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George Calibur

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About George Calibur

  • Birthday June 3

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  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    Video Games, Poetry, PUN-ishments, Music
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  1. Pardon me for being late! Hella thanks, but I've already done this run kekw
  2. Don't worry, I got the help by writing certain CodeBreaker codes to remove the extra movement. Hella appreciated, tho. P.S. - I made like 30 Randomized Runs, so I can tell ya what's in ahead. And yeah, it's easy with the right units and plans.
  3. Well... Here's the deal: I used the "+9 Movement" code to clear a chapter, but now... I CAN'T GET RID OF IT!!! I removed and deleted it, but it still works! (Playing on John GBA Lite Emulator, btw)
  4. Yeah, that make sense, cause it's GBA console Emulator lol But, I think I did it wrong... Or is it, cause I'm using the Self-Randomizer? SVID_20230724_085929_1.mp4
  5. I know when, but I don't know which buttons to press...
  6. We, all, ever heard And love the Mine Glitch, which happens in Blazing Sword And Sacred Stones. And some know how to soft reset on Console And PC Emulator... Here's the deal: I only use my phone as to play FE GBA Games And hacks on Android Emulator. (No, I don't own the console or a Good enough PC) My question is... Is it possible to soft reset and Control Enemies via Mine on Mobile Devices?
  7. (I know I already did one on that Meet & Great topic, but wanted to be sure everything's fine And I break any rules - my apologies, it's not intentional) So... Name's George and Honor to meet ya all! I'm Just a random college student from European, who like to play Video Games, creates jokes And poetry, listening to music And being a Crop Top Lover! (Wish to wear one day 🥺) Oh, and being around in Social Media. Been fan of FE for like a decade (?). I' ve completed the GBA Games, but also wish to play Awakening And Warriors And some GBA hacks. And I have done over 30 or 40 runs of the Self-Randomizer for Sacred Stones. (One for FE6 AND FE7, when?!) May the Light be with You And Take Care! 💗
  8. Oh, um... Hello there! Name's George and Honor to meet ya all! I'm Just random European guy, who love FE series And is being around the Internet for while... I've completed the GBA Games, but also wish to play Awakening And Warriors And some GBA hacks as well. I've been in the Site sometimes, but never made an account till Now. May the Light be with You And Take Care! 💗
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