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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Heres what I think that would make crossbows usable. Make them extremely powerful but at the cost of them being so heavy there impossible to double with.
  2. Knows NinjaMonkey thinks Arena abuse is for the strong.
  3. Isn't asking anyone to show there moves.
  4. http://www.p4rgaming.com/?p=933 What do you think of this? I saw this coming, Xbox dosen't have that many Icon characters besides Master Chief.
  5. I go with the hard copy. There's just something about being able to actual hold the game in my hand that's unexplainable.
  6. The chapter name seems a bit a random but everything else is good to hear, especially being able to download the game.
  7. I just spent 30 mins watching the anime " Boku No Pico". The ONLY reason I even watched it was because I wanted to see how bad it was. I.....I feel sick.
  8. ................................... I've said enough.
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