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Akemi Nakajima

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Everything posted by Akemi Nakajima

  1. There aren't many bands like AC/DC who's music has aged as well as it has, whom are still making kick ass music today. Their 1980 album "Back In Black" is one of the biggest selling albums of all time, and for good reason. Nearly every single track on there is solid and always kicks ass everytime it plays. Although "You Shook Me All Night Long" has gotten incredibly played out though. The other 9 tracks are still absolute bangers though.
  2. I never watch any anime subtitled unless there isn't already an english dub available for it. And once there is an english dub, I never watch it subtitled again. And it is so annoying when you are looking for a clip of an anime on YouTube and when you find it, the damn thing is subtitled and not with the english voice acting. And the weebs who upload them don't even mention this either as if they want to force you to listen to it in a language you don't even speak. I can't stand people like this. I'm not japanese god dammit. Post the thing with the english voice acting or don't post it at all. Almost every single clip of Spy x Family on YouTube is subtitled too. And the excuses that these people like to make such as "the voice sounds bettur!" or "It's out of respect for the creator's work" are annoying, even if the characters aren't japanese, like the ones in Spy x Family which doesn't even take place in Japan, they always pull that shit. Plus they disregard the fact that the creators of these shows go out of their way to get the shows dubbed in the first place, and some of these creators even go as far as to say that their english dubs are far superior. And no, Spy x Family's japanese voice cast especially doesn't fit ANYONE in the show at all. How could anyone sit there and say the japanese voices in something like Spy x Family are more fitting when in the english dub, Loid and Yor are played by ACTUAL adults, and don't sound like fucking teenagers like they do in japanese? What are they smoking? Another good example is Robotech. In the english version, the character Max Sterling is played by the legendary Cam Clarke, and the voice suits the character perfectly, unlike the japanese voice which is too monotone and doesn't fit the character at all. But again, annoying weebs continue to make stupid excuses trying to justify this and just use the whole mindless "ENGLISH VOICE = BAD, JAPANESE VOICE = GOOD" mentality, no matter what. It's also annoying when weebs try to compare dubbing an anime in another language to dubbing a live action work in another language. Live action productions are completely different! Live action works feature real people on camera! Animated productions aren't like that! Some of these people even refuse to watch NON-japanese animated works in anything other than japanese, like that guy on "X" who constantly harasses various voice actors telling them to quit their jobs and let japanese voice actors take care of all their work for them. I don't want to say his name here because I don't want to draw attention to him, but there's a chance certain people here probably know who I am talking about since he has become quite infamous on there as of late.
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