who can 1 round every enemy besides armors with 1-2 range). I found that she needs quite a bit of investment with her STR growth not being that high (still workable), not having any promotion gains unless she reclasses into a base class which would just screw over her exp gain, and there's also the issue where Zelkov does sorta outclass her due to better bases and he can fulfill the same role as her. I feel like if her and Zelkov traded places, people wouldn't be speaking highly of them.

    Jean: I find him alright, I just find the reasonings for him being busted is usually due to the DLC Tiki ring taking his high growths even higher being quite silly considering the DLC is kind of made to be busted. Other than that, I think the strength of him circumventing his low level through the exp gain from Micaiah's Great Sacrifice is also silly because any unit can do that gain a ton of exp? (what's with people thinking grinding is exclusive to some units). Either way, I think Jean being a staffer helps him gain exp safely and qi guard is also very clutch in certain situations.

    For Jean my understanding is that his aptitude doubles his class growth rates meaning he should be sitting at a 70 mag growth rate in his base class while still doing useful heal/chain guard things. 

  8. Best: Jean & Timerra. Jean as a mage knight and most of his performance is based on the fact he can heal bot for the beginning of the game and not steal xp. He's also one of the few mages that can inherit canter early on. Timerra doesn't have the best speed but sandstorm stacks with crits making her able to potentially 1 round boss units with a killer lance (and she often wants to attack first as the backup unit). 

    Disappointing: Hortensia. Her unique class wants to focus on staves but I think Qi adept chain guards are just way too good to pass up.

    Worst: Etie does absolutely nothing after picking off a few fliers in her starting chapter. 

  9. Micaiah's paralogue is definitely up there. The number of units assaulting you is obscene, which also perfectly tickled my RD nostalgia.


    Radiant Dawn's 3-13 map, but you have to actually kill Micaiah and can't stall out the turn timer like in RD. The Dawn Brigade is also blessed with enemy stat growths (and an extra life on maddening) so they glowed up.


  10. The Chapter 17 map has been my hardest so far taking me about 2 hours to complete with analyzing ever single move I needed to make.


    I'm not sure if its maddening specific, but all the commanders end up moving towards you, on top of the Wyrm units threatening to one shot anyone below ~39 HP. It took a lot of thinking and abusing Corrin Ice walls and Lyn doubles to buy time.


    I completed the Tiki paralogue after chapter 8? (When you finish recruiting Brodia characters/emblems) but had to restart the map once


    There are endless dragon spawns at some point (either after opening the first gate or at some turn count). Promoted Alcryst is invaluable here for meeting stat thresholds to one shot the dragons. Overall the map punishes you hard for moving too slow and Louis can potentially be 1-shotted by the dragons unless you give him the early seraph robe (+hp) or have dedicated chain guards.


  11. On promotions/advanced class



    I played around last night on the ripped version to see if promoting to an advance class had any effect on experience gained. I tried in arena and then again on a skirmish map (silver corrupted) and didn't notice any differences. Anyone have any other experience? I think the game just tracks an internal level, but it doesn't change by being promoted maybe?


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