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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. According to their weekly ads, my local Target is getting the game on Wednesday. Three more days and I can finally play this game.
  2. Can anyone explain what is going on in this video? http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19222058 All the character models are now strategists but they use their original weapons. Like Valhart strategist using an axe.
  3. A quote from the wiki suggests that Exceli really is a woman. "After I'm done with you, Sayri, I could be the next princess." - Exceli
  4. Is there any major differences between the two Pegasus Knight promotions, Falcon Knight and Dark Peg? Other than the fact that they have different weapon setup.
  5. Jerome as a masked battle monk seems somewhat tempting after seeing his sprite in the scans.
  6. Now I want to see Noire X Chambray. Wonder how they would interact. Can you imagine a support of two people too shy to speak to one another?
  7. He was my favorite at first, too. In the beginning you got to see all the characters in battle, but somewhere in mid-game you see that it's the SAME TEAM for the rest of the game. After seeing the same party over and over again, you get bored of watching it. I shouldn't be complaining since it's his play style and his game and it's better than nothing. It's not all bad though; you get to see Lucina in action lots of time. This makes me wonder if she's becoming the most overused character in the game.
  8. Am I the only one who actually liked Radiant Dawn's voice acting? Sure some of the voices were bad (I'm looking at you Rolf), it was to hear some of the characters. Some of them sounded like I imagined them to, like Sephiran and Ranulf. Other than that, I expect at least a 6 for this game.
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