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Everything posted by Mihawk

  1. Bad unit, but not completely useless. You have to adapt your game around your king's position, but so is for your opponent, therefore it's a burden both players share. Because of the way chess works, the King is very worthless early game, may lose you the game mid-game, but becomes an important support during endgame. Managing the King wisely can save that one Pawn you're going to promote, or can block the enemy's pawns. His accurate placement on the board will allow otherwise impossible Checkmates. He can't do scrap by himself, but he is an invaluable support during endgame. All in all I give it a 4.5. Comes too late to be really useful but may help just in case.
  2. IIRC it displays the BEXP you get when you finish a chapter, and shows the amount you get from things such as "Allied Units EXP" or the houses you saved from the fire in that Part 3 Chapter.
  3. 10/10 Best piece in the game. When the Queen is deployed it shifts the focus of the game on herself. Ignore the Queen and the Queen will obliterate your defenses.
  4. Bishops are pretty much the worst attackers in the game. Anything they kill, they'll be killed back most times. The Bishop's strength is supporting other units. With their diagonal move they can provide support from afar, sneaking behind the enemy lines. Coupled with the Queen they can provide pretty fast checkmates. They are average, but they are average for the whole duration of the game. They never shine but they never completely suck either. 7
  5. I forgot about the vote last time. Knights are a reliable piece to deploy at the star of the game. They have the special ability to menace a piece without being menaced themselves, which is pretty nice. During mid-game they are awesome if you kept them safe as they are extremely good for forks (although skilled players will easily avoid cheap forks, and to "build" your own fork you need to be even more skilled). Again during endgame they'll feel veeeery slow and won't contribute much in your offense in most cases. All in all 6.5 / 10
  6. I want to learn a new talent, one that's make me able to entertain people or offer a useful service.
  7. Definitely F-Zero. The fact it was in Nintendo Land brings some hope. Anyway the controls in that mini-game are god-awful, I hope they don't screw up >_>
  8. Excellent for endgame but sucks a lot during early game. Can't help winning fast, but they're nice for support when there's more room on the board. Also they can checkmate pretty easily.
  9. 8/10 They start out great and allow your other units to work efficiently. Also you don't really want to be forked by a pawn. During mid-game they can't really do much and moving them feels like wasting a turn, but by end-game they become your most important piece if you use to play aggresively and make lots of exchanges. Promoting into a queen almost always means victory.
  10. I usually choose Eirika's because I hate the Ghost Ship in EPhraim's
  11. I got me a new portable, which is a flabbergasting improvement over my old 1999 computer and I plan to get a XBox controller to play on it (anything I have to be aware of?) Also got chocolate, which is always nice.
  12. Mihawk


    Hello, I've been lurking for a while on and off since I played Radiant Dawn, which was quite some time ago. Oh boy how I loved that game, played it on all difficulties and I found the learning curve to be perfect (I guess that's because it was my first FE, playing it again easy mode is really ridicolously easy). I was already in love with Advance Wars when I discovered the joys of Fie Emblem, so I forgive myself for missing out on FE for so long, anyway I managed to play FE8 (guess how?) and 11, and I'm playing FE12 right now. I mean to play either 9 or 7 next (which one would you suggest me playing next?). I'm Italian and stole one of your Draft ideas to get some FEllow fans to reignite their love for the game. Things I love are: Mia, Toradora, F-Zero GX, Smash and Mario Kart. See ya.
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