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Posts posted by Wyvern_Lord

  1. Well, the people I do want to hear in the game:

    Antony Del Rio (aka the voice of Pit)

    Jason Griffith (I don't care how people hated him as Sonic- CILAN PEOPLE. LISTEN TO CILAN.)

    Charles Martinet (We need Mario in the game)

    ...I dunno who else.

    Don't forget Charles was also Parthurnax in skyrim

    I don't care who does the voice acting to be quite honest, just as long they aren't terrible

  2. E.T. was rushed for the Christmas sales.

    This date doesn't interest me much because I'm in Australia. Even Europe laughs at us, and if it does come out, it'll be like $120 or something.

    Nahhh, the prices here have gotten better over the years $90

  3. in my book a good villain has to be-

    - Sadistic or horrible things. someone who gets under your nerves and makes you want to kill them (Ghirahim comes to mind)

    - pure evil, no redeeming features at all ( GIYGAS )

    - or they can be sympathetic and a human like (although someone too wimpy like sephiroth doesn't count)

    - they have to be powerful in someway

  4. You guys may think I am crazy in saying this, but I think this Paris guy may end up being Link the hero of time. I mean many factors could add up to this. The last time we saw him he had just defeated Majora's Mask and was heading back through Lost Woods back to Hyrule. He has already experienced both time travel, and traveling to a parallel world, Termina being one of Hyrule. I feel with the inclusion of the Other-World Gate can give the game a good reason for him being in Fire Emblem in the first place. Many may think that this would destroy the whole purpose for Link in the first place, that of being an avatar for the player's interpretation of his personality. However, the hero of time does actually speak and is given some character development in Twilight Princess as he and the hero's shade are one in the same. We know this because it comes from the Hyrule Historia, "Link is taught secrets by the ghost of the Hero of Time, who is his ancestor. After he was returned to the time of his childhood, he felt regret at leaving behind his role as the Hero." (リンクは、先祖である時の勇者の亡霊から奥 義を教わる。彼は子ども時代に戻って以降、勇者として名残せかったことを無念に感じていた)" (Hyrule Historia (Shogakukan), pg. 118). Paris may simply be an alias for Link as to not give away the fact that he is in the game, thus retaining the mystery of his inclusion. I know that many can probably see thereare some flaws in this theory such as the fact that Link can have a support with a Female My Unit, and can get married, thus maybe harming continuity in the Zelda series, but I really would not mind this. I would love to see the hero of time, or another incarnation of Link in Fire Emblem. Think about it, we have no real idea who this Paris guy is. I don't think it is going to be Ike because he will eventually become available via DLC or Spotpass later on. Why include a sixth character that can join in a extra Spotpass sidequest that is not seen in the main quest? It would have to be someone people may already know otherwise what would be the point of all the secrecy about this character? This is simply my two cents on the matter.

    P.S. Sorry for the bad gammer.I am not an English major for nothing!

    That would be the most freaking awesome thing ever

  5. The only correct answer is "We don't know." Unless you're fluent in Japanese, the fan-translated support conversations are only small glimpses into how well the cast will end up developed.

    true, but from the supports the characters seem good so far (besides the peg knights who are a bit bland)

  6. *gets flame shield ready*

    Tiamo is my current scrappy as she gets WAY too much love even though she's has just as much personality as Sumia (although that could change if i had more dialogue from them)

    And just because she has a crush on Krom does not mean she has to have a support with him.

    P.S i don't hate Tiamo, i just don't think she deserves that much sympathy and Sumia does not deserve that much hate

  7. <3 Titania, pretty much one of the few characters in Radiant dawn not to have an axed personality/ stats


    - great offensive

    - great defense

    - strong movement

    - Kinda hot wink.gif (i kinda have a thing for older women)

    -great female character (and especially good for Radiant dawns cardboard cast)


    - horse rider? (well there is a lot of levels that are made to weaken horses)

    rating- 10/10 a fantastic unit who pretty much destroys the opposition

  8. I'm not a fan of something so ridiculously impractical for battle. The class is even called "Bride", wtf. I mean, Liz's hoop skirt's bad enough but how the fuck does she move

    Bride class?!?! that's the stupidest sounding class ever, what is she going to do? marry the enemy?

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